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About this mod

The Ruffian is more forceful and Intimidating Rogue, able to use unarmed strikes and non-finesse weapons for their Sneak Attack. This is an adaptation of some homebrew by LaserLlama.

Permissions and credits

This is an adaptation of LaserLlama's Ruffian subclass, a rougher Rogue ready to face foes head-on. Unlike other Rogues, the Ruffian is able to use unarmed attacks and more traditional Strength-based weaponry, and can use Constitution for their AC.

Grappling doesn't exist in BG3 by default, but to be honest, in a world where Tavern Brawler and bonus-action shoves exist, I'm not sure this is going to stop you much. However, if you have Dr. Kekyll's Grappling Framework, I've included an optional extension that lets you use your Cunning Action or Dodge and Counter features to attempt grapples. Just something I threw together, because I've always been a bit of a sucker for any subclass that lets me box dragons.

This mod supports levels 13-20 and, if you have it, should be compatible with the Compatibility Framework if you'd like more than one custom Rogue subclass.

Features by level

  • Level 3:
Your Sneak Attacks can work with unarmed attacks and any weapon that isn't Two-Handed.
Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 Bludgeoning damage.
When armoured, you can use Constitution in place of Dexterity to calculate your AC.
You can use your Strength for Intimidation checks, and your Athletics and Intimidation checks cannot roll lower than an 8.

  • Level 9: You have an Imposing Glance, which you can use as a bonus action to Frighten your enemies. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Strength modifier per Short Rest. Additionally, you are immune to being Frightened.
  • Level 13: When a foe misses you with a melee attack you can redirect the force of their blow, potentially knocking them prone.
  • Level 17: Once per turn when you hit an enemy you have Frightened and qualify for Sneak Attack, you can turn your attack into a Critical Hit. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Strength modifier per Short Rest.


This is an adaptation of LaserLlama's Ruffian, which can be found online here: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-M0ncGWa5j9oDFwilwPl

I sent LaserLlama a DM about porting their free content, and got the reponse that it was alright so long as I provided credit and a link. You can see more of LL's content on their Reddit, GM Binder or Patreon.

Class icon is just a bit of repurposing from the Way of Shadow's icon, with some help from Nathahniel's Blank Class Icons.