Ancient Oath

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  1. ChrisKley
    • supporter
    • 132 kudos
    Interesting idea with the Oath subclass. As you may can tell from my Skyrim images I mostly play as the knight in shining armor, but sometimes this also means making grey choices just like chaotic good does. 

    What kind of character will he be? Could a targeted assassination be an option for him instead of the honorable direct fight?
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 902 kudos
      Thanks Chris! The Oath sub-class, just to be clear, is from 5e, not my own RP - although, of course, I will interpret it as needed for my character. For me this is a neutral-good type of paladin as the description of it says "This oath emphasizes the principles of good above any concerns of law or chaos".

      So one does not have to be lawful or chaotic but simply focused on good and nurturing joy and and nature. It's about the simple things in life - simply joys and kindness, enjoying what nature offers. I don't see him taking a job for murder at all but I also don't see him being worried about being overly rigid with combat honor. Combat is about who wins; a dead hero can't help anyone.

      One of my issues with paladins in general is the honorable combat issue - fighting isn't a game, you only fight if you have to and if you have to then you fight to win, its the only way that makes sense. You don't give your enemy any advantages. But you are not cruel either and understand justice and mercy.  My other issue with them is how many are fanatical, putting law above all else, and are often sanctimonious and holier-than-though attitude. Not a fan of them in general clearly :P I prefer the CG Rangers and Rogues.

      Whether BG3 will allow me to play my way w/out becoming an oath breaker (the game will make you an oath breaker if you break your oath) I will have to see. It's more structured, of course, in a computer game then pen and paper with a human DM, or writing a story.

      The Ancient Oath, however, isn't as strict as the Oath of Devotion, which is the more classic Knight-Paladin oath. You never lie, always keep your word, fight honorably, all that stuff. I normally play characters as chaotic or neutral good as for me the important thing is protecting others and doing good,. Giving enemies the chance to manipulate or weaken you by taking advantage of some "honor code" seems foolish to me.
    2. ChrisKley
      • supporter
      • 132 kudos
      Thanks for explaining! It is a very interesting topic to explore for every character: where to draw the line. Lies is a good example. Nobody likes liars, but should one be honest with criminals? Can true good emerge from lies?
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 902 kudos
      I think that tends to be a bit case by case. Also depends on the person. There is something to be said for honor and being known for keeping one's word, even with criminals. I think it is important to be honorable I just think certain types take it too far, like traditional paladin types. When one's honor allows you to be easily manipulated and innocents to be hurt or unprotected, then it becomes a problem. A lot depends on who you are dealing with as well. Two warring sides, where both feel they are right ... well honoring agreements is important. When one is fighting demons and devils from hell not so sure sticking to ones honor is as important.

      It's complicated and gray but my issue has always been more about how rigid many holy warriors like paladins are, or at least depicted, and how they often mistreat those they are sworn to protect. The snotty aristocratic paladin and knight who swear to protect the innocent peasants and commoners ... as long as said people don't touch them and get them dirty with their grubby hands.

      It's also about the extremes when it often comes to them. Sometimes a lie could save many lives so having an absolute, nope can't lie under any circumstances, attitude is a problem. Some Paladins are more worried about their own personal honor then helping others.

      Of course not all Paladins are like this, many are actually good sorts with some understanding about being flexible. I just find them a bit much myself so haven't cared for them. As I said I prefer the more chaotic good ranger type.
  2. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 181 kudos
    Hammering the enemies into ruptured pancakes.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 902 kudos
      That's the plan!
  3. Marthos
    • supporter
    • 75 kudos
    Hmmm, Oaths... Pffft !

    I made an oath bofore Xmas, that wasn't going to buy any more guitars. I erm, bought three today, I only went to pick up a couple of sets of strings.

    Great shots Jon
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 902 kudos
      Thanks and ah well, at least less consequences to breaking that sort of oath and I am sure you made the seller happy :)
  4. cormell
    • premium
    • 346 kudos
    Keth could probably stop a bad guy from doing whatever bad thing he was doing, by just staring at him.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 902 kudos
      Thanks Laird, he does have that look, and a really powerful build to back it up.
  5. etholas
    • supporter
    • 57 kudos
    Very nice indeed.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 902 kudos
      Thank you Etholas!
  6. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 398 kudos
    Great looking character, Jon, ultra-realistic. I love it.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 902 kudos
      Thank you Gurleygirl, appreciate it and hope things are going well for you this time of year!
    2. gurleygirl
      • premium
      • 398 kudos
      Yep, we had the kids over for Christmas and had a very nice get-together.
      I slow cooked a beef tenderloin and there was a ton of other goodies; so needless to say we pigged out. hahaa
      Doing a bathroom remodel this week so we are staying busy.
      Happy Holidays!!

    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 902 kudos
      Sounds to me like you have been very busy over the holidays! I really need to redo my bathroom, and a few other rooms as well. Hope it goes well for you.
  7. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,150 kudos
    Keth and game are looking fantastic Jonathan :))
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 902 kudos
      Many thanks Izzy, it was time for something old (replay BG3) and new (new character and setup). Cheers!