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About this mod

V 1.2: NEW CUSTOM FACE WARPAINT (See screenshot)
Custom Warpaint for the 3 Hunter Outfits Torso (version A & B + Legendary Artemis )
Each outfit version have 3 options: 2 different Warpaint on face or without Warpaint. (See Screenshots)

Permissions and credits
First of all: I want to adress a big thank you to Makacha & Hypermorphic for their precious help and tutorials. You rock guys :)

V 1.2: New custom face warpaint + code cleaning by Makacha (Thank again)


WARNING: Use only ONE face option (Face A or Face B or Without Face warpaint) at the same time for an outfit version !!!
If you want to change the face option, first uncheck the box mod option, close Forger Patch, then open it again and check the other option.
(see the installation part for details)

Mod Description:

Change the warpaint for the 3 Hunter Torso Outfits version (white version, brown version and Legendary Artemis) to a custom
warpaint. (Mix of the white and Artemis version with an eagle on the torso).

Each version (white, brown and Legendary Artemis) have two option with the warpaint on the face (A or B) or whithout.
Never use the 2 options for a same outfit version !!

If you want, you can use the "Nude Greece Mod" by Hypermorphic to delete the "ripped piece of cloth" under the torso belt of the Hunter outfit like in the screenshots:


Forger Patch by Hypermorphic:

If you didn't already use Forger Patch I suggest you to first read the user guide here:


1) If not already made, first install  Forger Patch Tool by Hypermorphic (see Requirement)
2) Extract the mod archive, then put the "Hunter_Outfit_Custom_Warpaint.forger2" AND the "tattoo" folder in the
    "ForgerPatches" folder in your game directory.
3) Launch Forger Patch. Normally you must see a new patch (underline in yellow) "Hunter Outfit Custom Eagle Warpaint"
If not, use the "Rescan" button.

4) You must see 9 boxes. There are 3 boxes for each outfit:
     One for FACE A, one fore FACE B  and one WHITHOUT the warpaint on face.

    Check the box corresponding to your desired option but REMEMBER TO USE ONLY ONE FACE OPTION FOR A
    So you must have a maximum of 3 boxes checked at the same time !!
one for each outfit version.

   You are not obligated to check a box for each outfit. Just leave the 3 boxes uncheck for an outfit if you want to keep
   its original warpaint.
  If you want to change the face option, first uncheck the box mod option, close Forger Patch, then open it again and check
  the other option.

5) Don't forget to close Forger Patch before launching the game.

1) Open Forger Patch and uncheck all the boxes of the mod

2) Delete both "Hunter_Outfit_Custom_Warpaint.forger2" AND the "tattoo" folder in your "ForgerPatches" folder.


- Obviously with any mod that modifiy the Hunter outfit  warpaint (Forger and Resorep)

- Semi incompatible with Player customization body (Version 2 with the Template body only, the version 1 for hair/mood is fine.
  If you have a template custom body or face the warpaint won't show up in this parts.


If your game won't start or crash try:

1) Uncheck all the mod boxes and try to relaunch the game.
2) Use the "Reset All Forges" button in Forger Patch.
3) Use the verify and repair fonction (steam or Uplay)

Tools used and thanks:

- Blacksmith by Pineapples721 and Theawesomecoder61

- Forger Patch by Hypermorphic

Mod used in screenshots and thanks:

- Nude Greece by Hypermorphic (To remove the "ripped piece of cloth" under the torso belt)

- Player Customizations by Hypermorphic

- Kassandra Enhanced Muscle Definition by Skylightglare and Ilikedetectives

- Choose Your Spear by Valas991

Thanks to all the modders who spend hours and hours to make wonderful mods and tools :)