About this mod
Adds every existing Dragonborn smart-materials set in Substance 3D Painter. Also adds Export presets, compatible with Volno's BG3 Skin Shader For Substance Painter and Sbs DDS exporter
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

Modder's Tool/ Non-Playeble Resource
How to install
Just drag 'n drop files in C:\Users\NAME\Documents\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\assets
Set up Texture Set Settings pretty much like here:
Dragonborn SBS Shader Channels setup

Channels explaining
HMVY - Hemoglobin.Melanin.Vein.Yellowing
User0: HMVY R Hemoglobin (HMVY red channel)
User1: HMVY G Melanin (HMVY green channel)
User2: HMVY B Vein (HMVY blue channel)
User3: HMVY A Yellowing (HMVY alpha channel)
CTLO - Cavity.Thickness.Lips.Occlusion
AO (yes, second ao): CTLO A (CTLO alpha channel) - it's much whiter then one you will bake in Marmoset or Substance, so if u add yours -adjust them
User4: CTLO R Cavity Map (CTLO red channel)
User5: CTLO G Inversed Thicknes (CTLO green channel) - it's inverted compared to one from Marmoset and much lighter
User6: CTLO B Lips (CTLO blue channel)
User7: MSK R Non-Skin Mask (MSK red channel)
User8: MSK Convexity (MSK green channel)
User9: MSK B Empty Black (MSK blue channel)
User10: DMSK R (Decorative masks)
User11: DMSK G
User12: DMSK B
User13: DB DMSK R (Draconic Bloodline Decorative masks) -they will replace DMSK if gamer choose the DB subclass, keep it in mind
User14: DB DMSK G
User15: DB DMSK B
This BG3 WIKI page could give you more undanstanding about maps
You could just copy-past names so your material buttons will look like this, by first letters:

Export Settings
Just drag 'n drop files in C:\Users\NAME\Documents\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\assets
CTLO here named CLEA for compatibility with BG3 Substance DDS Exporter, for some reason if it called CTLO it drops Alpha channel

About pack
Dragonborn Substance Painter Preset
This is my material adjusting tool.
Adds every existing Dragonborn material set as Smart-materials in Substance 3D Painter + adds Export presets.
Do not adds any additional shader
All existing DGB textures as tga in separate channels will be in \Documents\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\assets\textures\BG3_DGB_Heads in their separate folders for your comfort

Pretty much compatible with Volno's BG3 Skin Shader For Substance Painter if set up correctly (it could be not beige; check the setups in Volno's). You can also work on vanilla shaders using masks, like I did before =3

Since I like to see DMSK and Draconic Bloodline channels together, I use Users10-15 for export, but I check them trough BC and Emissive. It is not necessary; you will not use BC or Emissive in the export anyway, but if you want to I added BG3_AkELkA_DGB_Skin_2 export order

Padme4000 for tutorials, Blender addons, templates, VFX patch and quick answer for my foolish questions =3
LaughingLeader for BG3 Mod Manager
ShinyHobo for their BG3 Modders Multitool
Joell560 for their great help with DHM bugfix
Poesielibre for her EotB Patch for Reforged Head and Durge's mangled head
Volno for theirs BG3 SBS shader
Aloija for theirs BG3 SBS DDS exporter
You are awesome!
