About this mod
Adds 1 Head to Body 1 Elves/Drow, Half-Elves, Humans and Tieflings.
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Available for Body 1 Elves/Drow, Half-Elves, Humans and Tieflings. The Tiefling version is available with and without Mizora's facial ridges.
There are no plans to convert this head to any other race or body type.
Install with BG3 Mod Manager.
Make sure “Animation LOD Detail” is set to “High”.
🤍 Mods used in Screenshots:
General: Custom Backdrops for Character Creation and Level Up
Customization: Enchanted Threads (Devi Saree) | Tepkunset Hair Collection | Tav's Hair Salon | Kirby's Hair Pack | Kylin's Horns | hair, eye and skin colors by astralities
🤍 Tools and Resources Used:
Blender | GIMP | Paint.NET
Modder's Multitool by Shinyhobo
lslib by Norbyte
BG3 Armature Tools for Blender by Aloija
BG3 MiniTool and Blender Addons by Padme4000
Weeviljester's Head Template
Kay's CC Icon Template
Thank you. 🤍🤍🤍
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