Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Please help me

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Can someone help me please?

I've been (slowly!) grinding my way through the AC franchise with their Ubisoft Connect subscription (a bit
pricey but worth it IMO) and recently, this happened.

I was at exactly 50% synch and I was having a lot of fun doing all the
side-missions and getting all the chests etc... I was going for 100%
synch for the first time in the series, because this game is just THAT

But now my save is just borked for no reason, and in my save folder there are no backups or incremental saves, just one "mother
of all saves", one single point of failure.  And it failed.

Now ALL my progress is gone, and there is nothing in the Connect cloud that I could find.

Can someone please help?  The Ubi forums are useless, but the Nexus community is awesome.

If anyone can direct me to better online resources to fix this that would be great!

OR alternatively, if anyone has a save file they can send me with around
50% completion, I could just go to a Youtube let's play to catch up on
the missions I might end up missing. 

This is a disaster... And honestly I can't believe that in the 21st century, a game developer with
Ubi's resources wouldn't have the foresight to make
multiple/incremental save files...



  1. mushfiqb
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can help you!! Here is a save game 50% and it is probably where you exactly left off! i broke all of my spine bones sitting all day for this! hope this works! if it doesn't work then go to google and search "ac4 save game 100% file download" and download the fully completed save game
    1. Dahveed
      • premium
      • 158 kudos
      I appreciate it but this thread is VERY old, I've since completed the game 100 percent and I'm up to Odessey now.
