Baldur's Gate 3
Male Elf and Drow Replacement Heads Work Around

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For the Male Elf and Drow Replacement Heads by Dalishious I actually prefer the original head 1 (Head B) and it also conflicts with anyone using Younger Elf Male Preset 1 by lizardaggerx.

So I did a little tweek. For myself, I renamed all the B files that came with the mod to F to override head 5 instead. I made this image to hopefully help others perform this same workaround. (Not sure when or if Dalishious will approve this image so posting here to help others.) It also helps clarify which head goes with each file so people can pick and choose.

Example: Say you like the original head 2 and the replacement head 2 as well. To keep both you would need to rename the head C files which come with Dalishious mod to D, E, B or F.

I hope this makes sense.