Baldur's Gate 3
Half Dragon Durge

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  1. phasebun
    • member
    • 48 kudos
    Goddess omfg (  ˶ ♡⩊♡ ˵ ) did you use "unique tav" for her bodyscales?? you did amazing with the color/brightness and I'm so worried about using it across multiple charas/ fdnajidsgfsg
    1. Moonmaiden37
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      You get body scales as a half dragon. It's part pf the mod.
    2. LadyBlackhawk
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Like Moonmaiden37 said, it's part of the half-dragon mod that you get scales. I want to figure out how to use unique_tav to give her longer nails. I know there's a mod for it. 

      That being said, her horns came from a different mod.
    3. phasebun
      • member
      • 48 kudos
      Thank you both so so much! Time to mess with my brain with both of those options even more LOL 
    4. LadyBlackhawk
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      I am looking forward to seeing what you create. You always make such interesting characters.