About this mod
This mod adds the Genasi race for player characters. The implementation is based on my D&D home-game, which includes small changes to the official material, like the Planetouched tag, and the inclusion of the Slime Genasi.
- Requirements
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- Changelogs
This mod adds the Genasi race for player characters. The implementation is based on my D&D home-game, which includes small changes to the official material, like the Planetouched tag, and the inclusion of the Slime Genasi.
Creating a Genasi character comes with traits inherent to their race and subrace. All Genasi bleed their element instead of regular blood, are resistant to their elemental damage and gain additional spells based on their subrace. The Genasi use their Constitution as the spellcasting ability for these spells.
* Lightweight at 50 kg
* Gains 1.5m additional movement speed
* Bleeds a cloud
* Gains resistance to lightning damage
* Learns the Shocking Grasp cantrip
* Can cast Featherfall, Gust of Wind and Hollow Bones starting starting at 3rd level, once per long rest. Hollow Bones is very similar to the Jump spell, but far better.
* Heavier than usual, at 125 kg
* Movement is not reduced by muddy terrain
* Bleeds mud
* Gains resistance to poison damage, and advantage on saving throws to resist becoming poisoned
* Learns the Blade Ward cantrip. Also gains a secondary Blade Ward spell, which can be cast as a bonus action once every combat.
* Can cast Pass without Trace starting at 1st level, once per long rest
* Gains Darkvision
* Bleeds fire
* Gains resistance to fire damage
* Learns the Produce Flame cantrip
* Can cast Burning Hands starting at 3rd level, once per long rest
* Can cast Flame Blade starting at 5th level, once per long rest
* Halfway between Earth and Water, Slime Genasi weigh 100 kg
* Bleeds acid
* Gains resistance to acid damage
* Slime Genasi use their Constitution score for Athletics checks, rather than Strength. Also, they gain a secondary jump skill scaling with their Constitution score (as a replacement for climbing speed)
* Learns the Acid Splash cantrip
* Can cast Gaseous Form starting at 3rd level, once per long rest and only targeting themselves
* Bleeds water
* Gains resistance to acid damage
* Movement is not reduced when wading through water
* Learns the Acid Splash cantrip
* Can cast Create or Destroy Water starting at 3rd level, once per long rest
* Can cast Serene Currents starting at 5th level, once per long rest. This spell applies an aura to the caster, which moves with you and increases the movement speed and removes the burning condition of you and allies within the aura. Enemies in this aura are treated as if wading through deep water - they are in difficult terrain, gain resistance to fire damage and vulnerability to cold damage. This spell lasts for 10 rounds.
New in 1.2.0
All Genasi gain a passive spell, which enables elemental effects on their bodies. A few notes:
* When using this on the Earth and Slime Genasi, I prefer to toggle camp clothing on/off to get rid of the elemental effects on armour and clothing.
* It's janky, but it works better than I could've expected. It's disabled in cutscenes, like most (if not all) visual effects.
* I used the toggle in case someone doesn't want to use these effects, or if it didn't work retroactively. It can be done without a toggle, by adding it in the RootTemplates\_merged file.
For example:
<attribute id="BloodSurfaceType" type="FixedString" value="SurfaceFire" />
<attribute id="BloodType" type="FixedString" value="Fire" />
<node id="LocomotionParams" />
<node id="StatusList">
<node id="Status">
<attribute id="Object" type="FixedString" value="Fire_Head" />
<node id="Tags">
Character Customization mods and this
You can enable Character Customization mods for these Genasi by downloading the optional files and importing them in your mod loader. For example, my personal load order (BG3 MM). When more CC options arrive, just keep all RaceGenasi_xxx in one big pile.

Links to supported mods, alphabetical order:
Astralities' Glow Eyes
Faces of Faerûn
Horned Hairstyles
more dreadlocs and curly hairstyles
Tav's Hair Salon
Icon and Race Patches for Tav's Hair Salon - Mandatory for Tav's Hair Salon
Vemperen's Other Heads Repaired
To do (not in order of priority):
* Red darkvision for the Fire Genasi
* Get someone else to make new models, instead of using the baseline Human models
* Dialogue options, but very unlikely
* Who knows
* Para-Elemental Genasi: Ice, Smoke, Lava (Steam?)