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About this mod

A mod designed to add more Fighter equipment throughout the game.

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin
  • Korean
Control the flow of combat with Might and Metal: Fighter Equipment. This mod provides your fighter with the tools to gain a decisive tactical advantage. Increase your survivability and that of your allies by enhancing your armor and weakening enemy defenses. Whether you prefer to hold the line, protect your companions, or carve a path through your enemies, this collection offers the means to shape the battlefield to your will. All equipment is immersively distributed throughout the game using Fade's Equipment Distribution (FED), ensuring you'll encounter these treasures organically as you explore the world. Your feedback is crucial! Share your thoughts and help refine Might and Metal.

- Each Act adds 10 items curated for Fighter
- Each Act will be separated below so you are able to see which items are added per act with each items Location listed in a spoiler
- There is a Chest in the Tutorial Chest that contains backpacks for each act
- Requires FED to immersively distribute the items throughout the game - Without FED the items only spawn in the Tutorial Chest Link

Q: Can I install the mod in the middle of the playthrough?
A: You can do this. However, the changes will not apply to locations you have already visited, as the static loot lists for them have already been generated. The traders you visit will also have predetermined loot (But it is still possible to get the items from traders, their inventory refreshes every 2-3 long rests).

Known bug - The chest pieces for whatever reason, won't spawn in the tutorial chest and need to be added manually with console commands or found in the game world.

All past update notes will be located in Change Logs

Act 1

  • 1 glove: Rusting Gauntlets (Uncommon)
  • 1 amulet: Amulet of the Lion's Wrath (Uncommon)
  • 1 ring: Ring of Deflection (Rare)
  • 1 boot: Boots of the Unbreakable Stance (Rare)
  • 1 cloak: Cloak of the Patient Warrior (Rare)
  • 2 weapons: Blood-Soaked Longsword (Uncommon), Sword of the Sundering Strike (Rare)
  • 1 chest piece: Cuirass of the Challenger (Rare)
  • 1 helmet: Helm of the Stalwart Defender (Uncommon)
  • 1 shield: Shield of the Spiked Shell (Very Rare)

Locations: (All items are also in the Tutorial Chest)
  • Rusting Gauntlets - Sold by Stonemason Kith
  • Amulet of the Lion's Wrath - Drops from Gimblebock
  • Ring of Deflection - Drops from Baretha
  • Boots of the Unbreakable Stance - Drops from Ch'r'ai W'wargaz
  • Cloak of the Patient Warrior - Found on a skeleton on Rosymorn Monastery roof, behind eagles
  • Blood-Soaked Longsword - Found in the Buried Chest in the Festering Cove - Behind Sacrifice Altar
  • Sword of the Sundering Strike - Drops from Sergeant Thrinn
  • Cuirass of the Challenger - Found in the Heavy Chest near Lakrissa
  • Helm of the Stalwart Defender - Found in the Buried Chest behind Waukeen's Rest main building - in the center of the barrels
  • Shield of the Spiked Shell - Drops from Bulette
All UUID's if you want to add the items with console commands

Rusting Gauntlets - 58ade5bd-99d6-4d21-9fab-f2d0037628aa
Amulet of the Lion's Wrath - b08ea26f-a122-45f6-99e5-061afcbdf5a8
Ring of Deflection - bace69b2-0c4d-4b62-93b6-74344b9e920a
Boots of the Unbreakable Stance - 766e5f0a-d607-4af7-a67e-1ec6e3643344
Cloak of the Patient Warrior - 11465ad1-4f62-47be-8845-7bf8a3d1dda3
Blood-Soaked Longsword - 0ac42413-4aa3-4117-98e1-8027e23996c5
Sword of the Sundering Strike - 16e88c16-6933-4390-b923-5bd2fcdd50ca
Cuirass of the Challenger - b0714c4d-05a3-47f6-a18e-572e0f3d1ef6
Helm of the Stalwart Defender - 68ec8b27-1dca-4327-937d-a7b205a6d1ec
Shield of the Spiked Shell - 7180336b-33aa-42b2-b6e5-e4dc6f72d340

Minor notes regarding a few items
- Shield of the Spiked Shell - Spiked Shell - Requires a DEX saving throw of 16, on fail, it applies Bleed and deals full damage, on Successful save they take half damage
- Rusting Gauntlets - Grasp of Rust - Constitution saving throw of 10
- Ring of Deflection - Deflecting Blow - Has a Short Rest Cooldown

Images of Act 1 Items

Act 2

  • 1 glove: Gauntlets of the Battle Fury (Rare)
  • 1 amulet: Pendant of Shielding (Rare)
  • 2 ring: Ring of the Disarming Riposte (Rare), Ring of Razor's Edge (Uncommon)
  • 1 boot: Boots of the Ironclad Champion (Very Rare)
  • 1 cloak: Golden Cloak of Resilience (Uncommon)
  • 1 weapons: Shadow-Cursed Battleaxe (Very Rare)
  • 1 chest piece: Breastplate of Vengeance (Rare)
  • 1 helmet: Helm of the Fearless (Very Rare)
  • 1 shield: Aegis of the Unflinching Guardian (Legendary)

Locations: (All items are also in the Tutorial Chest)

All UUID's if you want to add the items with console commands

Gauntlets of the Battle Fury - 43879408-d14a-4d20-873a-19ead9103749
Pendant of Shielding - ed63c5c6-a0b8-4ab8-ac50-14a1e298e8cf
Ring of the Disarming Riposte - f5669a7f-51c6-4ec3-b29d-9fe83526a3e4
Ring of Razor's Edge - 0351d14c-d1a5-4d44-9b75-94b845e5a0e5
Boots of the Ironclad Champion - 75b4c2d0-572f-44c0-885a-06ec4d0e5479
Golden Cloak of Resilience - 0a3a5a2c-111b-47f1-8bbd-df3e43568b46
Shadow-Cursed Battleaxe - c7133082-c3d7-4e0a-be49-71f0b47fb63e
Breastplate of Vengeance - a8480c85-ae5f-45e3-9ce1-c1a4cd89ecec
Helm of the Fearless - b2b2970a-2f8b-4c46-a8b3-5a9f722986c2
Aegis of the Unflinching Guardian - 0139a6e4-3ba5-4f2b-b572-11f14a2c29bc

Minor notes regarding a few items
- Ring of the Disarming Riposte - Disarming Riposte - Strength Saving Throw of 14

Images of Act 2 Items

Act 3

  • 1 glove: Gauntlets of Calculated Carnage (Very Rare)
  • 1 amulet: Amulet of the Deathless (Legendary)
  • 2 ring: Ring of the Enduring Warrior (Very Rare), Ring of the Bold (Uncommon)
  • 1 boot: Boots of the Charging Warlord (Rare)
  • 1 cloak: Cloak of the Last Stand (Very Rare)
  • 2 weapons: Scimitar of the Infernal Kiss (Very Rare), Battleaxe of the Sundering Blow (Very Rare)
  • 1 chest piece: Living Adamantine Breastplate (Legendary)
  • 1 helmet: Helm of the Exalted Champion (Rare)

Locations: (All items are also in the Tutorial Chest)

  • Gauntlets of Calculated Carnage - Drops from Sarevok
  • Amulet of the Deathless - Drops from Ansur
  • Ring of the Enduring Warrior - Drops from Caïros
  • Ring of the Bold - Found in a Pouch at the Watchtower between the Water Queen's House and the Counting House
  • Boots of the Charging Warlord - Found in a Heavy Chest, On the lower right side of Wyrm's Crossing Bridge
  • Cloak of the Last Stand - Found in a 'hidden' backpack in the Rivington Well
  • Scimitar of the Infernal Kiss - Drops from Haarlep
  • Battleaxe of the Sundering Blow - Sold by Fytz
  • Living Adamantine Breastplate - Found in the Large Display Case at the Basilisk Gate Barracks
  • Helm of the Exalted Champion - Found in the Wooden Chest in the Gur Hut

All UUID's if you want to add the items with console commands

Gauntlets of Calculated Carnage - 632d9e6b-04e4-48cf-9fb8-dfdc338dbad2
Amulet of the Deathless - 7d9ed20d-533a-4103-b264-8a0d51fbbdc8
Ring of the Enduring Warrior - f814f5a9-d7de-4851-a6ba-140b0ff2bf04
Ring of the Bold - 813f576d-d118-4872-ab96-b54fc322205f
Boots of the Charging Warlord - e18a9613-34b2-4fe5-b342-95db18cf5176
Cloak of the Last Stand - e7c42cca-c2cd-4089-9fbc-b5977c3a5901
Scimitar of the Infernal Kiss - 38f096e6-aca8-40de-b15f-77c0836cca98
Battleaxe of the Sundering Blow - 31add745-e9a0-414b-ba23-314920bc537c
Living Adamantine Breastplate - be8a94e1-d18a-4804-8c86-de7f31a7c2d7
Helm of the Exalted Champion - caf5c11d-2f9b-45b7-a38b-887016bfd12a

Minor notes regarding a few items
- Helm of the Exalted Champion - Champion's Challenge - Bleed Constitution Saving Throw = 15
- Living Adamantine Breastplate - Adamantine Veil - While active, you are also gain resistance to all Physical Damage
- Cloak of the Last Stand - Unbroken Defiance - Known bug - If you have temp hp and take damage below 30% it will take the Temp HP into account also and heal you Max HP + Temp HP amount, can't fix.
- Amulet of the Deathless - Erupting Death - Saving throw for Shocked and Prone are the Sources DEX ability score

Images of Act 3 Items

How to Install
Recommended that you install with BG3 Mod Manager. A guide to BG3MM installation of mods can be found here.

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Equipment------- Fade's Equipment Distribution (FED)
Gifts of the Absolute: Branded Equipment
Unarmed and Upgraded: Monk Equipment
Faith and Fortitude: Cleric Equipment
Grove and Growl: Druid Equipment
Beast and Bow: Ranger Equipment
Wands and Weave: Wizard Equipment
Song and Steel: Bard Equipment
Pact and Power: Warlock Equipment
Veil and Venom: Rogue Equipment
Rage and Resilience: Barbarian Equipment
Might and Metal: Fighter Equipment
Chaos and Control: Sorcerer Equipment
Oath and Order: Paladin Equipment

Unholy Smite - Empowering Oathbreakers
Beyond Divine Smite

Customized Subclass Icons