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About this mod

This is a homebrew water magic and healing focused subclass intended to be the Druid alternative to Life Domain Clerics.

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Subclass Spells
Circle of Restoration Spells
Level 2: Water Blast
Level 3: Chain Heal
Level 5: Spring Showers, Mass Healing Word, Remove Curse
Level 9: Cone of Cold

Restoration Druid Spell Descriptions
Water Blast
-At the 2nd level you can cast Water Blast as a cantrip. Water Blast fires a beam of water which deals 1d8 cold damage, applies 2 turns of the "wet" status and creates a water surface. This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8)

Chain Heal
-At the 3rd level you cast Chain Heal using an action and a 2nd level spell slot. Chain Heal heals the target 2d6 + Wisdom Modifier. Three additional healing projectiles explode out from the target healing the three closest allies, with less than max HP, 2d4 + Wisdom Modifier.
-Upcasting Chain Heal increases the healing done to the initial target by 2d6 per spell slot level and increases the healing done by the additional projectiles by 2d4 per spell slot level. Additionally, the number of additional allies healed increases by 1 for every 2 spell slot levels.

Spring Showers
-At the 5th level you can cast Spring Showers using an action and a 3rd level spell slot. Spring Showers blankets the area with hard chilling rain dealing 3d8 cold damage and applying Chill for 2 turns to all all enemies that  fail a dexterity save. (On Save: Targets still take half damage, but are not chilled.) -Then for 10 turns you can cast May Flowers without spending a spell slot.
-May Flowers drowns the area in water dealing 3d8 cold damage and applying Wet for 1 turn to all enemies that fail a dexterity save. (On Save: Targets still take half damage, but do not get wet.)
-Upcasting spring showers increases damage by 1d8 per spell slot level.

Subclass Features
Restoration Form
At the 2nd level you can use a Wild Shape charge and a bonus action to enter Restoration Form. Entering Restoration Form grants you 3 temporary hit points per druid level. While in Restoration Form your healing spells heal an additional 2 + Spell Level hit points. The form lasts until the next Long Rest and ends early if you dismiss it, use another Wild Shape, or become incapacitated

Empowered Restoration Form
At the 9th level your Restoration Form grows more powerful. While in Restoration Form your healing spells also apply 2 turns of Healing Ripple, which heals the target 1d4 + Wisdom Modifier per turn.

Supreme Restoration Form
At the 17th level your Restoration Form grows more powerful still. When you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hit points with a spell, you instead use the highest number possible for each die. For example, instead of restoring 2d6 hit points to a creature, you restore 12.

At the 2nd level you can cast Riptide using a bonus action and a Riptide Charge. Riptide heals the target 2 x Character Level + Wisdom Modifier and applies 2 turns of RIPTIDE, which heals the target Character Level + Wisdom Modifier per turn.

Riptide Charges (restored on short rest)
Level 2: 2 Charges
Level 4: 3 Charges
Level 7: 4 Charges
Level 11: 5 Charges

Potent Water Spell Casting
At the 7th level your bond with the water spirit that guides you strengthens. Add your Wisdom Modifier to cold damage dealt by spells you cast.

Other Changes
Mourning Frost Staff Enhanced (This is the base game cold damage staff. I found it underwhelming, so I enhanced it in the following ways:
-When dealing Cold damage, the wielder deals an additional 1 Cold damage Changed to: When dealing damage with cold spells deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus. (This puts it inline with Markoheshkir's damage bonus)
-Dealing Cold damage with a spell possibly inflicts Chilled 2 turns of Ray of Frost (decreases movements speed by 10ft) upon the target. (Spring showers already applies chilled, so I decided to changed the status). Additionally the Constitution DC to apply the status was changed from 12 to your Wisdom Spell Save DC.
-You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and Spell Attack rolls.

Healing numbers are intended to be balanced relative to the ua8 healing buffs mod.  

I also recommend using this mod in conjunction with Syrchalis's rebalance series and druid QOL mods.