Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Settling In

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  1. Culuf
    • premium
    • 183 kudos
    As utility bills keep rising BY THE RIDICULOUS HUNDREDS and my monthly left-over shrinks more and more (getting pretty sick of ramen noodles), October is certainly the month I'll have to land a second job. I've been looking, but too many places don't like to compromise with availability or competition policies. I'll have to double or triple effort in finding another. Unfortunately, this means I won't have the free time I used to for these sets I love so much.

    I'm not giving up on AC V stories! Just be aware this is the reason I can't post frequently anymore :)
  2. Karna5
    • premium
    • 294 kudos
    Your photography is just so amazing, dear friend. Wowee!

    *reads caption below* Oh, I'm so sorry :( And the state where you live is just so expensive, too :( I hope so much things work out for you :(

    On a side note, I just caught your comment on the other thread, and I remember why I stopped playing legion. I don't have it on Steam. It's on the Ubisoft launcher for me (like Far Cry 6, Valhalla, etc.), and I keep forgetting to check Ubisoft launcher when deciding what to play *laughs*

    I really hope things turn around for you. On related note, normal spaghetti and white rice aren't really more expensive than Ramen noodles. Sadly eggs and cheese are more expensive than when I was in my 20s, but I used to love egg drop soup made from Ramen Noodles or Buttered Noodles or Buttered Rice with cheese :) I hope you manage to get something beyond ramen. The thought of Ramen several times a day brings back memories and stomach ache, haha.
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Sorry I'm late to reply! I haven't had a full day off from both jobs until tomorrow. Ubisoft Connect has been a huge pain in the butt for me. I don't much like playing games without mods :p So in Online mode, it polices mods and removes some from WDL (but not ACV). Ironic for a game about technology being too controlling. I have to keep Ubisoft in offline, but that gives other problems like not detecting the game.

      Lately I've been cooking up spaghetti, lasagna, burgers, fries, tacos, rolls, tortellini, pizzas etc.
      It's nice to eat again but fast food is still too expensive when everything they sell is easy to make :D
    2. Karna5
      • premium
      • 294 kudos
      *Nods* If you ever think of treating yourself to fast food, it's better to treat yourself to a diner instead. A greasy spoon diner is always going to give more and better food for less money than a fast food restaurant. This said, it's also not possible to save up money and get on your feet if you eat out. I'm so happy to hear you've been cooking delicious feasts for yourself!

      Also, I don't know if you ever tried Wemod, but Ubisoft makes a few games that are simply too hard to play vanilla, but some of those I use Wemod to at least give me an edge up on certain things (sometimes even god mode if needed) so I can just play the game. I miss the days where Assassin's creed could be played straight without help :)
    3. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Late again and have to go to work right after this D:
      I do use WeMod. I've even complained on their forums about some mods being outdated.
      Which is more the fault of game companies constantly forcing updates >_<
  3. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    It's such a beautiful game and your shots are wonderful.

    We lived on Staten Island for several years. So darned expensive. More than half of my salary went to taxes. Well, there are are other wonderful, less expensive states to live. But, I know how it is with family and friends there, it's hard to move.
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Thanks :) Sorry for the late reply. I'd really like to know the least expensive state to live. Spare money without two jobs would be amazing. If only I didn't have this wonderful house that costs way too much every month ):<
  4. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    So sorry to hear that Culuf, I wish you all the best in landing a second job (it is ridiculous just to survive these days) but you post when you can/want, your many FAITHFUL followers will always be here to enjoy your wonderful posts
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      Oh I already have it. That's why I took so long to reply. No days off for a ridiculous amount of time D: I'm glad I have faithful followers here :)
  5. etholas
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    The fact that you have to work this hard just to survive is ridiculous to say the least. However, your sense of humour seems intact at least, which is always necessary for keeping your spirits up. Now who was it that used to say that she was sworn to carry your burdens?
    1. Culuf
      • premium
      • 183 kudos
      I agree with both sentences! Lydia has always been my #1 favorite, though admittedly obnoxious at times ;)