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About this mod

Wanderer is an Intelligence-based half caster that allows for engaging and dynamic gameplay through subtle, continuous decision making. It revolves around making the most out of spell slots in a way that no other class does.

Permissions and credits
NOTE: There are many icons that have been reused from the vanilla game. I aim to create custom icons for most, if not all, the custom spells and actions in this class. Also, the class and subclass icons are serviceable, they're not hideous but I will update them when I'm able to.
Wanderer is a completely custom class that took hundreds of hours to create. It's based on a custom class I wrote for 5e as a fun side project, but it has been heavily modified to match the way BG3 plays. Wanderer is an Intelligence half-caster designed around intertwining magic and weaponry, with careful attention paid to avoid stepping on Paladin's or Ranger's toes. Wanderer is supposed to be balanced, it is not a class made to make the game easier, though it's also not a challenge-mode class. Wanderer creates a focus on paying attention to the schools of magic the player uses through the schools empowering different abilities in unique ways, each way is associated heavily with the corresponding school. The class is intended to feel reminiscent of the style of play Wizard has, i.e. a heavy focus on spells and decision making.

Wanderer has tons of all-new effects made from the ground up; each new spell has at least one unique effect, usually multiple. In addition to ~20 new actions/mechanics (they work like spells but many of them are not technically spells) available to the base class, the two subclasses have a variety of custom spells, too.

As of right now, there are two subclasses, Heritage of the Storm and Heritage of Chaos. Storm Heritage is based around movement and positioning while the Chaos Heritage is themed around wild magic. For right now, Storm Heritage is slightly recommended as Chaos is still in need of minor polishing and more wild magic effects.

Class Features
Light Armor, Medium Armor, Simple Weapons, Scimitars, Rapiers, Shortswords, Longswords, Glaives, Hand Crossbows.
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence

1st level
Traveling Armor -> When you cast a spell or Latent Arcana, you gain AC equal to your Intelligence modifier until the start of your next turn.
Active: Invoke -> Channel your magic into your weapon and strike foes within 12m. Later on, Invoke becomes the medium through which other features are executed.

2nd Level
Heritage of the Storm or Heritage of Chaos

3rd Level
Latent Arcana -> 3 choices from 8 bonus action spell-like abilities, each Latent Arcana is emblematic of a corresponding school of magic. Casting any Latent Arcana empowers the next cast of Invoke, it gains increased damage and an additional effect per empowerment. Additional Latent Arcana magic is acquired throughout the rest of the class levels.
Active: Latent Arcana Recharge -> Spend a spell slot to gain one use of Latent Arcana for each level of the spent slot. 

4th Level
Ability Score Improvement

5th Level
Active: Invoke -> Spend a spell slot and bonus action as part of one of your attacks when you take the attack action. If you hit, you gain the Imbued status. While you are Imbued you can cast any action-cost spell at no resource cost. Casting any spell consumes your status and applies the Invoke empowerment of the corresponding school from that spell.
Passive: Extra Attack -> ya smack em and can then smack em again.

8th Level
Ability Score Improvement

10th Level
: Intellect Break -> Add your Intelligence modifier to attack rolls.

12th Level
Ability Score Improvement


Heritage of Chaos

2nd Level
: Chaos Strike -> Strike a foe with advantage once per combat in exchange for rolling on the Chaos Magic table.

6th Level
Action: Luck Manipulation -> When you or an ally gets hit by a critical attack, you can force the attacker to reroll. If you do, you can force an allied attack of your choice to be a critical hit. You can use this feature once per short rest.

11th Level

Passive: Chaotic Perfection -> You gain immunity to psychic damage and advantage on saving throws against spells.

Heritage of the Storm
2nd Level
Passive: Storm Surge -> During your first turn of combat, you gain 3m extra movement speed and can jump without using a bonus action once. Additionally, you are immune to fall damage until the end of your turn.
Passive: Storm Jump -> Toggleable passive that increases the movement cost of jumping in exchange for dealing damage and knocking creatures away. The amount of knockback and damage scale with Wanderer level.

6th Level
Active: Wind Sphere -> Once per short rest, you can create a small spherical storm on command. The sphere has a radius of 3m. It lasts for two turns and pushes all non-allied creatures outside the sphere if they fail a strength saving throw against your spell save dc. Additionally, attacks against allies within the sphere have disadvantage. The sphere is treated as difficult terrain for all creatures.

11th Level
Active: Lightning Blast -> Once per long rest, you can strike with immense lightning that deals a great amount of damage and paralyzes all who fail a dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. Lightning Blast has a radius of5m.

Patch Notes:
- Modified some small stuff and fixed some animations.
- Added resource icons for Latent Arcana, no more confusing red stars! For now, the custom resource icons just reuse an existing one, I'll be added completely custom icons in a future update.

1.2 -- Major Update

Balance Changes
- Latent Arcana Buff: Latent Arcana spells that require an attack no longer require a bonus action to cast. This change was made to alleviate the issue of the class being extremely slow to build its strength. Now, you can cast a fully-empowered Invoke in one turn, provided you have the resources to manage it. (I will be playtesting this further to properly evaluate the balance of it)
- Invoke's cast range has been improved from 12m to 18m to compensate for the lack of high ground range extension.
- Invoke's Evocation empowerment has been buffed so that it scales like a d8 cantrip. 
- Storm Heritage's Jump has been improved so that it requires 4m of movement instead of 6m. 
- Storm Heritage's Jump now gains extra range from the Wanderer's Intelligence modifier. 
- Storm Heritage's Jump now deals slightly more damage and launches enemies slightly further. It also no longer hits allies.
Misc Changes
Bunch of random back-end bug fixes, mostly stuff that wouldn't really be noticeable in normal gameplay if you weren't looking for it. 
- Reworded various tooltips that had either spelling errors or were out of date. 
- Added an extended description for each of the 8 Invoke empowerments, it can be found in the Invoke Empowerment passive's description. 
- Gave Wanderer the Wizard tag so that players will have at least some dialogue options. I plan on adding my own tag system eventually, but it is a lot of work. 
- Made Invoke's prepare animation look a bit better. 
- Recreated subclass icons entirely. They look way better!
- Fixed a ton of bugs
- Fixed and improved Chaos subclass' 6th level feature
- Did a ton of backend stuff that is not immediately apparent but should make for a better experience
- Slightly reworked Invoke's visual effects, the overall change is mild but the impact is great. Invoke feels like a real spell now.
- Buffed Latent Life, it now deals half the damage of a normal attack but heals the caster for 4x the amount of damage done.
- Various Bug Fixes
- Polished effects and animations for features from the first few levels of the class and subclasses
- Added 8 new effects to the Chaos subclass' wild magic
- Reworked, improved, and fixed the rest of the wild magic effects

- Added new passive to the Storm subclass
- Slightly buffed Invoke's damage at later levels
- Fixed a few tooltip bugs
- Moderately improved some of the Wanderer Gift options, all four options should seem appealing now
- Changed the starting armor. It is still has the same stats, it just looks a bit more fitting for the class now.

- Fixed proficiencies and spell slots not showing in character creation and level up menus.

Future Content

I am currently making a 3rd subclass and I will eventually create a proper trailer video, one that properly shows what the class can do. If you like what you see here, please let me know either in the comment section here or by direct messaging me. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

I'm also in the process of making:
- Tag system for dialogue options
- Revised balance for Imbue Weapon and Invoke
- More custom icons and effects
- 5th Wanderer gift option that creates a completely unique familiar.

All feedback is welcome!

1/11/2025 Progress update: Sorry for the delay on the updates, I went through some pretty hard stuff late last year that really burned me out on pretty much everything. However, I'm back now! I will now be updating this class pretty frequently for the foreseeable future!