About this mod
This mod introduces the heroic class Demon Hunter from World of Warcraft to BG3. This mod includes 100% customized spells and VFXs, custom armor, and a legendary starting weapon (Warglaives of Azzinoth).
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- This mod adds the hero class Demon Hunter from World of Warcraft into BG3.
- The mod contains 20+ custom spells/passives with customized VFX to fit the Illidari vibe.
- The mod also adds the Wargalives of Azzinoth as a starter wepon for the Demon Hunter class.

“You... were not prepared. The enemy came into our world, their only desire to extinguish all life. They slaughtered our loved ones. They razed our homes, our cities, and our sacred places. You tried to stop them... and you failed. And so you came to me, nothing remaining of you but rage and determination, and you learned that the things that once tormented you could give you power. Now you see that there is no sacrifice too great if it brings an end to the Burning Legion.”
- The Demon Hunter class provides a unique game play experience through its key mechanic - Metamorphosis. Metamorphosis allows the Demon Hunter to embrace their darkness and turn into a powerful demon for a limited time, gaining boosts on all its abilities.
- The Demon Hunter class utilizes a unique action resource called Fury. Certain Demon Hunter spells would consume Fury and others will generate Fury.
- The Demon Hunter class is proficient with light armor and dual wielding martial weapons. Forgoing heavy armor, demon hunters capitalize on speed and mobility. The class's primary ability is Dexterity and uses Charisma to cast spells.
- The Demon Hunter class has two subclasses - Havoc and Vengeance:
closing in on their foes and invoking infernal might to unleash devastating doom.
2. Vengeance Demon Hunters embrace the demon within to incinerate enemies and protect their allies. They are capable of cleaving souls off their
oponents, healing themselves with damaging abilities, and actively blocking damage with their demonic spikes.
- When embarking on a fresh quest, the Demon Hunter class starts with a pair of legendary weapons known as the Warglaives of Azzinoth. These exceptional armaments will evolve and unlock new passive abilities as your Demon Hunter character levels up.

- Download and unzip the mod and Install the .pak file via BG3 Mod Manager (Recommended)
- Required Mods:
2. Baldur's Gate 3 Script Extender
3. ImprovedUI + ImprovedUI Assets
- Known Conflicts:
overwrite this change.
2. This mod modifies the Male/Female/MaleStrong/FemaleStrong base model & Female Cambion Wing animation banks. Other mods modifing
animations will likely conflict with this mod and will result no animation for certain spells (mainly BladeDance and Cambion Flying)

- This mod is currently at early development stage and will receive ongoing updates. Please share your thoughts in the comment section, and your valuable feedbacks will play a crucial role in helping me to further polish this mod. Please also feel free utilize the bug report section if you have encountered any issues while using this mod, and I'll try my best to address them ASAP.
- Thanks again for your interest and supports! I hope you enjoy this mod! Please endorse the mod if you like it!
- My other mods:

- Lykon's Baldur's Gate 3 Action Icons Generator for the skill icons used in this mod.

- Spectral Sight
Let you see invisible enemies within 12m.
- Throw Glaive
Throw a demonic glaive at the target, dealing 100% weapon damage. The glaive can ricochet to 1 additional enemies within 6m, up to 3 times.
- Torment
Taunts the enemy target to attack you.
- Immolation Aura
Engulf yourself in flames, radiating 2d8 fire damage within 3m. On save, damage is halved.
Generates 10 Fury per turn while active.
- Blur
Attacks against you has disadvantage, lasts 4 turns.
- Disrupt
Interrupts the enemy's spellcasting and apply silence for 1 turn.
Spell with 3rd level or lower can always be interrupted. Higher level spells are harder.
- Imprison
Imprisons a demon, beast, or humanoid, incapacitating them for 10 turns. Damage will cancel the effect.
- Mana Burn
Sends a bolt of negative energy that deals 2d8 Fire Damage and burns a target enemy unit's Spell Slot with highest level. Burned Spell Slot combusts,
dealing 1d6 Fire Damage per Spell Slot level.
If target is a Sorcerer, Mana Burn will combust up to 4 Sorcery Points and deal 1d6 Fire Damage per Sorcery Point burned.
- Chaos Nova
Unleash an eruption of fel energy, dealing 4d8 Fire Damage and stun all nearby enemies within 6m for 1 turn.
- Sigil of Flame
Place a Sigil of Flame at the target location.
When activated, deals 2d8 Fire Damage to all enemies affected by the sigil and makes them Vulnerable to fire damage for 1 turn.

- Mastery: Demonic Presence
Your movement speed is increased by 3m
Your Fire Damage is increased by your Charisma Modifier, and this effect is doubled while your Metamorphosis is active.
- Metamorphosis
Leaps into the target location, dealing (LV1: 1d8/LV4: 2d8/LV 7: 3d8/LV 10: 4d8) Fire Damage to foes within 6m. Upon landing, transforms you into a
hellish demon for 6 turns.
- Metamorphosis
Your attacks gain advantage and ignores Fire damage resistance. Your Charisma & Dexterity is increased by 25%.
- Demon's Bite
Quickly attack the target for 100% Weapon Damage, generates 20 - 30 Fury on hit.
- Chaos Strike
Slice your target for [100% Weapon Damage + LV2: 2d6/ LV5: 2d8/ LV 10: 3d8] Fire Damage. Chaos Strike has a 35% chance to refund 20 Fury.
- Fel Rush
Rush forward, incinerating anything in your path for 50% Weapon Damage as Fire Damage. Fel Rush can be cast again for free within the same turn.
- Demon Blades
Enchant your weapon for 6 turns. Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d8 Fire Damage and generates 5-10 Fury
- Eye Beam
Blasts all enemies in front of you for [LV5: 3d10/ LV9: 4d10] Fire Damage. Deals guaranteed critical strike during Metamorphosis.
- Shattered Souls
Consumes all collected Soul Fragments. Each Soul Fragment consumed heals you for 10% maximum health and generates 20 Fury.
Soul Fragments are dropped from enemies killed by Demon Hunters. Chaos Strike also has a 5% chance to cleave off a Soul Fragment from the target.
- Blade Dance
Strike nearby enemies for 5 times with both weapons, dealing 50% weapon damage per strike. The last strike deals 100% additional damage.
Requires dual wielding melee weapons.
- Demonic
While not in Metamorphosis, casting Eye Beam causes you to enter Metamorphosis for 2 turns.
Chaos Strike and Blade Dance hits have a 10% chance to reduce Eye Beam cooldown by 1 turn.
- Shattered Destiny
While in Metamorphosis, you have a chance of 0.5% per Fury spent to extend your active Metamorphosis by 1 turn.
Entering Metamorphosis immediately grants you free Blade Dance and Eye Beam.

- Mastery: Fel Blood
Your max HP is increased by 25%
You gain bonus Armor Class based on your Dexterity Modifier, and this effect is doubled while your Demon Spikes is active.
- Metamorphosis (Vengeance)
Transform to demon form for 6 turns. Dealing dealing (LV1: 1d8/LV4: 2d8/LV 7: 3d8/LV 10: 4d8) Fire Damage to foes within 6m and
daze them for 1 turn.
- Metamorphosis
Your attacks gain advantage and ignores Fire damage resistance. Your Charisma & Constitution is increased by 25%.
- Shear
Quickly attack the target for 100% Weapon Damage, cleaves 1 - 2 Soul Fragments off the target and generates 20 Furyon hit.
When Metamorphosis is active, Shear generates 1 extra Soul Fragment.
- Soul Cleave
Strike up to 5 targets infront of you for [100% Weapon Damage + LV2: 1d8/ LV6: 2d8] Physical Damage and heals you for 25% damage
Consumes up to 2 available Soul Fragments. Each consumed fragment heals you for 25% damage done.
- Infernal Strike
Leap through the air toward a targeted location, dealing [LV3: 1d4/LV5: 2d4/LV9: 3d4] Fire Damage to all enemies within 3m.
- Demon Spikes
Surge with fel power, doubling your bonus AC gained from Mastery: Fel Blood.
When struck by an enemy's attack, your Demon Spikes shatter, dealing [LV4: 1d8/LV7: 2d8/LV10: 3d8] + DexModifierx*2 Piercing
Damage to nearby foes and blocking equivalent incomming damage.
- Fel Devastation
Unleash the fel within you, damaging enemies directly in front of you for [LV5: 3d10/LV7: 4d10/LV10: 6d10] Fire Damage. Heals you for
50% damage done.
- Sprit Bomb
Consume up to 5 available Soul Fragments then explode, damaging nearby enemies for [LV6: 2d4/LV7: 2d6/LV10: 2d8] Fire Damage per
fragment consumed.
- Sigil of Chains
Place a Sigil of Chains at the target location.
When activated, pulls all nearby enemies within [12] towards the center. Pulled enemies are taunted and have their movement speed
reduced by 50%.
- Demonic
While not in Metamorphosis, casting Fel Devastation causes you to enter Metamorphosis for 2 turns.
Consuming Soul Fragment has a 20% Chance to reduce Fel Devastation CD for 1 turn.
- Revel in Pain
Entering Metamorphosis immediately activates your Demon Spikes. Whenever your Demon Spikes shatter, you gain 2 Soul Fragments.
Sustaining fatal damage instead transforms you to Metamorphosis form and heals you for 50% Health. This may occur once every Long Rest.