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Assassin's Creed Valhalla is the 12th main instalment action role-playing video game developed by Ubisoft. Set in 873 AD, the game recounts an alternative history of the Viking invasion of Britain. The player controls Eivor, a Viking raider who becomes embroiled in the conflict between the Brotherhood of Assassins and the Templar Order. Assassins’s Creed Valhalla release date is November 10th, 2020, for Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series X Gameplay, PS5, PS5 Gameplay, Playstation 5, Playstation 5 Gameplay and Google Stadia. In 873 AD, war and overcrowding in Norway prompts Eivor and their brother Sigurd to lead their clan of Vikings to settle new lands in Anglo-Saxon England, as part of the Viking expansion across Europe. The clan comes into conflict with the kingdoms of Wessex, Northumbria, East Anglia, and Mercia over the next several years, as well as the warring sons of the legendary Viking warrior Ragnar Lothbrok, who made up the Great Heathen Army. Eivor's clan will face forces led by the leaders of these kingdoms, including Alfred the Great, the king of Wessex. It is during this time that Eivor meets the Hidden Ones and joins their fight against the Order of the Ancients. Explorable cities include Winchester, London, and York. Parts of Norway will also be included.