If you already have the skill by being a solar, nothing will happen. You won't learn it twice.
- Took out mod fixer (Tip: it's no longer necessary as a whole on patch 7)
- Gain sanctuary earlier - on reaching level 6 instead of 10
- Lulu's eyes glow gold
Summon stats are improved, and news skills are gained on passing levels 5 and 9.
There's a potion, drink it once and you'll learn the skill forever.
- Incinerated Mind Flayer on the nautiloid, imp fight area
- Cartilaginous Chest (TUT_Chest_Potions) on, also, the nautiloid
- Also all over the crash site, the three intellect devourer area, because those dead squids are all duplicates, and also the one in goblin shattered sanctum
- [ACT 1] Dammon (tiefling blacksmith) at Emerald Grove
- [ACT 2] Dammon again at the Last Light Inn
- [ACT 3] Baldur's Gate, Lower City, Sorcerous Sundries
Item name (for Equipment.txt): LAR_Potion_HollyphantSummon
Potion UUID: 8b91e7ad-ceba-4840-a21a-7dccb28341b9