Fallout 4 1.3 Steam Beta Update Live

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Bethesda has just released the Fallout 4 1.3 Steam Beta Update on Steam. New features include new graphical effects, new settlement menus and more. It also contains a fairly long list of fixes and optimizations as well. Excellent!

Remember, you have to opt-in to receive this beta update. 

More info can be found in the patch notes on the Steam Fallout 4 news page:


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  1. Thandal
    • Moderator
    • 184 kudos
    As the patch is out-of-beta and officially released, we're closing this topic.
  2. LisuPoland
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sadly, I had to go back to 1.2. because the 1.3. beta patch made my game autocrash everytime I was going to/fast traveling to the central areas of Boston. I checked my mods and everything - same thing. Only after I went back to 1.2 game was not crashing anymore.

    Anyone had the same issue?
    1. Valkirth
      • supporter
      • 22 kudos
      well i have a heavily modded game on the 1.3 beta and have had 0 issues,0 crashing.
    2. collector5000
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Mine crashes when trying to trade with a settler.
    3. arroya
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      how did you revert back? mine is doing the same ive run 220 mods at the same time not a single crash or graphical bug or anything. I installed 1.3 which has good intentions but im auto crashing after fast travel. and sometimes after doing certain quest. This is my second play through and its never happened before until 1.3
  3. arroya
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    running about 200 mods before the beta ive never had a ctd even if something was installed the wrong way. Now without a doubt i crash every 20 mins roughly. Im thinking the beta is conflicting with something perhaps. anyone else experiencing more frequent ctd
  4. ilobiti
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I have a really weird result with the beta 1.3.
    Disabled structures suddenly appeared again.
    I deleted the ruins of a house, build my own structure on top and after using the patch 1.3 suddenly both (the old and the new) house are standing in each other.

    Can anyone confirm the bug ?
    1. trepmaws
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Were the ruins one of the crumbled Sanctuary houses that give you resources, or did you use the disable/MarkforDelete command?

      If you did the later, perhaps the new patch restored all objects that have a reference ID that were disabled or marked-for-deletion and overwrote any changes to the actual save file.
  5. bladexdsl
    • account closed
    • 4 kudos
    so because of the perk system it's not an rpg....
    1. Ionut_DDT
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      not because of the perk system, but they stripped away any skills check, karma system and your decision doesn't matter.
    2. hyperkenji
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Your decisions do matter in many of the quests
      The new system is better than "karma", because the story revolves a lot around moral ambiguity rather than simply "good" and "evil".
      The new system let's you plan your build from the start better.
    3. ThaneOfEaston
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      there isnt a real difference in combat builds besides being a melee character or a gun character, you just get to choose what weapon does the most damage with the early/basic perks
  6. ArizonaWillie
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    What do they mean by " long load times ".

    Are they referring to STARTING the game?

    or are they talking about the ungodly waiting for the next location to load after your walk through a door or change location?
    1. dalec
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      It takes forever each time,, I have settings lower to try to speed up loading. Crazy!! I can go have a piss then come back entering Diamond City
  7. bladexdsl
    • account closed
    • 4 kudos
    why don't they fix stuff that actually needs fixing like
    • the settlers on the roof
    • settlers not able to walk up a tiny little ledge
    • settlers falling through the floors
    • settlers not going to their damn stores (not just the weapon store)
    • Looping thank god you were here text after an attack and not being able to use shops
    • Missile launchers killing provisioners and than having the town they came from pissed at you forcing a reload of old save...
    1. Ianana
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Settlers not assigning to tasks. This makes me crazy. They say "Got it" and then the item still says needs a person. Arghhhhh.
    2. dalec
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      Settlers not doing a lot of things you want/order them to do and those Brahmin pack mules stuck in a house or on a roof.
  8. Ethreon
    • premium
    • 657 kudos

    In response to post #33332225. #33343595, #33345565, #33399980, #33405770, #33411000 are all replies on the same post.


    Teo265 wrote: The changelog is indeed quite impressive. I'll hold out of the beta patch but will certainly enjoy the changes once the stable patch rolls out.

    RaffTheSweetling wrote: Same with me. Seems like some great changes, but nothing major, and no fix for the invisible weapon bug makes it hardly worth-while for me at all. Will wait for the Official patch.

    Lyrael07 wrote: The invisible weapon bug is indeed quite annoying...

    Jessymut wrote: Entering VATS fixes the invisible weapon for me.

    MindfulDroid wrote: what specs do you have, for the weapon bug?

    I got low specs and I thought that was the reason, as in it just taking time to load the weapons...

    Arkngt wrote: It seems to be connected to the framerate somehow. First, I don't have the issue at all if using the iFPSClamp=61 (or 60 or 59) tweak, but I get other issues with it so that's no solution. Also, I get it much more often outdoors with lower framerates than indoors where I have higher framerates. But it's not just that it takes a little bit longer - it can take 20-30 seconds, the weapon is invisible and can't be used.

    I switch to a scoped weapon and that fixes the invisible weapon issue for me. Well not a fix a workaround. Then I go back to my weapon of choice.

    Another fix is to press Q (vats) for a few seconds then cancel it.
    1. dabigpit
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      I fix it switching to 3rd person and back to 1st...
  9. zivjax
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    is there a final fix/workaround for fast travel (without a suit of PA)?
  10. Teo265
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    The changelog is indeed quite impressive. I'll hold out of the beta patch but will certainly enjoy the changes once the stable patch rolls out.
    1. RaffTheSweetling
      • supporter
      • 87 kudos
      Same with me. Seems like some great changes, but nothing major, and no fix for the invisible weapon bug makes it hardly worth-while for me at all. Will wait for the Official patch.
    2. Lyrael07
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      The invisible weapon bug is indeed quite annoying...
    3. Jessymut
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Entering VATS fixes the invisible weapon for me.
    4. MindfulDroid
      • premium
      • 85 kudos
      what specs do you have, for the weapon bug?

      I got low specs and I thought that was the reason, as in it just taking time to load the weapons...
    5. Arkngt
      • member
      • 51 kudos
      It seems to be connected to the framerate somehow. First, I don't have the issue at all if using the iFPSClamp=61 (or 60 or 59) tweak, but I get other issues with it so that's no solution. Also, I get it much more often outdoors with lower framerates than indoors where I have higher framerates. But it's not just that it takes a little bit longer - it can take 20-30 seconds, the weapon is invisible and can't be used.
    6. Ianana
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      I switch to a scoped weapon and that fixes the invisible weapon issue for me. Well not a fix a workaround. Then I go back to my weapon of choice.