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About this mod

A Spellfire flavoured cantrip that can both heal and harm. So you can finally give Gale what Mystra's Chosen deserves.

Permissions and credits
!Works fine in patch 7. Removed mod fixer.

I, of course, use the terms raw magic and Spellfire very loosely - but it's useful and punchy and looks really nice!


If you want to test the mod, load it in your game but don't save! Once saved you shouldn't remove it.

The damage preview of the spells, esp. the main version, may not display correctly, but it will always function correctly (exact progression below). This is because I didn't know how to make mods back then. Might be fixed one day. 

On targeting non-allies: attack roll, base damage 1d8 Radiant + 1d6 Cold, cause on the target two turns of Silver Fire: 1d4 Radiant damage
On targeting allies: regains target a quarter of their max hit points, and the caster for 1d12 - guaranteed, the healing effects happen even if you miss (don't have to make beam hit via interruption, etc.)

  • If you twin your spell and target one ally, one enemy, one of them will heal and the other will be damaged, caster will be healed once
  • If you twin your spell and target two allies, the caster will be healed twice
  • If you twin your spell and target two enemies, the caster won't heal
I.e. it all works how you would expect, video example below
  • Can be cast silenced, no verbal component
  • The 1d8 Radiant die scales with player level like an average cantrip, so you get extra dice on reaching level 5 and 11
  • 1d6 Cold die doesn't scale at the same rate, but you get an extra one at reaching level 9
  • And on reaching level 6 your spell-casting ability modifier will be added to both of the damage rolls, whatever that is for you
  • Only hits one target, unless you use it with Twinned Spell
  • Not class limited. And since you get the spell independently from a consumable, it should never conflict with any other class or spell, modded or otherwise.

The MAIN progression is:

  • Level 1: 1d8 Radiant + 1d6 Cold, two turns 1d4 Radiant
  • Level 5: 2d8 Radiant + 1d6 Cold, two turns 1d4 Radiant
  • Level 6: (2d8 Radiant + Modifier) + (1d6 Cold + Modifier), two turns 1d4 Radiant
  • Level 8: Modifier added to self-healing roll for caster
  • Level 9: (2d8 Radiant + Modifier) + (2d6 Cold + Modifier), two turns 1d4 Radiant
  • Level 11: (3d8 Radiant + Modifier) + (2d6 Cold + Modifier), two turns 1d4 Radiant

A lessened version with most things above, but:
  • No modifier for damage or healing roll
  • Cold die restricted to a single 1d4
  • Healing roll for caster set as 1d6
  • Healing for ally is 1/8 of max hp

So the BALANCED progression is a simpler:

  • Level 1: 1d8 Radiant + 1d4 Cold, two turns 1d4 Radiant
  • Level 5: 2d8 Radiant + 1d4 Cold, two turns 1d4 Radiant
  • Level 11: 3d8 Radiant + 1d4 Cold, two turns 1d4 Radiant


There's a diamond, munch on it once and you learn the cantrip.

In-game locations:
  • Incinerated Mind Flayer on the nautiloid, imp fight area
  • Cartilaginous Chest (TUT_Chest_Potions) on, also, the nautiloid
  • Also all over the crash site, the three intellect devourer area, because those dead squids are all duplicates, and also the one in goblin shattered sanctum
  • [ACT 1] Dammon (tiefling blacksmith) at Emerald Grove
  • [ACT 2] Dammon again at the Last Light Inn
  • [ACT 3] Baldur's Gate, Lower City, Sorcerous Sundries

Item name (for Equipment.txt): LAR_UNI_CRE_MisCutCrystal
Spell name (for SpellSet.txt): LAR_Projectile_Spellfire (Can be safely added to CommonPlayerActions, spells flagged to be unusable by AI)
Diamond UUID: 82c9f123-f6ec-404b-aa82-779c6792a6fc


*You can switch between versions. You won't ever have to re-chew the diamond if you've already learnt the spell.