Yellow as a Toad

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Great pictures. I guess that's your character with the long flowing curls -- lovely.

    Me wonders how yellow is a toad? Also a question for the ages: how does a brain squirm like a toad? As in, "His brain was squirmin' like a toad." -- Riders on the Storm, the Doors.
    1. skirymmods
      • premium
      • 130 kudos
    2. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 815 kudos
      Thanks! You know... I can't recall what a toad looks like. They're just one of those animals we compare things to, for whatever reason. Quiet as a mouse, stubborn as a mule. How stubborn is a mule? I doubt we have a definite answer lol.
  2. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    As long as she's not zapping flies with her tongue it's all good. Nice shots.
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 815 kudos
      All is normal in the tongue department. Thank you
  3. MizzMalefick
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    .....'And twice as-' gets stabbed
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 815 kudos
  4. l3ooga
    • supporter
    • 18 kudos
    Lae'zel's so cute & these images are amazing... Love them! BG's not the type of game I'm normally drawn to, however your images are starting to persuade me to take a closer look... (>▽<)
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 815 kudos
      She really is! I can't get enough of her
      Give it a shot. If you like fantasy RPGs with a lot of freedom, replayability, and compelling story-telling, then you'll enjoy it. I think the only aspects of the game that could keep new players out are the turn-based combat and the length of the game.
  5. blu377
    • supporter
    • 195 kudos
    Damn marvellous shots with gorgeous lighting Vermi, I think you have surpassed yourself with this set my friend
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 815 kudos
      Thank you for the encouraging words, mate!
  6. StupidTesNerd
    • premium
    • 23 kudos
    Bae’zel looking absolutely amazinggggg. Awesome shots!
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 815 kudos
      Thank you. Bae always looks amazing!
  7. nina9089
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    This is amazing! ^.^Well done
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 815 kudos