- Refine results Found 16 results. 216 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Hell's Templar (Assassin Killer retexture)
Retextures AC Rogue's Assassin killer outfit
- 19.7MB
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Hell's Templar (Assassin Killer retexture)
Retextures AC Rogue's Assassin killer outfit
Stalkers as Hope's Hooded Apprentices
Replace vanilla female stalkers with Hope's stalking assassins
- 12.3MB
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Stalkers as Hope's Hooded Apprentices
Replace vanilla female stalkers with Hope's stalking assassins
Black Flag 2 (v2 all bugs fixed)
This mod changes the story of rouge and makes the next black flag and makes a new alt uni and as we saw in ac 4 mod of by bro he made what if edward was templar so this is sequal of that mod and now this mod changes the chataters and gives some swords and chataters from ac 4 and this mod and i aryan producer of mod
- 2.9GB
- 6
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Black Flag 2 (v2 all bugs fixed)
This mod changes the story of rouge and makes the next black flag and makes a new alt uni and as we saw in ac 4 mod of by bro he made what if edward was templar so this is sequal of that mod and now this mod changes the chataters and gives some swords and chataters from ac 4 and this mod and i aryan producer of mod
Assassin creed Black Flag 2 (V1) FIXED
this mod gives u new story with edward kenway his all outfit are in game and we support assassins and hunt templars and u also gets the swords from acr and aclib and blackflag and this MOD FIXED COMPRAING AC BLACK FLAG 2(ALPHA) MOD SO IT FIXED PLAY IT AND ENJOY WITH NEW GAMEPLAY CHATATERS AND NEW ADV
- 2.7GB
- 6
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Assassin creed Black Flag 2 (V1) FIXED
this mod gives u new story with edward kenway his all outfit are in game and we support assassins and hunt templars and u also gets the swords from acr and aclib and blackflag and this MOD FIXED COMPRAING AC BLACK FLAG 2(ALPHA) MOD SO IT FIXED PLAY IT AND ENJOY WITH NEW GAMEPLAY CHATATERS AND NEW ADV
All assassins have been replaced with Altair costume
In this mod, all assassins are replaced with an altair suit
- 1.1GB
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All assassins have been replaced with Altair costume
In this mod, all assassins are replaced with an altair suit
Assassins and Templars swapped places
Replacing Assassins with Templars
This mod changes the story of rogue it has edward and assassins things AtoB and makes the next black flag and makes a new alt uni and as we saw in ac 4 mod of by bro he made what if edward was templar so this is sequal of that mod and now this mod changes the chataters and gives some swords and chataters from ac 4 and this mod and i aryan producer
- 4.3GB
- 4
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This mod changes the story of rogue it has edward and assassins things AtoB and makes the next black flag and makes a new alt uni and as we saw in ac 4 mod of by bro he made what if edward was templar so this is sequal of that mod and now this mod changes the chataters and gives some swords and chataters from ac 4 and this mod and i aryan producer
Young Shay and Liam as Quartermaster
this mod replaces Christopher Gist with Liam and replaces Shays Assassin outfit with young shay
- 1.1GB
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Young Shay and Liam as Quartermaster
this mod replaces Christopher Gist with Liam and replaces Shays Assassin outfit with young shay
Mod replaces Achilles' face
Jacques Bernard de Molay from Ac unity
Jacques Bernard de Molay the grand master of ac unity in starting of game while playing as thomas once try guys he gives nice experience once try guys
- 13.6MB
- 1
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Jacques Bernard de Molay from Ac unity
Jacques Bernard de Molay the grand master of ac unity in starting of game while playing as thomas once try guys he gives nice experience once try guys
Haytham's Story means this mod changes the game u play as Haytham and experience him and his story and this mod story connects previous mods called Black flag 1 Black flag 2 Arthur kenway part 1and u can even see some chataters from return from other games and updated combat and creator has even has bit fast load and sword are from Ac4
- 3.4GB
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Haytham's Story means this mod changes the game u play as Haytham and experience him and his story and this mod story connects previous mods called Black flag 1 Black flag 2 Arthur kenway part 1and u can even see some chataters from return from other games and updated combat and creator has even has bit fast load and sword are from Ac4
It's a good outfit converted from ac 4 it suits shay Cormac
Temporary outfit wounded shay over versellies outfit
This mod gives the beard to shay cormac in every outfit
A costume Hidden blade
10th century Umayyad Caliphate colors
Changes the 11th century templar armor color and symbol to the color and symbol of the 10th century Umayyad color and symbol
- 1.8MB
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10th century Umayyad Caliphate colors
Changes the 11th century templar armor color and symbol to the color and symbol of the 10th century Umayyad color and symbol