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This user's image description contains 19 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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I can almost feel the agony of the Bubonic Plague.
Love the beautiful appropriate music for that period.
Excellent shot selection per usual.
Thank you for sharing this; looks like a great game.
It goes back and forth between beautiful and grotesque haha
Thank you so much, gurley :)
But the looks on the faces of those kiddies is absolutely heartbreaking!
It's an absolutely gorgeous world they've created though. The artists for this game/series are superb
It's easy to get attached to Amicia and Hugo (the main characters.) Got to look after our little brother :)
Thank you, Frank!
On a more serious note, this is one of the games I've ruined for myself by watching the whole playthrough on youtube and in the end never played myself.
Great shots though!
I've definitely done that before with a few good ones. Thankfully I've seen very little of this game before playing it, it's been fun so far :)
Thank you!