About this mod
If, like me, the color choices or even the gear of certain NPCs have ever made you want to cry, then this mod is for you. Since I’m extremely detail-oriented, there's a good chance you won’t even notice some of the changes (like the hue of a sock) that are glaringly obvious to me.
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I’ve started making Baldur’s Gate 3 mods as a hobby, but it’s been taking up most of my time these days, so… I just opened a Patreon and a Ko-Fi!
If you like my work, feel free to send me a message there, follow me, or even consider supporting my work if you'd like! Thank you <3
Made with the Moonglasses - BG3 Extended Toolkit mod, this mod slightly modify almost every Act I NPCs design. I always take tons of screenshots when I play, and since I'm used to meticulously choosing the color of every detail when I draw or paint, my eye is often drawn to certain choices that I find unflattering or too flashy for my taste. Of course, these modifications only reflect my personal preferences, and I in no way believe that Larian’s team should have done things differently or better.
The rule I followed all along was to respect the original design of each NPCs, except for a few very rare exceptions.
1. WHAT THIS MOD DO (You can see all the changes I made in the pics tab, but here's the main things I changed and the reason behind)
- I really hated the white parts of the druid armors and clothes + the color of their emblem so I made it greener + darker brown to keep the natural mood
- I wanted the Flaming Fist armors to be a bit more 'pompous,' so I made the colors deeper and made the silver and gold parts shinier.
- The tattoos always looked like some low quality stickers stucked on NPCs faces so I slightly reduced their intensity and occasionally adjusted their hue.
- I’m not really a fan of reddish leather tones, so I often changed it to brown.
- I changed many of the 'silver' parts to gold because I find it more aesthetically pleasing. Again, just personal taste :) I also tried to ensure that it never looked too flashy (except for Zevlor, because I think he has always had dreams of grandeur deep down).
- No more "blue" blood on the absolute emblems! It's now red, as it should be.
- Alfira has a more colorful outfit, simply because she's a colorful person.
- I replaced all the shirts like the one Oskar was wearing because I find the original design really unattractive.
- I slightly modified a lot of hair and eyebrow hues, especially on Tieflings, since their beautiful skin color often didn’t match the original hair colors.
- Change NPCs hair (2 or 3 exceptions: For example, I changed Florrick's hairstyle because her original hairstyle had no physics, making it look weirdly stiff)
- Change NPCs face or body features
- Change NPCs skin color (1 or 2 exceptions, and Florrick is one of them again. I think she's a wood elf so they gave her a slightly green hued skin (Wood elf skin 7) but I really found it weird with her beautiful purple/blue dress so I gave her the equivalent Human warm skin n7.
- Change anything other than visual stuff
This mod may conflict with any other mod that modify NPCs appearance!
Also, this mod is subject to change as my own preferences evolve and based on your feedback.
Furthermore, I made each of these changes manually, so it took me a lot of time. I hope you'll enjoy this mod as much as I do
and that it will allow you to replay the game once more while appreciating every detail.
I'm already working on the Redesigned - Recolored NPCs for Act II and Act III mods!
Installation mid-playthrough OK! Import this mod’s .zip file into the Baldur’s Gate 3 Mod Manager then save and export your load order. Tadam!
This mod should be safe to uninstall mid-playthrough, but like with all mods, I can't say it's 100% safe. Use at your own discretion!
Click here and choose one of my social medias! <3
Redesigned Camp and new Tav Hut - Act I Wilderness
Fully Edited Level -1- Elfsong camp with separated beds and night-day cycle
Fully Edited Level -2- Last Light Inn camp V1 RED with a tent for Tav
Fully Edited Level -2- Last Light Inn camp V2 GREEN with a tent for Tav
Personalised bed -1- Act III Elfsong (ADDON Redesigned Elfsong Camp) Selunite Druid
Redesigned Tents - All Companions (Merged, except Jaheira, Minsc + Minthara)
Redesigned Tent - Laezel
Redesigned Tent - Gale
Redesigned Tent - Karlach
Redesigned Tent - Astarion
Redesigned Tent - Wyll
Redesigned Tent - Halsin
Redesigned Tent - Shadowheart
Redesigned Starting Gear - All Companions (Merged)
Redesigned Starting Gear - Astarion
Redesigned Starting Gear - Gale
Redesigned Starting Gear - Halsin
Redesigned Starting Gear - Jaheira
Redesigned Starting Gear - Karlach
Redesigned Starting Gear - Laezel
Redesigned Starting Gear - Minsc
Redesigned Starting Gear - Minthara
Redesigned Starting Gear - Shadowheart
Redesigned Starting Gear - Wyll
Redesigned/Recolored NPC's (Act I)
Redesigned/Recolored NPC's (Modular) Coming Soon
Karlach Black Hair - No More Red Highlights
No Glow Myconids
This mod may conflict with any other mod that modify NPCs appearance!
Let me know if you run into any conflicts with other mods, and I'll add it here :)
To all the people who leave me adorable comments ❤️❤️
To this amazing game, Larian team and everyone who worked on it
To all the modders for their amazing mods
To the Moonglasses - BG3 Extended Toolkit mod
To the BG3 Modding Discord
To the insane Otis_Inf Photomode Mods
To all the amazing tutorials from several modders that allowed me to start modding myself (KinnTheGreen, Padme4000, Druundev, Crucible Gaming and so on) ❤️