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About this mod
This mod adds a number of unimplemented spells into the game, some of which require Norbyte's Script Extender and can be partially configured to gain access to some spells rather than all at once.
- Requirements
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Mod name Notes BG3 Script Extender Absolutely requires script extender, full stop Mods requiring this file
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Portuguese Author:Kaironn2 5e Spells PTBR - Turkish Author:yasyuko 5e Spells Turkish Translation ( Polish Author:ShenLuse 5e Spells Polish Translation ver. Mandarin Author:SnowNight 5e Spells_CHT Russian Author:Ssin 5eSpells RU ( Mandarin Author:ak47lyj 5eSpells Chinese translation German Author:tzwenyy 5e Spells - GER English Author:Theodero 5e Spells TH Italian Author:Rahl81 5e Spells ITA Korean Author:Noahppa 5e Spells-kr Ukrainian Author:Ne Dragon 5e Spells - Ukrainian translation Spanish Author:Gonzy42 5e Spells - Spanish (Actualizado Spanish Author:Sora GodFallen 5e Spells Spanish English Author:Dovasmith 5eSpells Chinese translation CHS and CHT old Mandarin Author:shijizhidi 5eSpellsCHS Korean Author:wadelerman 5e Spells - Korean Translated French Author:Fenrules Ballzeh Thraximundar2772 5e Spells - Version FR Russian Author:Raven1504 and darthalex2014 5e Spells RU Japanese Author:TTOBOROHISASHIBURI 5e Spells - Japanese Translation Turkish Author:xdrainerx 5e Spells - Turkish Translation Italian Author:Raff28 5e Spells - Italian Translation German Author:Tenvan 5e Spells GER Mandarin Author:TrygveHusky 5e Spells CHSCHT Polish Author:kocus 5e Spells Polish Translation Spanish Author:D4mnS0ul - 5e spells mod created by DiZ91891 5e Spells - spanish translation Portuguese Author:Ilusao Digital 5e Spells v1..1.54 Portuguese Translation Mandarin Author:EtaMyosotis 5e Spells CHS Mandarin Author:babibada 5e Spells Simplified and Traditional Chinese Translation - Latest Version Ukrainian Author:Arhilapa 5E Spells Ukrainian Translation Mandarin Author:LoAUve 5eSpells TCN Portuguese Author:Kakaichi 5e Spells Portuguese Translation Other Author:DiZ91891 Translate - Iceriny Finn QiTueGong 5e Spells CH_Simplified Chinese_Traditional Chinese - Changelogs
- Fix for Rime's Binding Ice sometimes preventing actions from being used that causes turn to get skipped
- Re-add Shadow Blade reequipping in the main hand if summoned in the off hand while dual wielding (omitting Flame Blade for now due to weird issues when attempting to account for both)
- Added Word of Radiance to the list of spells Potent Spellcasting applies its bonus to
- Removed the weapon swap aspect of Flame Blade and Shadow Blade for the time being due to errors it generates particularly at character creation and potentially other points
- Fixed Mind Sliver not being removed after the target makes a saving throw
- Added a script that enables Flame Blade or Shadow Blade to be switched to the main hand if summoned in the off hand (potential chance to generate errors in console due to current setup but it is not an actual issue)
- Added a Miscellaneous Features and Changes category to specify other changes in the mod with respect to implemented spells
- Partial fix for Mind Whip ending movement too soon (still seemingly ends too soon but nowhere near as badly). Ultimately, an AI issue I've no experience with
- Fix for Raise Dead's last -1 penalty not being removed on long rest
- Adjusted Heightened Necromancy (through script extender) ability to apply to Negative Energy Flood
- Added a failsafe to Rime's Binding Ice for some enemies that won't take any action while restrained by the ice so an action is consumed at the end of their turn, removing the effect
- Fixed Summon Fey vanishing at 7th level from Warlock due to specifics with their weird spellcasting and changes its duration to 600 turns
- Also fixed the Summon Fey Mirthful Charm ability being usable an unlimited number of times, fixed it not applying the Charmed condition to the summoner as well and fixed its DC being based on the summoner's
- Fixed Maximillian's Earthen Grasp tooltip to show the Strength saving throw requirement
- Changed Mind Sliver and Enemies Abound to not target self
- Changed the size of Arcane Eye to tiny so it can go through small openings
- Fixed the Twinned Spell Metamagic working for Booming and Green Flame Blade
- Fixed weird issue with Magical Ambush status ending prematurely when just preparing to cast spells
- Fixed issues pertaining to dying related to Raise Dead .json config option and made it only specifically relevant and visible for those enabling said option
- Added a new config that would allow the modification of base game spells/action to be closer to RAW. Currently only two exist to give Spare the Dying and Raise Dead a purpose
- Fixed Dragon's Breath causing errors in SE console when casting it on one's self
- Added the Summon Fey spell to spell lists (credit to havsglimt)
- Fixed issue with Continual Flame's dismiss spell
- Added Arcane Eye spell to spell lists
- Increased the Snare's spell effective radius to 2m from 1m
- Work in progress on the Summon Draconic Spirit spell using dragon-related assets with permission from johauna (the reason for the considerable size increase of the mod, which will get slimmed down)
- Potential fix for Storm Sphere not joining combat and taking miscellaneous effects like damage from surfaces or the shadow curse
- Readded the Raise Dead spell
- Added Magic Circle to Eldritch Knight spell list and Bard's Magical Secret options
- Fixed issues with Continual Flame's Dismiss spell
- Added Summon Construct to all of Bard's applicable Magical Secrets features, including 14th and 18th level
- Added Magical Circle (credit to Sumradagnoth)
- Fixed some typos preventing some TCoE spells from appearing on spell lists
- Changed Green Flame Blade's fire leaping to potentially apply even when attacking large+ size creatures
- Changed Holy Weapon's 6th+ level upcasting versions action cost to a bonus action
- Redid the .json config so you can select which spells of each level you want to have added to spell lists
- Fix for opportunity attacks
- Changed Healing Spirit to be a bonus action
- Fixed Bard's 14th and 18th level Magical Secrets not receiving all base game spells
- Modified Dominate Monster to account for Metamagic Twinned shenanigans
- Removed a leftover piece of testing causing Prone when moving items out of inventory
- Changed Summon Construct's duration to 600 turns and made it require concentration
- Fix part 2 for the trailing projectile of Chromatic Orb: Fire
- Added missing Conjure Volley to Ranger spell list and added three additional spell containers for it to cover the secondary part of the spell (after misreading it)
- Fixed leftover localization c/p for Dust Devil overwriting Moonbeam
- Added the ability for the Summon Beast Air variant to avoid opportunity attacks
- Added dynamic tooltip damage updating for Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade when reaching level 17
- Added the Summon Construct: Metal spell (credit to Havsglimt)
- Added 17th level upcasting for the tooltips of Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade
- Changed Catapult a bit to be usable on Boo the hamster
- Changed Dominate Monster to be closer to the source material by allowing you to fully control the actions of the dominated creature, temporarily making them a party member
- Added Steel Wind Strike back to the Ranger's 5th level spell list
- Fixed Chromatic Orb: Fire not shooting a projectile due to conflict with new Chaos Bolt projectile
- Fixed Vitriolic Sphere's description text
- Adjusted base mod's 7th level+ spell lists to only include base game spells so mod can dynamically add 5e Spells spells to them like 1st to 6th level spell lists
- Removed 7th+ level upcasting versions of base game spells (and put them in my Expansion mod)
- Added a subtle bell/gong sound when using Toll the Dead
- Fixed issue with Bards reaching 17th level due to spell list typo
- Fixed issues with Wither and Bloom not working when upcasted and slightly revamped it
- Potential fix for SE console error
- Small adjustments to account for my Expansion mod that'll require this mod for level 13+ class progressions and their spell lists
- Fixed Storm Sphere not providing advantage on creatures within the sphere's area
- Fixed Banishing Smite not working correctly in some instances (until Larian fixes it themselves)
- Added Divine Strike spell variants of Booming Blade and Green-Flame Blade
- Fixed issue with Foresight not sticking when applied to others
- Changed Nathair's Mischief movement tooltip to specify the move is 18m instead of 3m due to inability to limit such to 3m without jank involved
- Added compatibility with the Summon Initiative Fixer for applicable summons in this mod
- Removed applicable Summon Elementals being able to create surfaces from their attacks
- Fixed Weight of Despair status description typo
- Added an alternate immunity to Weight of Despair for caster since previous one seemingly no longer worked
- Fixed Motivational Speech's advantage name and it not being removed on the next attack
- Made the Warlock spell lists added through SE global for Warlock subclasses
- Fixed issue with Invisibility effects not granting advantage
- Removed Tactician difficulty benefits from applying to any summoned creature made in this mod
- Fixed Unseen Servant being unable to use the newest iteration of Prestidigitation
- Gave Shadows created by the Summon Shadowspawn spell the ability to fly while outside of combat and teleport to their summoner (script extender only) due to their inability to climb
- Changed Storm Sphere slightly to allow the initial bonus action casting to actually show the attack roll
- Added Power Word Kill to Warlock's 9th level Mystic Arcanum spell list
- Gave Chaos Bolt its own unique VFX
- Fixed Booming Blade's effect not working and fixed the effect not applying to Rush type actions
- Fixed Mind Sliver's spell animation
- Made Prestidigitation a container spell with each of its options
- Removed Prestidigitation being able to remove many surfaces and specified in its description which ones can be affected
- Added the ability for Prestidigitation to distract creatures briefly
- "Fixed" Life Transference not working with Disciple of Life and Blessed Healer
- Fixed most of the Summon Elementals attacking animations
- Fixed upcasting issues with Vitriolic Sphere and Storm Sphere
- Fixed issue with replacing 7+ level spells
- Made it so Dust Devil creates a fog cloud whenever it enters a mud surface as a close enough implementation for the spell's secondary effect
- Removed Vitriolic Sphere upcasting damage outside of the initial damage dealt
- Adjusted Dust Devil to prevent it from affecting allied creatures outside of combat and added in the bonus action needed to grant it its movement
- Gave Nathair's Mischief similar treatment when combat ends as Dust Devil
- Removed sounds playing when sneaking
- Changed base game Shadow Blade and this mod's version to have different names so the base game's will last until long rest. Requires script extender
- Fixed Toll the Dead's VFX not working
- Change the Dismiss spell of Continual Flame so it can actually target others instead of self only
- Added the Vitriolic Sphere spell (credit to nysisyn)
- Fixed Primal Savagery not working with Elemental Augmentation
- Possible adjustment to Infestation's icon (don't see a difference really)
- Some leftover cleanup
- Added the ability to configure some of the spells you gain access to
- Changed Unseen Servant's display name back to such
- Added Storm Sphere spell (credit to dr. kekyll) and the Infestation cantip to spell lists
Version 1.1.71
- Removed testing modification for Opportunity Attacks
- Removed the Beholderkin's Eye Ray Extra Description being "Not Found"
Version 1.1.70
- Changed the status applied by Antagonize from "Vicious Mockery" to "Antagonized"
- Modified the way some items and the Elemental Affinity features check for Booming Blade and.or Green Flame Blade so they apply their effects accordingly
- Changed Power Word: Heal to heal based off target's max HP
- Possible fix to Swift Quiver's warning that it requires a ranged weapon to be equipped not popping up
- Removed Shape Water's ability to unfreeze/melt ice surfaces and instead added in the ability to create ice blocks (4 Elements Monk) and "teleporting" a water surface from one area to another
- Removed the ability to erase clouds from the Gust cantrip and instead replaced it with the ability to distrait creatures, somewhat like Minor Illusion or the Find Familiar's Distract action but more limited
- Removed concentration from Mind Blank
- Added the Aura of Life and Summon Aberration spells (credit to Havsglimt), as well as Maelstrom (credit to dr. kekyll)
- Removed Control Flame's Fire Resistance granting spell variant
Version 1.1.67
- Fixed a missing part of Mind Spike's animation when preparing to cast the spell
- Changed Power Word Heal to heal a flat 9999 hit points since it was only healing for the max HP of the caster instead of the target and preferred a non-SE (albeit inelegant) way of getting it done for now
- Removed some mistakenly left over stuff overriding another mod's data
Version 1.1.66
- Added a few missing TCOE spells to class spell lists through SE
- Fixed typo in Ashardlon's Stride's description
- Changed Continual Flame: Red's flame so it visually gives off light like a torch and made both flames hidden during dialogues
- Fixed Foresight not being twinnable
- Changed Catapult back to being able to launch equipped or carried objects to avoid needing to drop them to the ground per strictly RAW from the source material
Version 1.1.65
- Added the ability to ignite applicable surfaces when using Create Bonfire
- Fixed distance requirement for Spirit Shroud's damage bonus with attacks
- Changed Psychic Lance's incapacitated text to exclude the inability to move which was from the base game's Incapacitated status but was inaccurate
- Changed Holy Weapon to work closer to the way it does in the source material
Version 1.1.64
- Added Tenser's Transformation to 6th level spell lists through SE
- Fixed and readded Foresight to spell lists
- Changed up the way Spirit Shroud works, especially to hopefully prevent issues with Cold version causing crashes
Version 1.1.63
- Fixed targeting issue with some Divination spells
Version 1.1.62
- Quick fix to Psychic Lance from leftover change from testng
Version 1.1.61
- Potentially fixed issue with Minute Meteors not working for some items when dealing fire damage
- Adjusted Nondetection to also grant immunity to Hunter's Mark, True Strike, Guidance, Detect Magic and True Seeing
- Changed Thunderclap's icon back to a custom one
- Added the Antagonize and Tenser's Transformation spells (credit to dr. kekyll for both)
- Fixed Power Word: Heal and added back to spell lists
- Fixed Psychic Lance's status falling off too soon
Version 1.1.60
- Added Mind Blank, Holy Aura, Dominate Monster and Feeblemind to spell lists
- Remove leftover modification for Crown of Madness
- Added prepare SFX to some spells
- Fixed Borrowed Knowledge's Wisdom skill spell options not correctly checking for proficiency in applicable skill
- Readd undead creatures gaining temporary hit points from Negative Energy Flood
Version 1.1.59
- Fixed some template issues with Alter Self's forms and added the ability to change forms as a temporary spell
- Changed Ceremony's script to no longer check for the holder of the water item to have the Ceremony spell too
- Fixed the zombie summoning spell of Finger of Death not being able to target corpses
- Fixed issue with Life Transference so it only heals the target and not creatures next to it
- Fixed issue with non-spell attacks not preventing hit point regain from Spirit Shroud
Version 1.1.58
- Fixed Power Word Kill's missing costs
- Added basic item interaction capability to Unseen Servant, similar to an Arcane Trickster's Mage Hand
- Added Alter Self to spell lists. Forget to add the change appearance part so will add later
- Fixed the upcasting of the Throwing version of the Freezing Sphere variant spell
- Changed Catnap to work like the DnD 5e source material through script extender so only three specific targets gain the benefits of a short rest
- Fixed Caustic Brew's invalid target message
Version 1.1.57
- Changed Mind Spike a bit in hopes of fixing some issues with invisibility abilities
- Changed Finger of Death in spell lists to the new name
- Added True Seeing and Power Word Kill to class spell lists. Will look into allowing True Seeing to specify certain characteristics about a polymorphed/transformed creature in addition to the glow effect it provides on them
- Adjusted Steel Wind Strike to potentially resolve the issue with it not being usable sometimes unless a melee weapon is uneqipped and requipped
- Added Swift Quiver back to ranger's spell list
Version 1.1.56
- Changed Healing Spirit to grant the caster the movement enabling spell instead of the summon
- Fixed issue with sneaking
Version 1.1.55
- Made it so Nathair's Mischief doesn't apply its effects to allied creatures when out of combat due to weird issue with companion attitudes towards the avatar/PC instead of the caster
- Fixed Mind Spike not preventing the hiding and invisibility statuses from working against the caster (base game statuses only currently)
- Changed Negative Energy Flood to allow a PC with the zombie transformed status to be able to remove it, returning to their normal form, after dying while transformed
- Potentially fixed an issue with a creature spawned as a zombie from Negative Energy Flood not attacking everyone indiscriminately
- Fixed and readded the Finger of Death and Regenerate spells to class spell lists
Version 1.1.54
- Fixed Healing Spirit not being able to join in combat when summoned
- Added prepare casting SFX to Primal Savagery
- Reverted a change to Prestidigitation to light non-torch and weapon objects again like it was apparently capable of before
- Removed the enemy only limitation for Beast Bond's effect because why should only they get those beastly love taps with advantage
- Added in a flag that prevents the Sneak Attack action versions of Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade from going on cooldown if you miss with them
- Fix for Dragon's Breath not capturing the caster's spellcasting ability modifier (might still have issues since it's a pretty janky implementation but hey, progress)
Version 1.1.53
- Fixed Beast Bond's status localization
- Changed Borrowed Knowledge's duration to 600 turns
- Potential "fix" for anyone not seeing localizations for the spells adjusted in the previous version
Version 1.1.52
- Added once per turn cooldown to Sneak Attack versions of Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade and adjusted it so the Sneak Attack version's resource is only consumed on a hit
- Fixed Prestidigitation's issue with its effect not matching the circle radius for surface removal
- Fixed Frost Fingers not being a cone
- Gave Gust an additional option to be able to clear cloud-based surfaces in a 2m area
- Gave Shape Water an additional option to apply the Wet status to an allied creature
- Gave Control Flames the ability to grant resistance to Fire to an allied creature and increased the radius a fire surface can be expanded to 3m
- Increased the radius Mold Earth can create mud and remove it to 3m
Version 1.1.51
- Fixed Spirit Shroud not working with spell attacks
- Added Heroes Feast to Bard's spell list
- Removed Sneak Attack being built into Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade and instead turned them into spell containers that grants Rogues a separate Sneak Attack version of both cantrips
Version 1.1.50
- Added the Sneak Attack trigger and damage into the Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade spells so you can choose other reaction without having to choose between them and Sneak Attack
- Removed the transformation for Guardian of Nature's Primal Beast
- Fixed Absorb Elements working on non-melee attacks
- Fixed Primal Beast's unarmed attacks not dealing force damage
- Removed the SE console error related to ritual spells after finishing character creation
- Added 7th-9th level upcasting versions of most base game spells
- Changed Catnap to have a once per long rest usage since it's seemingly not possible to limit the short rest function to a single character
- Tentatively worked out a way to get Magic Stone and Dragon's Breath working closer to the source material by using the caster's spellcasting ability modifier. (Method is pretty hacky)
Version 1.1.38
- Revamped the ritual spell changes I made for ritual spells in this mod
- Fixed Create Food and Water not working
- Changed the way Skill Empowerment checks for proficiency so it works even while having flat bonuses or penalties
- Changed Negative Energy Flood to be able to target allies
- Fixed some spell's missing upcasting descriptions
Version 1.1.37
- Fixed issue with some lightning spells not dealing damage
- Fixed Summon Shadowspawn's 4th level upcasting not scaling stats accordingly and some other miscellaneous stuff with it
Version 1.1.36
- Fixed Chaos Bolt not working when casting more than once per turn and the 2nd level upcasting not dealing its appropriate damage
- Gave Kinetic Jaunt the ability to move through the space of other creatures
- Fixed SFX for Maximilian's Earthen Grasp and Tasha's Mind Whip and fixed cast/target VFX for the former
Version 1.1.35
- Changed Toll the Dead VFX and icon
- Changed Green Flame Blade's VFX to finally be green with credit to Vladmir FFXI
Version 1.1.34
- Added a status apply preview to indicate Shadow Blade lasts 10 turns
- Removed Water Walk from the Wizard spell list
- Fixed Nathair's Mischief occurring outside of the turn order
- Possibly added an additional check for Wizard's gaining ritual spells when learning them from either leveling up or from scrolls
Version 1.1.33
- Changed Rime's Binding Ice damage back to 3d8 after testing
- Fixed Ritual Casting to minimize issues with it being thrown off track from working
- Added the ability for Wizard's to separately gain ritual spells so they don't have to prepare the regular spell
- Added a few checks for Detect Magic which includes hags and Mind Flayer casters
Version 1.1.32
- Revamped how Rime's Binding Ice works so its closer to RAW and made NPCs consider its removal
- 5011th change/revamp for Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade not working with Extra Attacks
Version 1.1.31
- Fixed 7th-9th level upcasting for Lightning Bolt
- Fixed Steel Wind Strike not being upcastable
- Added Destructive Wrath to Magical Secrets for Bards (only relevant for Script Extender once its fixed)
- Added optional file containing base game class spell lists modified to contain this mod's spells and those for a few other mods (including my Homebrew Spells mod)
Version 1.1.30
- Fixed Toll the Dead and Word of Radiance not working with the Potent Spellcasting feature
- Cleaned up Nathair's Mischief to be closer to the source material
Version 1.1.29
- Fix for Ceremony not being usable despite having 25 gold in inventory
- Added Synaptic Static to Warlock spell list
- Fix Caustic Brew's extra description localization
- Fix for Steel Wind Strike's weapon requirements
Version 1.1.28
- Fix for Wither and Bloom not removing the healing spell from all allies
- Fix for Chaos Bolt dealing double damage for some reason
Version 1.1.27
- Fixed Life Transference from targeting self and prevented it from being Twinned
- Added prepare sounds to Frost Finger, Lightning Lure, Continual Flame, Dust Devil, Control Flames, Zephyr Strike and Kinetic Jaunt
- Adjustment to Thunder Step's description that an ally can be teleported too
- Fixed Healing Spirit breaking concentration on target
- Added a dismiss spell for Continual Flame
- Added Lightning Lure to Sorcerer and Warlock spell lists
- Possible fix for a few feature passive icons being missing
Version 1.1.26
- Fixed Green Flame Blade not working correctly
- Changed Wither and Bloom's healing spell to provide additional healing based on their Constitution modifier
Version 1.1.25
- Potential fix for crashing when booting up the game
Version 1.1.24
- Modified the ritual spells in this mod so their base level versions can be cast without expending a spell slot outside of combat for Bards, Clerics, Druids, Wizards and Artificers
- Added a gold requirement for Ceremony, which will also be removed from inventory when casting the spell
- Added additional spells of this mod to the 6th level spell list for Bards, Sorcerers and Wizards
- Added 7th to 9th level upcasting for Wall of Fire and Flame Strike
- Unrelated but re-released my Homebrew Spells mod linked on the mod page
Version 1.1.23
- Fixed Bard Cantrips being erased
- Fixed Wither and Bloom status being removed prematurely
Version 1.1.22
- Fixed Wizard spells not appearing at 3rd and 4th level
- Added Aura of Vitality back to Cleric and Druid spell list
- Added a red/orange flame option for Continual Flame
- Added Psychic Lance back to the Warlock spell list
Version 1.1.21
- Fixed issue with Booming Blade/Green Flame Blade working for Blade Warlock's Extra Attack
- Fixed typo with Ceremony's Dedication
Version 1.1.20
- Changed Warding Wind's status VFX effect
- Changed Thunder Step to be able to teleport an ally as well but the explosion at their previous position is covered by script extender now
- Made it so Ashardalon's Stride doesn't deal damage when outside of turn based mode/combat.
- Clarified zombies raised by Negative Energy Flood are hostile to everybody, including the summoner's party
- Fixed Lightning Lure to work with Destructive Wrath Channel Divinity and fixed its prepare effect
- Made the mod compatible with other mods that would modify the same spell lists through the Script Extender
Version 1.1.15
- Fixed issue with Holy Weapon removing concentration from targets when its effect ends
- Revamped Magic Stone so it actually grants stones to be thrown now
- Gave Frostbite alternate VFX
- Fixed saving throw not being made by Enemies Abound when target is damaged
Version 1.1.14
- Take two on Chaos Bolt fix
- Changed Chaos Bolt's Force projectile since previous one no longer had sound associated with it
Version 1.1.13
- Potential fix for Chaos Bolt not fully working with Twinned Spell
- Fixed Pulse Wave's icon not appearing
- Added compatibility for spells from the Valkrana's Spellbook mod
- Added Arcane Eye to Wizard spell list
- Cleaned up some of the spell lists
- Fixed the Land Summon Beast's multiattack
Version 1.1.12
- Removed modification to the Confusion spell
- Potential fix for Chaos Bolt sometimes dealing multiple instances of damage instead of one instance
- Added Shadow of Moil to the Warlock spell list (credit to drkekyll)
- Expanded the Synaptic Static spell's icon
Version 1.1.11
- Fixed Swift Quiver not being usable with a ranged weapon equipped
- Remove Sapping Sting from Wizard cantrip spell list
- Fixed Dust Devil's appearance
- Removed some localizations for base game spells
- Added Ceremony, Unseen Servant and Detect Magic to the Ritual Caster feat spell list
- Added Enlarge/Reduce to druid spell list
Version 1.1.10
- Removed Concentration from Catapult
- Another possible fix for Rime's Binding Ice dealing double damage at times
- Changed Aganazzar's Scorcher's sound effects
- Fixed issue with Conjure Volley's level and spell school displaying
Version 1.1.09
- Fix for upcasting Mind Whip
- Added more applicable Water items for Ceremony
- Fixed Caustic Brew's upcasting damage
Version 1.1.08
- Revamped Extra Attack interactions again for Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade
- Fix for Undead Fortitude
Version 1.1.07
- Fixed issue with upcasting Flock of Familiars: Quasit
- Change Mind Whip, Catnap, Intellect Fortress and Charm Monster to be able to choose specific targets
- Removed the Osiris flag in Script Extender
- Changed up Life Transference to work with Life Cleric's features
- Changed Detect Evil and Good to potentially not apply to allied creatures
Version 1.1.06
- Added sound effects to Psychic Lance, Earth Tremor and Erupting Earth
- Changed Frostbite's VFX
- Accounted for Extra Attack modification in Bladesinger mod
- Added indicator when you're close enough to a creature that can be affected by Spirit Shroud
Version 1.1.05
- Added Psychic Lance to Archfey Warlock's spell list
- Take two on alternate implementation for Extra Attack and related stuff
- Changed Continual Flame's fire to appear at the weapon's tip instead of hilt
- Made the Nathair's Mischief difficult terrain effect to create a large mud surface to visually signify said effect being applied since it didn't have a save to make it clear what was happening
Version 1.1.04
- Increased range of Frost Fingers to 5m since 4.5m rounded down to 4m
- Potential fix with Rime's Binding Ice dealing multiple instances of damage
- Fix Nathair's Mischief Move action being limited to 3m
Version 1.1.03
- Fixed issue with Ceremony in SE
- Removed 7th+ level spells from Cleric spell lists
- Fixed localization issue with Temporal Shunt
- Implemented an alternate method for preventing Green Flame Blade and Booming Blade from working with applicable Extra Attacks so as to avoid compatibility issues with other mods that modify Extra Attacks
Version 1.1.02
- Fixed issue with Light still being in game files
- Changed Green Flame Blade's projectile when dealing damage to secondary creature to an actually fiery explosive as intended
- Added Tooltip duration to Shadow Blade for clarity
- Hid Absorb Element's Notable Features as it was intended
- Fixed the Absorb Element's Acid and Cold status icons and Acid not dealing damage on next melee hit
- Fixed a coincidental overwriting of the base game's Absorb Elements status data, allowing its VFX effects to work again
- Added all cantrips to Bard's Magical Secrets spell lists
- Removed the Obsolete Catapult from spell lists
Version 1.1.01
- Changed Catapult to work more like Telekinesis (wish I'd known it worked exactly like I wanted it to lol)
- Kept the previous Catapult on the spell list to not cause issues with current saves that have it but should remove when able to. I's icon has been removed and name/description has been changed to specify it is obsolete
- Changed Create Bonfire to work with Elemental Affinity when it is first cast (and maybe other similar features but only checked for the aforementioned)
- Potential fix for some being unable to summon the creature for Summon Beast (related to .khn file I'm assuming)
- Potential fix for Erupting Earth and Minute Meteors lacking animations/visual effects (had EA SpellAnimation entries so maybe they didn't work for some races, etc.)
- Added the Carafe of Water item to the list of water containers Ceremony's Bless Water applies to
- Removed the leftover modified version of the Daylight spell from mod
Version 1.1.00
- Added the Catapult, Ceremony: Bless Water, Chaos Bolt, Nathair's Mischief and Life Transference spells back to spell lists after fixing them using script extender (which is required now)
- Removed all of my modifications to base game spells
- Added See Invisibility to Bard's 2nd and 3rd spell list
- Adjustment for Minute Meteors concentration being broken earlier
- Remove Undead Fortitude feature from zombie spawned from Negative Energy Flood
- Cleaned up some missing pieces of code and errors (thanks to darkcharl)
Version 1.0.40
- Potential fix for those crashing on 1.0.39 updating from 1.0.38
- Fixed issues with Minute Meteors
Version 1.0.39
- Added restrictions to the Quasit and Imp versions of the Flock of Familiars to require the Pact of the Chain
- Added the Commune with Nature spell to spell lists
- Fixed issue with Spirit Guardians applying to all creatures within spell's range
Version 1.0.38
- "Possible" fix for Detect Magic to no longer garner negative reactions out of allies (otherwise, don't know the cause)
- Added the Conjure Volley and Temporal Shunt spells to spell lists again
- Added a ritual cost to Water Walk for real this time
- Returned Psychic Lance's damage back to its correct amount from the testing amount
- Fixed Healing Spirit being stuck in turn based mode when summoned in combat
Version 1.0.37
- Fixed Summon Elemental so it can be used in combat and changed its spell animation
- Fixed Summon Beast, Summon Shadowspawn and Summon Elemental's multiattack capabilities
- Fixed a typo in Booming Blade's description
- Added limitation to Vortex Warp's teleportation so targets cannot be dropped into chasms
- Fixed the upcasting of Flock of Familiars for the Raven and Spider
- Made Psychic Lance last two turns since there's a seeming bug with durations ticking with the turns of the caster
Version 1.0.36
- Increased Prestidigitation's range and gave it a 2m area radius
- Fixed Guardian of Nature's missing spell slot
- Fixed some 1st level spells not dealing damage
- Changed Unseen Servant's status so it isn't affected by abilities that prevent invisibility
Version 1.0.35
- Take two for fixing the Item version of Darkness
- Fixed an issue with Psychic Lance not dealing damage
- Added the Synaptic Static, Skill Empowered and Swift Quiver spells
- Fixed Sanctuary not working against hostile creatures and added a status that made it clearer that the affected cannot target a creature warded by the spell
- Fixed Extra Attack not applying to Smite spells
Version 1.0.34
- Changed Booming Blade's verbal component to somatic
- Touched up Mold Earth's description to be clearer on what its container spells do
- Changed Shape Water into a container with two spells, the first freezing water surfaces as usual to become ice surfaces while the second unfreezes/melts ice surfaces
- Fixed Vortex Warp's interaction with Twinned Spell
- Added Negative Energy Flood
- Fixed War Priest feature from working with Blade Cantrips
- Change Toll the Dead's damage tooltip to only 1d8 to "minimize" confusion
- Changed how Minute Meteors works to successfully work with Empowered Evocation when first cast (but it doesn't work with subsequent bonus action uses)
Version 1.0.33
- Fixed Frost Fingers not freezing liquid-type surfaces
- Fixed Flame Arrow's inability to be cast without having a ranged weapon equipped and its one localization issue
- Fixed Goodberry not working for a 1st level Life Cleric after having it check for the wrong feature
- Removed some left over 7th+ level spells from spell lists
- Changed Steel Wind Strike's targets to be selectable
Version 1.0.32
- Removed this mod's changes to the Sleep spell
- Fixed Detect Evil and Good's trailing comma in description
- Gave the Gust spell sound effects and changed it into a container spell so that it was clearer that only creatures are subjected to the spell's saving throw while items are not
- Added missing spells to the Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight subclasses
- Allowed Warding Wind to remove the burning status on objects and clear cloud surfaces when its case and also does the latter when walking around in a cloud surface like Fog or Darkness
- Specifically gave Booming Blade an Action cost (just to eliminate any modifications to the spell it inherits its data from)
- Re-added the Holy Weapon and Far Step spells
Version 1.0.31
- Changed Shadowspawn's name
- Gave Control Flames the ability to remove burning from objects like torches and unequipped items
- Added applicable spells to Spell Sniper spell list (Blade Cantrips and Primal Savagery)
- Fixed Steel Wind Strike to remove items as potential targets and removed immobilization after using the spell
- Added Dimension Door to applicable class spell lists
Version 1.0.30
- Fixed Thirsting Blade with Blade Cantrips
- Fixed Dragon's Breath not applying the summoner's proficiency bonus to the breath attack
- Updated tooltips and descriptions of Absorb Elements and Goodberry
- Removed my implementation of Call Lightning as it was incorporated into another mod
Version 1.0.29
- Gave Frost Fingers a visual effect
- Fixed Fire Arrows
- Changed Maximillan's Earthen Grasp to actually last until concentration ends and made it force creatures to make a Strength saving throw at the start of their turns while consuming their action
- Added Tasha's Mind Whip
- Added the 5e Spells Original 2 patch mod previously for those unaware for other spell changes being reverted back to base game
Version 1.0.28
- Updated Create Bonfire to show the saving throw necessary for it
- Change Sanctuary's aura status radius to 30m like the base game's
- Fixed Summon Beast's additional AC not working
- Fixed Hail of Thorns upcasting versions not working
- Provided Sword Burst a new cast effect
- Changed Wither and Bloom's spell animation so hopefully others can see it now (since it didn't work for some for some reason?)
Version 1.0.27
- Fixed Produce Flame having issues
- Fixed Unseen Servant. Clarification on mod page provided for how it works but additional suggestions are welcomed for other possibilities
- Changed Call Lightning's initial casting to not seemingly affect allies
- Fixed Detect Magic. Clarification on mod page for how it works.
- Fixed Water Walk not working with grease/sewer surfaces and gave it the ability to be cast as a ritual
- Caused Booming Blade's effect to apply to creatures that Jump or Fly
- Changed Green Flame Blade to work automatically to deal the leaping fire attack to a secondary target within 2m. Next update will remove the 3m radius as I forgot to remove it
- Fixed Sanctuary from being removed when damaged
- Largely fixed Healing Spirit but unable to grant uses of healing based off of spellcasting ability modifier (cursed multiclass) so it has a flat 6 uses
- Fixed Maximillian's Earthen Grasp
Version 1.0.26
- Fixed for some familiars from Flock of Familiars not having the Dismiss Summon action
- Fix for Erupting Earth not creating its previous rock spikes surface so changed it to mud surface to maintain difficult terrain effect
- Removed Arcane Eye from the spell lists as it was never in this mod but another mod (not updated yet) that required this mod, causing the base game's unfinished version in the game files to be accessible
Version 1.0.25
- Possible fix for Mage Hand
- Gave Snowball Storm some replacement VFX since the originals seemed to not work anymore
- Changed Green Flame Blade's damage tooltip to exclude the damage that would be dealt by the second attack to minimize confusion
- Fixed Enemies Abound as its inheriting data seemed to have changed
- Gave Goodberry the ability to heal extra for others if created from a Life Cleric with Blessed Healer but only accounts for 1st level spell slot currently
- Added in the imp and quasit familiars for the Flock of Familiars spell
Version 1.0.24
- Changed Monk's Darkness duration to 100 turns
- Changed Goodberry's supply amount to 4 for each one, so you'll receive 40 total so you'll sufficiently 'sustain the party for the whole day" per the spell more or less
- "Fixed" Branding Smite localization issue
- Gave Cause Fear some visual effects
Version 1.0.23
- Fix for another part of Spirit Shroud's status localization
- Take three "fix" for Booming Blade and Greenflame Blade's scaling at 10th level
- Change for Spirit Guardian's damage from start of the user's turn to that of the creature's turn per source material
- Healing Spirit has been partially fixed but still working other issues out
- Added a block to Catnap so it's closer to source material and prevents spamming on same targets
- Added the ability to use Ceremony as a ritual per source material
Version 1.0.22
- Reverted Shadow Blade's passive back to my version since Larian's didn't work apparently
- Fix for Psychic Lance's Incapacitated duration ending at start of user's next turn
- Fix for the other part of Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade scaling up at level 10
Version 1.0.21
- Removed script extender testing piece
Version 1.0.20
- Fix for Shadow Blade not working with Green Flame Blade
- Allowed Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade to upgrade at 10th level like base game cantrips (again why Larian)
- Changed Continual Flame's fire back to blue
- Added Prepare sound effects to Green Flame Blade and Booming Blade
Version 1.0.19
- Implemented the Shadow Blade weapon found in the game files
- Also changed effects and such of Thunderclap and Booming largely like Larian might intend to
Version 1.0.18
- Added the Blade Ward and Produce Flame cantrips to Cleric spell list (Larian why...)
- Added the prepare sound effects to Toll the Dead and Mind Sliver
- Remove Summon Draconic Spirit from spell list as it should've been originally with the others
Version 1.0.17
- Finally fully fixed the issue with Booming Blade/Greenflame Blade and Extra Attack being able to work but might have to still for Commander's Strike and Haste... (really hate those cantrips)
- Added Wall of Fire to Fiend Warlock's spell list
Version 1.0.16
- Fixed Detect Evil and Good's description and stuff (and the spell as a whole since apparently Larian rendered it deprecated)
- Fixed Destructive Wrath channel divinity from not working on Call Lightning
- Changed Call Lightning up so it's closer to the source material
- Increased Green Flame Blade's AoE radius to 3m for secondary targets of the following flame attack
Version 1.0.15
- Fixed issue with Summon Beast not applying spellcaster's modifier to hit
- Fixed/changed Shadowspawn's model and subsequent all shadow-related creature's model
- Added Freezing Sphere to spell lists
Version 1.0.14
- Added Arcane Lock, Phantasmal Killer and Wall of Fire to applicable spell lists
- Fixed Spirit Shroud statuses localization issues
Version 1.0.13
- Fixed Sanctuary status description that involves a Sanctuary Block
- Added Wall of Fire to Sorcerer spell list
- Added Psychic Lance to Warlock spell list
- Changed Goodberry's description to specify it provides 10 berries and heals for 1 hit point
Version 1.0.12
- Fixed the 4th level spells
- Removed the 7th+ spells from spell lists to simplify and reduce redundant questions
- Removed Levitate like I already thought I did
- Added spell slot back to Absorb Elements at 1st level
- Slightly modified Wither and Bloom damaging conditions so they "may" damage creatures that aren't allies but also aren't enemies yet
- Reverted Heroism back to the base game due to inability to account for multiclass spellcasting ability modifier change
Version 1.0.11
- Changed Fireball's radius to 6m per source material
- Corrected Summon Beast's attack rolls being modified by owner's spellcasting ability modifier
- Also corrected Summon Shadowspawn's to use its Dexterity modifier instead of owner's spellcasting ability modifier
- Removed SpellList.txt from files
- Fixed Absorb Elements not being counted against prepared spells
Version 1.0.10
- Potential fix for Spirit Guardians crashing with upcasting
- Fixed Magic Stone tooltip
- Fixed Ice Knife description and clarified on mod page the ice surface was intentionally removed
Version 1.0.9
- Fix for Mind Spike, Ceremony: Dedication and other tooltips
- Potential fix for Controller icons. Please let me know if that is the case
Version 1.0.8
- More general clean
- Separately added in the 5e Spells Original patch mod that reverts spells changed back to long rest duration
Version 1.0.7
- 2nd attempt for Heroism
- Fix for Shadowspawn
- Also general cleanup
Version 1.0.6
- General cleanup of old icons, a few more tooltip descriptions and other miscellaneous things I can't remember
- Fixed Summon Beast: Land not summoning a creature that fit with the spell's description
Version 1.0.5
- Fixed slight issue with Green Flame Blade's AoE portion
- Fixed Counterspell interrupt/reaction tooltip
- Remove Catapult from spell list as it is also no longer usable with older implementation method no longer viable
- Fixed Heroism not granting temporary hit points
- Remove Levitate from list due to not being satisfied with my own implementation and Larian hasn't implemented it yet
Version 1.0.4
- Fixed Call Lightning not dealing damage
Version 1.0.3
- Removed data for Expansion mod that pertained to Extra Attack
- Fixed tooltip/display issues with a few spells
- Removed duplicate/old data that pertained to Dragonborn's Breath Weapon attacks
Version 1.0.2
- Fix for Shadow Monk's Darkness not appearing
Version 1.0.1
- Removed some remnants just spotted but potentially a few more
Version 1.0.0
- Partially updated for full release. Accounts for cantrips and spells up to 3rd level
- Temporarily removing Temporarily removing Charm Monster, Psychic Lance, Raise Dead, Telepathic Bond, Skill Empowerment, Synaptic Static, Conjure Volley, Steel Wind Strike, Swift Quiver, Far Step and Negative Energy Flood until localization issues are fixed
- Completely Alter Self since Larian didn't implement an official version
- Reverting Haste back to its base game status for the time being and changed Vampiric Touch to base game state due to Larian implementing it correctly now
- Setting Nathair's Mischief, Life Transference and the RAW-ish implementation of Confusion until I can figure out an alternate way to do them
- Donations
Straight donations accepted

With this release, I've setup the ability to configure what spells you can gain through a .json file, the details of which will be found below. I'll soon™ be coming off my hiatus and start adding new spells since I've finished the game and finalizing a few other mod projects I've been working on.
This mod is one of the many that serve to add an additional selection of spells from 1st level spells up to 9th* level (including cantrips) for all classes and their spell list. Additional lists include the Spell Sniper and Ritual Caster spell lists for spells made in this mod. My purpose in creating this mod was to be implemented in a number of other mods (most especially my own) to enable additional options, though it is entirely capable of being used alone for the 1st to 6th level spells for the base game. Some specifically require the script extender to work, which should be noted below in the list of spells but for those unable to use the script extender, there are the optional 5e Spells Spell List and 5e Spells Cantrip List mods.
Additionally of note, the spells that would serve as ritual spells added by this mod operate in a similar fashion by only those considered ritual casters, being Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard and Warlocks with the Book of Ancient Secrets invocation. Wizards in particular gain a separate ritual spell under the Common tab of the hotbar that allows them to cast any of the applicable ritual spells without needing to prepare them (includes Find Familiar as well for the time being). These work based off the DnD source material works rather than Larian's method for those using the script extender. There might be some hiccups that occur, however, so let me know if you run into issues with those ritual spells (Detect Magic, Unseen Servant, Water Walk and Commune With Nature).
Additionally of note, the spells that would serve as ritual spells added by this mod operate in a similar fashion by only those considered ritual casters, being Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard and Warlocks with the Book of Ancient Secrets invocation. Wizards in particular gain a separate ritual spell under the Common tab of the hotbar that allows them to cast any of the applicable ritual spells without needing to prepare them (includes Find Familiar as well for the time being). These work based off the DnD source material works rather than Larian's method for those using the script extender. There might be some hiccups that occur, however, so let me know if you run into issues with those ritual spells (Detect Magic, Unseen Servant, Water Walk and Commune With Nature).
* To gain access to spells above 6th level, you must use a mod that includes the spell lists from this mod. Otherwise, they will be unavailable.
If you're using the script extender, when the mod is loading up and just before reaches the startup menu, it'll create a 5eSpells.json and 5eSpells,RAW file at the following location if there currently isn't one located there: AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Script Extender\5eSpells. You can modify either file using any text editor like Notepad, Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code. Below is a description of each file:
5eSpells.json - Within this file, by default, you'll see a number of options falling under the "Spells" category, being "Cantrips", "TCoE"* and "5e", along with various levels from 1st to 9th for the latter two. Everything in the ,json is enabled by default due to being set to "true". If you change the text for one of the options to false or leave it empty, that should prevent spells of that given option from being added to spell lists. If you would prefer to set it up beforehand, you can also simply download the .json to abovementioned location from my github here by clicking the "Download raw file" towards the upper right hand corner underneath the History button. Be sure to create the "5e Spells" folder in "Script Extender" if doing it this way.
5eSpells_RAW - Within this file are currently two option but there is a chance I'll add more for the purpose of bringing some base game spells closer to how they work in DnD, such as their durations or range. By default, both are set to "false". If "Spare the Dying" is enabled to "true", the Help action should be modified so it requires a DC 10 Medicine check to successfully stabilize a downed creature (also without granting the 1 hit point). If "Raise Dead" is set to "true", the Revivify spell and its respective scrolls should only be allowed to resurrect a creature that has been dead for 10 turns.
* This option, which is abbreviated from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, are a number of spells that were optionally opened up to other classes that were originally limited when the aforementioned book was released some time following Dungeon and Dragon's 5e edition first Player Handbook and the list of such can be found here for clarity or other websites. These are specifically limited to the base game spells. Additionally, enabling any of this section's 3rd, 5th, 7th or 9th level spells will result in every TCoE spell being added to the Bard's Magical Secrets (same applies to the "5e" section for this mod's spells).
5eSpells.json - Within this file, by default, you'll see a number of options falling under the "Spells" category, being "Cantrips", "TCoE"* and "5e", along with various levels from 1st to 9th for the latter two. Everything in the ,json is enabled by default due to being set to "true". If you change the text for one of the options to false or leave it empty, that should prevent spells of that given option from being added to spell lists. If you would prefer to set it up beforehand, you can also simply download the .json to abovementioned location from my github here by clicking the "Download raw file" towards the upper right hand corner underneath the History button. Be sure to create the "5e Spells" folder in "Script Extender" if doing it this way.
5eSpells_RAW - Within this file are currently two option but there is a chance I'll add more for the purpose of bringing some base game spells closer to how they work in DnD, such as their durations or range. By default, both are set to "false". If "Spare the Dying" is enabled to "true", the Help action should be modified so it requires a DC 10 Medicine check to successfully stabilize a downed creature (also without granting the 1 hit point). If "Raise Dead" is set to "true", the Revivify spell and its respective scrolls should only be allowed to resurrect a creature that has been dead for 10 turns.
* This option, which is abbreviated from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, are a number of spells that were optionally opened up to other classes that were originally limited when the aforementioned book was released some time following Dungeon and Dragon's 5e edition first Player Handbook and the list of such can be found here for clarity or other websites. These are specifically limited to the base game spells. Additionally, enabling any of this section's 3rd, 5th, 7th or 9th level spells will result in every TCoE spell being added to the Bard's Magical Secrets (same applies to the "5e" section for this mod's spells).
List of Commonly Asked for Mods
- Expansion - Created by me, contains level 13-20 progressions for all base game classes and some of their subclasses and includes the Wizard Bladesinger subclass. It is also configurable for some features
- Unlock Level Curve - Another level 13-20 mod
- Zerd's Rules as Written (RAW) - This mod changes spells to be closer to DnD 5e and is one I've contributed most of the spell changes from the 5e Spells Adjust optional mod to. FYI, you can select which features of the mod to enable so if you don't want everything it provides, you don't have to.
- Homebrew Spells
- Created by me, this mod adds additional spells not found in 5e at all as they are created by third party individuals. - War Caster (2014 and UA2) - Useful for those wanting the feat to work with more than just Shocking Grasp.
- 5e Spells - Larian Durations - Adjusts durations for various spells to match that of base game spells.
- 5e Spells References: Valdacil's Spell Adjustments - A mod that makes quite a number of balance changes to spells in this mod and the base game.
- Secrets Scrolls for 5e Spells - Adds scrolls with spells contained in this mod.
- Actual Green Flame Blade - Name says it all. I've added a version of green to the cantrip but it offers alternatives.
- Spell List Sorter - Helps in arranging the spells in alphabetical order and by level if that's desired since my method of adding the spells through the script extender goes against it (and have no idea where to start even attempt that on my own).
- Minthra's Configurable Enemies - Adds spells from this mod to enemies.
- Combat Extender - Another mod that add spells from this mod to enemies (personally in a better way).
- Summon Initiative Fixer - If you would like to allow the applicable summons in this mod to share their turn with their summoner like they do in DnD 5e, this mod enables that. Applicable summons are Unseen Servant, Dust Devil, Healing Spirit, Summon Beast, Summon Shadowspawn, Summon Aberration and Summon Elemental.
- True Darkness - Implements the Darkness spell as it operates in DnD 5e.
- Advanced Tabletop Spells - Implements some additional 7th+ level spells.
Miscellaneous Features and Changes
There are a number of additional changes and fixes along the lines of quality of life this mod offers which includes the following:
- Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade have been adjusted to account for the Damage Sources and Damage Riders mechanics of certain features and items in the game.
- Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade also grant Sneak Attack and Divine Strike variants to allow you to combine their use with interrupts that would otherwise conflict, such as Sneak Attack and Divine Strike. Will also introduce Smite as well at some point and potentially add even more combinations such as BB/GFB + SA + DS to be used with Smite or BB/GFB + DS + Smite to be used with Sneak Attack, etc.
- Added Toll the Dead to the Potent Spellcasting feature to add Wisdom modifier to its damage through script extender.
- Changed many of the base game conditions that check specifically for the Frightened condition to a general Frightened status group which would include things like the Feared effect, etc.
- Added a feature that allows Shadow Blade to be switched to the main hand when its summoned if you're dual wielding.
With all of that said, the spells added in this mod are:
- Booming Blade
- Control Flames
- Create Bonfire
- Druidcraft - This cantrip can grant advantage on the next Intimidation check and remove/apply fire to items like torches.
- Frost Bite
- Green-Flame Blade - Finally has a green VFX thanks to VladmirXII. Check out a lot of his other awesome, VFX related mods!
- Gust - This cantrip can push creatures or objects and can create a gust of wind that briefly distracts some creatures in an area.
- Infestation - Requires the script extender to cause the random movement.
- Lightning Lure
- Magic Stone - Requires script extender to correctly apply the spellcasting ability modifier of the caster.
- Mind Sliver - Credit to havsglimt for the tooltip icon.
- Mold Earth - This cantrip creates mud surfaces or removes them.
- Prestidigitation - This cantrip can clean dirt, blood and sweat off creatures, can remove some surfaces and can remove/apply fire to items like torches.
- Primal Savagery
- Shape Water - This cantrip can freeze water surfaces, can create an ice block to stand on and can teleport a water surface from one location to another.
- Spare the Dying - This spell operates largely the same way the Help action does. Use the 5e Spells RAW.json to configure the Help action to operate like it does in DnD so it gives Spare the Dying a use case for those interested in such.
- Sword Burst
- Thunderclap
- Toll the Dead
- Word of Radiance
1st Level Spells
- Absorb Elements
- Beast Bond
- Catapult
- Cause Fear
- Ceremony - The Bless Water spell container requires the script extender to work. You or the target must have a "Water" item in your inventory in order for it to be converted into Holy Water.
- Chaos Bolt - Requires the script extender to work. Also, specifically haven't accounted for the ability to target a third creature or more currently (maybe never).
- Detect Evil and Good
- Detect Magic - You gain an aura that places a status on creatures that have spell slots within 9m of you. You also gain a temporary spell on the right side of the hotbar that allows you to place an effect on a creature that prevents them from hiding or becoming invisible while they remain within the aura's radius.
- Earth Tremor - Specifically creates a mud surface to simulate the difficult terrain.
- Frost Fingers
- Snare
- Tasha's Caustic Brew
- Unseen Servant - This spell summons an invisible creature that cannot attack but can use the Prestidigitation cantrip and can interact with objects similar to an Arcane Trickster's Mage Hand. Considering adding in the ability to throw objects but without causing them to deal any damage (which excludes throwing healing potions).
- Zephyr Strike
2nd Level Spells
- Aganazzar's Scorcher
- Alter Self
- Borrowed Knowledge
- Continual Flame
- Dragon's Breath - Requires script extender to correctly apply the spellcasting ability modifier of the caster. Besides that, non-humanoid creatures don't have the appropriate animations from using the Dragon Breath action since it is made for humanoids (derived from Dragonborn's Breath Weapon attack).
- Dust Devil - As a replacement for the secondary part of this spell's effect, it creates a fog cloud that follows it around after it enters a mud surface.
- Flock of Familiars
- Healing Spirit - Summons a (cat) spirit that must be within 5 feet/2m of a creature to allow the summoner to heal a creature. Due to certain limitations with checking for spellcasting ability modifier, simply gave the healing 6 charges, which is the max it would've given otherwise.
- Kinetic Jaunt
- Maximillian's Earthen Grasp
- Mind Spike
- Nathair's Mischief - Requires the script extender to work.
- Rime's Binding Ice
- Shadow Blade
- Snowball Storm
Suggestion- Removed from spell lists for the time being until I think of a suitable enough effect.- Summon Beast
- Tasha's Mind Whip
- Vortex Warp
- Warding Wind
- Wither and Bloom - While the script extender works, the creature using the healing spell will gain an additional amount of hit points equal to the caster's spellcasting ability modifier. Without the script extender, it'll use the creature's own Constitution modifier. If the character is a class that hasn't been accounted for, the healing die will be a d8.
3rd Level Spells
- Antagonize - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell.
- Ashardalon's Stride
- Catnap - Requires the script extender to work.
- Create Food and Water
- Enemies Abound
- Erupting Earth
- Flame Arrows
- Intellect Fortress
- Life Transference - Requires the script extender to work.
- Magic Circle - Credit to sumradagnoth8 for the creation of this spell. This spell is only close-ish to RAW for a few reasons. It can't exactly prevent teleportation or flying into the area but it will force the creature to make a Charisma saving throw or get knocked 5m out of the circle. Currently, you can't pick specific creatures to affect and there's no option to like "trap" creatures in the circle while everyone outside get the benefits but those two are potentially doable so will look into them in the future.
- Melf's Minute Meteors
- Motivational Speech
- Nondetection
- Spirit Shroud
- Summon Fey - Credit to havsglimt for the creation of this spell.
- Summon Shadowspawn - These summons can't climb various things like ladders and such due to the shadow creatures in the game lacking those animations, so you might run into issues on that front. To remedy this, I've given it the ability to fly and teleport to the summoner while outside of combat but the latter only works through the script extender.
- Thunder Step - The explosion at your previous location has been accounted for in the script extender due to system limitations with teleporting another creature with you.
- Water Walk
4th Level Spells
- Arcane Eye - If it's not clear, this spell's sole purpose is scouting, allowing you to foresee potential danger wherever you guide it. Decided against the RAW action use for the purpose of a streamlined and limited use in BG3.
- Aura of Life - Credit to havsglimt for the creation of this spell.
- Charm Monster
- Guardian of Nature
- Raulothim's Psychic Lance
- Shadow of Moil - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell.
- Storm Sphere - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell. The projectile shot by the Storm Sphere is handled through the script extender to line up appropriately with the timing of the damage dealt. Without the script extender, it's done through the summon's interrupt which has a timing delay with the damage dealt but still works ultimately.
- Summon Aberration - Credit to havsglimt for the creation of this spell. Note, only the Beholderkin option is available currently.
- Summon Construct - Credit to havsglimt for the creation of this spell. Note, only the Metal option is available currently.
- Summon Elemental
- Vitriolic Sphere - Credit to nysisyn for the creation of this spell.
5th Level Spells
- Commune with Nature - Since it working exactly like RAW isn't all that doable, it instead grants the caster expertise in the Nature and Survival skills for 100 turns. Not much but when comparing it to Skill Empowerment, which is 1 hour and requires concentration and lets you pick any skill, doesn't seem entirely outlandish. Especially with it being a ritual spell. Alternate suggestions are welcome however.
- Conjure Volley
- Far Step
- Holy Weapon
- Maelstrom - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell. Note, this spell involves the modification of the Deep Water surface to apply only burning to vampires (as it originally did during Early Access and was done to limit damage to everyone since that didn't make sense outside of the aforementioned vampires). As such, it'll conflict with any mod that similarly modifies the Deep Water surface unless compatibility is made.
- Negative Energy Flood
- Raise Dead - This spell operates largely the same way the Revivify spell does. Use the 5e Spells RAW.json to configure Revivify to operate like it does in DnD so it gives Raise Dead a use case for those interested in such.
Rary's Telepathic BondPotentially fixing later.- Skill Empowerment
- Steel Wind Strike - The teleport action you gain after using the spell must specifically target one of the previously targeted creatures, even if the spell missed one/any of them.
- Swift Quiver
Summon Draconic SpiritCurrently fixing up. Credit to johauna for the use of her dragon assets from her Half Dragon mod linked in her profile here. Check it out if you're interested in dragons!- Synaptic Static
6th Level Spells
- Tenser's Transformation - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell. It mentions causing exhaustion but that won't actually come into effect unless you're using a mod with exhaustion rules and such since its not in the base game and I didn't feel it was needed to implement in this mod.
- True Seeing - Credit to drkekyll for the creation of this spell.
7th Level Spells
- Finger of Death
- Regenerate
8th Level Spells
- Dominate Monster - Using the script extender, this allows you to fully dominate a creature so you can control it unlike the base game's Dominate Beast and Person.
- Feeblemind
- Holy Aura
- Mind Blank
9th Level Spells
- Foresight
- Power Word: Heal - The part about the target being able to use a reaction to stand up from being prone is handled through the script extender.
- Power Word: Kill
How to Install
I would recommend installing mods using the BG3 Mod Manager, full stop.