Baldur's Gate 3
Dream Guardian Armor - WIP

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  1. Kikyo99
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    you are firing these out like bullets from an automatic gun lol!

    Keep it up, they're all amazing <3
    1. Crosscrusade
      • premium
      • 352 kudos
      If i'm not churning it out like machine gun i'll be buried in commission lol
    2. Kikyo99
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      lol yeah i bet! You have a great talent for it and people want to milk it lol

      dont overdo it though and take regular breaks.

      *sigh* i just wait for the day until someone makes Midnas clothes from Zelda: Twilight princess but i know this day will never come TvT
      It just looks so amazing. But sadly, the Zelda franchise isnt too famous to be brought into other games outside nintendo platforms. Imagine if someone also made her body tattoos and hairstyle! Absolutely stunning. The talent from people is there but i wouldnt even know how to commission stuff like this... i cant even donate for stuff like that cuz i am broke af TvT
  2. QueenAwesomeUniverseRuler
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    So excited!!! You spoil us. <3