About this mod
Adds new eye colors to the character creator.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
I've been wanting to try doing new mod types that aren't hairs or texture edits, and I saw astralities's demon eyes mod, so I decided to do something like that myself! These are as disorganized as I am and don't really follow any particular theme or order---they're inspired by various things, from pop culture staples to random color palettes I liked.
- Base Pack: adds 10 new eye colors (simple as that!).
- Glow Pack: adds 9 new eye colors, but they're intended for glowing eyes (present in vanilla tieflings, or you can enable them for other races through mods like Astralities' Glow Eyes). They're usable for everyone either way, but if you use them in characters without glowing eyes you might not get the effect you desire/the one that's shown in the gallery.
HOW TO INSTALL (AND UNINSTALL) You need Mod Fixer and Improved UI for this mod to work.
I highly recommend installing this with the BG3 Mod Manager. You can technically use Vortex, too, but there might be some issues; so, if in doubt, use BG3MM. I can't provide any help or support with installing this mod through Vortex or manually, since I don't use these methods myself.
To install: Download the .zip file, extract it, drop the .pak file onto the BG3MM, move it to the Active Mods column, and you're done!
To uninstall: Simply move the mod to the Inactive Mods column or delete it.
As outlined before, there are two different files with different content. You can install both of them or just one. The eye colors will show up in the Eyes tab of the character creator, and all of them have the preffix NAE. Make sure to tick the show All Eye Colors box, or else you won't be able to find them!

This mod should pretty much work with all the vanilla races and presets, as well as any other mods that you have installed, including other eye colors, custom heads, custom races, and mods like Eyes of the Beholder.
"Can you make the pupil/sclera/iris from ___ this color instead?": probably not. Most of the color combinations are made that way with a particular design or color scheme in mind, and to be honest, I really don't want to go back and have to rerelease this often because of minor edits like these. If you know how to edit eye colors yourself, you're more than welcome to modify this mod for personal use. I just won't do it myself.
About requests: while I can't guarantee I'll do them all, I do accept requests and ideas! Just keep in mind that the only thing I'm able to modify myself are the color and glow parameters, so if you want something that edits the pupil shape, you're better off looking at things like the template in Eyes of the Beholder.
- Norbyte for lslib.
- ShinyHobo for their Modder's Multitool.
- Aurebuen for their eye template, which was the basis for this mod and the main reason why this exists on the first place.
- Astralities for their Demon Eyes mod, which inspired me do this.
- Labotor for Eyes of the Beholder.