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This user's image description contains 7 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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Really nice pictures
I am tensed for the continuation.
I usually go for desaturated tones everywhere giving a bit more emphasis to cyan and light orange shades. Other times i recalibrate due to special occasions, like a beautiful sunset for example. The original game is very saturated for my liking and most reshade presets give emphasis to colors. But i found a proper(in my eyes) reshade preset in Nexus and with a couple changes of my own i reached something i like.
I see you did some research for Thebes' mythology and history.
The music is awesome and it certainly refers more to North African/Middle Eastern culture. Ancient Greek elements can be found in this music but i would not refer it as some sort of ancient Greek music. After all the civilizations of the wider Eastern Mediterranean region were always influencing each other in a perpetual way.
Ancient Greek wind instruments had sweeter sounds and sometimes giving emphasis in strict & imposing atmosphere unlike the ambient & mystical feeling we get with their eastern neighbors.
Well, it shows you how much I know about the localization of mid-east/Mediterranean music. Now I'll have to investigate Ancient Greek instruments to learn more. There's always one more trick this old dog would like to learn.
Thank you.
Love the main and the music .)