File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

suspicious owl

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About this mod

This retexture was created with love for the Assassin's creed series and I want to share the mod with you

Permissions and credits
Edward Kenway replaces the usual outfit
Altair's black and gold outfit replaces Altair's usual outfit
Ezio's black and gold outfit replaces Ezio's usual outfit
Arno's black and gold outfit replaces Arno's usual outfit
The Black and gold Assassin outfit replaces the usual Assassin outfit
The black and gold outfit of the Templar Master replaces the white outfit of the Templar Master
Connor's Black and Gold Outfit replaces Connor's usual outfit

Installation Instructions
Installation Unpack DataPC_extra_chr.forge Using AnvilToolkit when unpacking, the Extracted folder will appear there will be a DataPC_extra_chr folder.forge to throw everything there with replacement, then repackage the DataPC_extra_chr folder using AnvilToolkit.forge it will take two minutes to launch the game and enjoy