Raediira---Protector of Glasya

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  1. DarkViper680
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    It's an interesting look. Looks like a medium armor top but a light drapey skirt on the bottom. Is that a mod? Which one is it? I haven't seen either of those pieces in Modular Equipment or Basket Full of Equipment. 
    1. phasebun
      • BANNED
      • 70 kudos
      Thank yooou!! It’s actually a combination of items from the Basket Full of Equipment and “Sharess’s Embrace Nightsong” for the “skirt” haha the gloves comes with shoulder pads, and the “medium armor” is actually something that goes in the cloak space. The gloves and the chest piece are located in the “Basket Full of Equipment”. 
    2. DarkViper680
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Ohhh I like it!

      But after trying that out on my own character (I already had the Sharess's Embrace Nightsong mod downloaded but not active in my load order so that was easy enough to get going) and using Transmog to have it be statless and then using the armor you mentioned and are using in your screenshots, I just wish the "shirt" was a liiiiiittle further out and/or down. The nipple clipping and being exposed ever so slightly is a bit bothersome but I still prefer it over what I had before haha! Thanks for this! (:
    3. phasebun
      • BANNED
      • 70 kudos
      I wish that too!! haha still messing around to make it more of a harness? look, so I switched it around for her every day battles~ but having it just a bit lower would make the battle look I imagined for her perfect  lol 

      And ofc !! ♡♡♡