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About this mod

Bringing new life to Rogue with Ultrawide fix, FPS unlocked, AND additional graphical improvements!

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What does this mod do? 

-Allows the use of Ultrawide monitors removing black bars
*Additionally this widescreen fix also includes FPS unlock, no more 60 fps lock! 

-Improves graphics with the following:

*Boost Antialiasing and Multisampling
*Improved environmental quality 
*Improved texture quality
*implemented Apexparticles, displaying much better particles throughout the game 

Installation in 2 Locations: 

1. Copy and paste Documents - Assassins's Creed Rogue - Replace 
2. steamapps - common - Assassins's Creed Rogue - Replace ACC application

*Important to note that with this graphical improvements the evironmental, texture, and Anti-aliasing with reflect in-game options as "undefined" 
It's important that you don't change these. If you do, you will need to copy and replace the file again.