Two Sides

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Laasak(Meaning: Peacock) or rather 'Scuttlebug' had two different versions and I am so in love with both because they are both equally pretty in there own way and I'm torn on which version I like more...


  1. Risibisi
    • premium
    • 306 kudos
    I like the left one- Laasak because of the colours and the name :D
    1. BroodyElf22
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      Yeah, it is really pretty, I forgot to add the full body shot of them both >_<
  2. HyenaKing
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Both are quite good. The left is more bold, befitting a character who is more flamboyant and in the open. Like, say a brash fighter or a preening bard who wants all eyes upon them. While the right is more subtle, good for a more humble character. A paladin or cleric who fulfills their duty not for glory but because it is what they do. Or perhaps, a sly rogue who would prefer to pass unnoticed through a crowd while they deftly pocket a coin purse or prepares to strike from the shadows.

    Also, I am curious about which eye colours are those? Are those modded? Or are they part of the vanilla eye sets?
    1. BroodyElf22
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      This is a very good break down for the colors I love it, thank you!

      Laasak is an artificer, who made a little bug robot as his first invention, thus the name that stuck, but he is a very terrible party face with 8 in charisma because he's a robot guy not really a people guy, though he is a brass dragonborn. The only thing about the pic on the right is that it doesn't show that his scales are a gradient of red, blue, green, and orange below his neck. It's scale color White 11.

      Also, the eyes are from the Eyes of the Beholder mod, specifically the optional file, Extra Eyes, that adds a bunch of new brighter colors! I am also using their cat eye option for my Dragonborn.