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About this mod

Mod is based on the existing one https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/5018?tab=description
That's my reworked version since in comments are people who would like to see this class more balanced.
Tbh I had no time to test it, class gameplay wasn't changed much. Changes are most related to effects, animations, balance and progress.

Permissions and credits

Level 3

  • Anatomist : You gain Advantage on attack rolls when your target is Bleeding or Severe Injury or Gaping Wounded and gain Expertise with Medicine.
    (Severe Bleeding renamed to Severe Injury to reflect that this effect can be applied for an enemy with bleed immunity, also creates a blood surface for enemies who supposed to have a blood)
  • First Blood : Upon landing a successful attack on a full-health enemy, the Bloodletter splatters blood, creating a blood surface at the point of impact. 
    Once per turn your attack deal additional necrotic damage depends on your level and proficiency Bonus  plus Wisdom Modifier when attacking a full-health enemy, targeting their vulnerable wounds. 
  • Blood Tracer Aura : Marks any foes that come into contact with blood puddles, potentially revealing the presence of invisible foes. You gain Advantage on attack rolls. Kept as is.

Class Action
  • Crimson Blink : Traverses to any available blood surface. This movement can be executed only when no enemies are within 1.5m. Now costs 1 bonus action
  • Bloodletting : With a successful Medicine check on a SourceSpellDC+2, the Bloodletting skill deliberately draws blood, offering dual effects based on the target: if an enemy, it inflicts Bleeding and Severe Bleeding Injury* and creates a blood surface if possible; if an ally, it purges the target from disease, poison, paralysis, and blindness and heals 2d6 depends on character level (D4Cantrip). Requires 1 Blood Essence. To make sense what it means all effects are the similar to Lesser Restoration skill. (Now this skill can be avoided by your enemy with successful Constitution Saving throw)
    *Severe Bleeding Injury: Takes 4 slashing force damage at the start of each turn and prevents healing. Disadvantage on constitution saving throw.

Level 4
  • Harvest Blood : Harvest blood from the surface, restoring hit points equal to your ProficiencyBonus whenever you step onto a blood surface. Unconscious, Threatened, Incapacitated  and  Restrained  states now prevent the character from healing in sake of balance.

Class Action

  • Sanguinary Projection : Throws a blood jar onto a surface, forming a blood surface. Creatures within this space become Bloody Drenched*. Now costs 1 bonus action and 1blood essence.
    *Bloody Drenched : (bloody) Wet + vulnerable to Necrotic damage. Disadvantage on constitution saving throw.

Level 5
Class Action
  • Exsanguinating Strike : Following a sneak attack, you seamlessly transition into a melee strike. With successful Medicine check and if enemy fails Constitution saving throw potentially causing Bleeding and Severe Bleeding Injury and deals additional necrotic damage (Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier) as a free action.

  • (There is a version with extra sneak attack for 12 lvl rogues if needed)

Level 6
Class Action
  • Autopsy Undead :  With a successful Medicine check on a SourceSpellDC +2 and unsuccessful enemy's saving throw, you dissect the bodies of the target humanoid or undead, uncover hidden vulnerabilities and deals additional force damage scales with sneak attack as Psychic, Radiant, or Thunder damage. This is considered a sneak attack. Requires 1 Blood Essence.
  • Skill variants : 
  • Optics Dissection : Blind for 2 turns. Radiant & Dexterity saving throw. 
  • Vocalis Dissection : Silence for 2 turns. Thunder & Constitution saving throw.
  • Cerebrum Dissection : Stun for 2 1 turns. Psychic & Intelligence saving throw.

Level 7
Class Action 
  • Bloodbane Corruption : Corrupts nearby blood puddles, deals 8d6 level dependent (D6Cantrip) + Wisdom Modifier Necrotic damage on any foes standing around. Enemies are standing on blood surfaces get additional level dependent (D6Cantrip) + Wisdom Modifier Necrotic damage. Targets with the Bleeding, Severe Bleeding Injury, Gaping Wounded  status or standing on Blood surfaces possibly get Corrupted Blood* status. Cost changed to 2 blood essences and 1 bonus action.
    *Corrupted Blood : Disadvantage on attack rolls  and ability checks and take 1d6 level dependent (D6Cantrip) + Wisdom poison damage each turn.

Level 8
  • Surgical Precision : deal an additional (2d6 + WisdomModifier) Necrotic damage when attacking a foe with advantage by Blood Tracer Aura, Anatomist effects. Upon landing a critical attack on foe,he must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or the Bloodletter splatters his blood, creates a blood surface at the point of impact and makes nearby enemies within 3 meters Bloody Drenched. It doesn't work against creatures which are immune to bleeding. (Effect is similar to blood grenade)
Class Action 
  • Hemorrhage Ritual : Sacrifice half of your current hit points and enter Blood Tribute* status. Sacrifice half of your current hit points, spread your blood around and make enemies Bloody Drenched. For 1 turn you receive extra action point and Blood Tribute status which allows you to regain Blood Dice points whenever you kill an enemy and create a blood surface under your victim
    *Blood Tribute : Gain an extra action for each turn. When landing a killing blow, regain 1 blood essence, and heals you 3d6+20. Now effect lasts 1 turn.

Level 9
Class Action   
  • Death Pronouncement : Declares the impending demise of a wounded target with less than 25% 50% health. Deals 10d6 + 50 1d100 * Wisdom modifier psychic force damage. On a successful Saving Throw, target still take half damage. Requires 1 2 Blood Essence. Once per long rest. Cast distance is reduced to 6 meters.

Blood Essence (class action resource)
  • Level 3 : 3 max
  • Level 5 : 4 max
  • Level 7 : 5 max
  • Level 9 : 6 max
  • Level 11 : 7 max
Restored : Short rest

PS: Now contains Russian translation.
PSS: These changes may effect original gameplay and might be not so balanced as supposed because used along with other mods as 5e spells, sneak and cunning attack mod, armor overhaulmobility overhaulweapon overhaulshields overhaul and many others. So feel free to use if you like.

: Known issue with Bloodbane Corruption on lvl 6. If anyone try to move the cursor on the icon while in lvl up window game is gonna be crashed. I have no idea what kind of error is this and not gonna fix this as far it doesn't affect a gameplay.


Due to updates this doesn't work as expected. In order to fix this follow the guide

1. First, download the following tool to be able to pack/unpack the mod: https://github.com/ShinyHobo/BG3-Modders-Multitool/releases
2. Go to the Public\Game\GUI\Assets\Bloodletter directory, and copy the subfolders to its Public\Game\GUI\Assets parent folder.
3. Inside the Public\Game\GUI\Assets\Shared\Resources, create three new folders: Highlight, Used, and Missing.
4. Move the ico_classRes_BloodEssence.dds icon to Highlight, the ico_classRes_BloodEssence_missing.dds to Missing, and the ico_classRes_BloodEssence_used.dds to Used.
5. Then, rename each file inside of its corresponding subfolder to BloodDie.DDS [IMPORTANT: Capitalize the extension dds to DDS, otherwise it will not work]
6. Copy the Highlight version of the file to the parent route (Public\Game\GUI\Assets\Shared\Resources).
7. Move to Public\Game\GUI\Assets\ClassIcons\hotbar, and rename the icon to simply Bloodletter.DDS.

Not sure if these next two steps are necessary, but including them just in case:
8. Go to Public\Game\GUI\Assets\ActionResources_c\Icons and create a new folder called Resources, then move everything into it.
9. Now move to this new folder, and create Highlight, Used, and Missing folders, and move each corresponding icon to its subfolder. Also rename the icons to BloodDie.DDS [Again, don't forget the capitalization]

With all of the icons properly named and in position, go to Public\Game\GUI\Assets, and create a metadata.lsf file with the following code. If you do not know how to make a LSF file (like me lol) just copy and paste the lsf file found here Public\Bloodletter\ActionResourceDefinitions, rename it to metadata, and edit its content with notepad++.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<version major="4" minor="7" revision="1" build="3" lslib_meta="v1,bswap_guids,lsf_keys_adjacency" />
<region id="config">
  <node id="config">
<node id="entries">
<node id="Object">
<attribute id="MapKey" type="FixedString" value="Assets/ClassIcons/hotbar/Bloodletter.png" />
  <node id="entries">
<attribute id="h" type="int16" value="300" />
<attribute id="mipcount" type="int8" value="1" />
<attribute id="w" type="int16" value="300" />
<node id="Object">
<attribute id="MapKey" type="FixedString" value="Assets/ClassIcons/Bloodletter.png" />
  <node id="entries">
<attribute id="h" type="int16" value="300" />
<attribute id="mipcount" type="int8" value="1" />
<attribute id="w" type="int16" value="300" />
<node id="Object">
<attribute id="MapKey" type="FixedString" value="Assets/ActionResources_c/Icons/Resources/Missing/BloodDie.png" />
  <node id="entries">
<attribute id="h" type="int16" value="64" />
<attribute id="mipcount" type="int8" value="1" />
<attribute id="w" type="int16" value="44" />
<node id="Object">
<attribute id="MapKey" type="FixedString" value="Assets/ActionResources_c/Icons/Resources/Used/BloodDie.png" />
  <node id="entries">
<attribute id="h" type="int16" value="64" />
<attribute id="mipcount" type="int8" value="1" />
<attribute id="w" type="int16" value="44" />
<node id="Object">
<attribute id="MapKey" type="FixedString" value="Assets/ActionResources_c/Icons/Resources/Highlight/BloodDie.png" />
  <node id="entries">
<attribute id="h" type="int16" value="64" />
<attribute id="mipcount" type="int8" value="1" />
<attribute id="w" type="int16" value="44" />
<node id="Object">
<attribute id="MapKey" type="FixedString" value="Assets/Shared/Resources/Used/BloodDie.png" />
  <node id="entries">
<attribute id="h" type="int16" value="64" />
<attribute id="mipcount" type="int8" value="1" />
<attribute id="w" type="int16" value="44" />
<node id="Object">
<attribute id="MapKey" type="FixedString" value="Assets/Shared/Resources/Highlight/BloodDie.png" />
  <node id="entries">
<attribute id="h" type="int16" value="64" />
<attribute id="mipcount" type="int8" value="1" />
<attribute id="w" type="int16" value="44" />
<node id="Object">
<attribute id="MapKey" type="FixedString" value="Assets/Shared/Resources/Missing/BloodDie.png" />
  <node id="entries">
<attribute id="h" type="int16" value="64" />
<attribute id="mipcount" type="int8" value="1" />
<attribute id="w" type="int16" value="44" />
<node id="Object">
<attribute id="MapKey" type="FixedString" value="Assets/Shared/Resources/BloodDie.png" />
  <node id="entries">
<attribute id="h" type="int16" value="64" />
<attribute id="mipcount" type="int8" value="1" />
<attribute id="w" type="int16" value="44" />

Finally, repack the mod and import it.
All icons should show up correctly now, hopefully.

Thanks to Mods4R and Goethehill comments for the guidance.