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About this mod

Icewind Dale EE user interface for Baldur's Gate EE and Baldur's Gate 2 EE.

Permissions and credits

1) Overview:
This mod completely replaces Baldur's Gate 1 Enhanced Edition & Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition's default user interface with the one from Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition.
The mod comes with two components:
- core: an almost identical reproduction of the user interface from IWDEE is installed for BG1EE, SOD, BG2EE or EET. However, because of some differences between the games, a few minor things have been altered/removed/added.
- extra: additional changes and tweaks for the core component of this mod made by it's author, in suit with his personal preferences. For example: further tweaked the game's text, overhauled side bar buttons, in-game's clock replacement, tooltip replacement, etc.

2) Requirements:
- BG1EE,SOD,BG2EE,EET - v2.6.6.0

3) Installation:
- download the provided zip file, and copy the contents into your game's base folder. Run the setup-IWDEE-UI-BGEE.exe, and your good to go.

4) Compatibility with other mods:
- as a user interface mod, it should be installed as early possible, before any other mods.
- this mod is not compatibile with other user interface mods like: Lefreut's Enhanced UIs, Dragonspear UI+, Infinity UI++ or any other mods which change the same things as this one.
- mods which alter the UI.MENU file afterwards might not always be compatible.
- other mods like portraits, quest, rule modifications mods are(or should be) compatible.

5) Tools used to make this mod.
- Near Infinity v2.4-20240914
- v5.0.13
- Notepad++ v8.7
- WeiDU version 249

6) Credits and special thanks:
- Argent77 (and the team behind Near Infinity - without it this mod would not have been possible).
- Lefreut - from which I took inspiration, reverse engineered and used the code for the journal.
- Bioware & Beamdog - BG2EE & IWDEE's developers.

7) Release history:

02.11.24 - v09 - initial BETA release.

02.11.24 - v09a - updated 'POPUP_REQUESTER' menu.

03.11.24 - v09b - updated 'CHARACTER_SCRIPT' menu, various new tweaks for the extra component.

04.11.24 - v09c - updated "SPELL_DESCRIPTION" menu to show proper text for erase button.

05.11.24 - v09d - update to support BG1EE,SOD,BG2EE,EET

06.11.24 - v09e - changed the name of the mod to IWDEE-UI-BGEE, various fixes and updates.

08.11.24 - v09f - updated 'CHARGEN_HIGH_LEVEL_ABILITIES' menu.

11.11.24 - v1.0 - mod is out of beta, various changes for the extra component.

12.11.24 - v1.1 - remade mage book and priest scroll menus.

18.11.24 - v1.2 - minor tweaks for the extra component.

20.11.24 - v1.3 - updated "WORLD_DEATH" menu.

11.12.24 - v1.4 - minor tweaks for the extra component.

18.12.24 - v1.5 - minor font changes for the extra component.