About this mod
Brings the Circle of Stars subclass for Druids to Baldur's Gate 3.
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Once again I'd like to extend a special thanks to Celes for his assistance, and without whose help I would never have get any of my mods done.


At 2nd level, you can create a star chart as part of your heavenly studies. While holding this map, you know the Guidance cantrip and you have the Guiding Bolt spell prepared, which you can cast without expending a spell slot.
Using the Heavenly Studies: Conjure Star Map spell summons a Star Map in your inventory, which can be equipped in the instruments slot. Equipping it grants you the benefits above. It's also bound to the Druid that summoned it, meaning you cannot summon one and give it to someone else. The map is also permanent, so you don't have to use the summoning spell over and over again.
The custom, non-spell slot Guiding Bolt was rather strange to implement together with the regular version of the spell, since it's supposed to be prepared at all times as well. For now, equipping the map unlocks the regular Guiding Bolt that costs a spell slot to cast, as well as the non-spell slot version. They're both unique spells and need to be placed on your hotbar to be used.

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to harness constellations’ power to alter your form. As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to take on a starry form, rather than transforming into a beast. Whenever you assume your starry form, you can choose between three constellations that glimmers on your body; your choice gives you certain benefits while in the form.
While in your starry form, you shed bright light in a 3m radius and dim light for an additional 3m. The form lasts until your next Long Rest. It ends early if you dismiss it, are incapacitated, die, or use this feature again.
When activating a constellation, there's a thematic casting animation thematic to whatever constellation you picked rather than having an actual constellation glowing on your body—but don't worry, there's a glowy starry visual either way! Visuals have been updated for release and look better than ever (imo)!
UPDATE: You can now toggle the visuals on and off in the Passives tab. Doing so will also cause you to not shed light anymore.

A constellation of an archer appears on you. When you activate this form, and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns while it lasts, you can make a ranged spell attack, hurling a luminous arrow that targets one creature within 18m of you. On a hit, the attack deals radiant damage equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier.
At level 10, the 1d8 becomes 2d8.
Works as in 5e, except that you cannot use the Luminous Arrow spell immediately after activating the form in combat. Make sure you activate the Starry Form before entering combat, or you'll have to wait until your next turn to use Luminous Arrow.

A constellation of a life-giving goblet appears on you. Whenever you cast a spell using a spell slot that restores hit points to a creature, you or another creature within 9m of you can regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier.
At level 10, the 1d8 becomes 2d8.
Whenever you heal someone, a temporary healing spell unlocks on the far right of your hotbar. Every ally (and yourself) that was within 9m of you when you cast the initial healing spell will get a buff that allows you to heal them with the temporary healing spell for free. It may be easy to miss or forget that you have it, but remember that it's a free bonus heal!

A constellation of a wise dragon appears on you. When you make an Intelligence or a Wisdom check, you can treat a roll of 9 or lower on the d20 as a 10. You also have advantage on Constitution Saving Throws to maintain concentration on a spell.
At level 10, you gain a flying speed of 6m and can hover while Dragon is active.
With the introduction of Reliable Talent for Rogues, this spell now works the way it should according to 5e rules! Whenever you perform general Intelligence and Wisdom checks, as well as skill checks related to Intelligence (Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature and Religion) and Wisdom (Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception and Survival), you can never roll below 10 on the die. The only difference is that there doesn't seem to be a way to implement this feature on Concentration saves specifically, so I changed that to be like War Caster's Concentration save advantage until maybe it's possible in the future.

When you reach 6th level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can consult your Star Map for omens. Until your next long rest, you gain access to one of two spells that either add or subtract 1d6 to an Attack Roll, Saving Throw or Ability Check.
After finishing a long rest, you can cast the Cosmic Omen spell, which has a 50/50 chance of giving you either Cosmic Omen: Weal or Cosmic Omen: Woe. More info on what they do down below.
It was based on the Sorcerer feature Bend Luck, and has both an interrupt (for Attack Rolls and Saving Throws) and a targeted cast component (for Ability Checks).

Whenever you or an ally you can see within 9m of you is about to make an Attack Roll, a Saving Throw, or an Ability Check, you can use your reaction to roll 1d6 and add the number rolled to the total.
You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
This is the offensive version of Cosmic Omen, and thus applies only to you and your allies. Both the interrupt and the targeted spell use the same resource cost.

Whenever a creature you can see within 9m of you is about to make an attack roll or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to roll a d6 and subtract the number rolled from the total.
You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
This is the defensive version of Cosmic Omen, and thus applies only to enemies. Both the interrupt and the targeted spell use the same resource cost, and you can give an enemy a negative modifier to its Ability Checks using the targeted spell if you want to.

At 10th level, the constellations of your Starry Form improve. The 1d8 of the Archer and the Chalice becomes 2d8, and while the Dragon is active, you have a flying speed of 6m and can hover.
At the start of each of your turns while in your Starry Form, you can change which constellation glimmers on your body.
Exchanges your first Starry Forms with improved versions. The flight portion of Starry Form: Dragon appears as a temporary spell on the far right of your hotbar as long as you have the buff. Since in 5e you can choose whenever you want to hover while having the Dragon buff, and you can't choose when you want to hover in BG3, I made it so that you're constantly "hovering" (i.e., the game gives you an attribute where it treats you as hovering) and are therefore unaffected by difficult terrain and surfaces.
The second part of this feature also unlocks a temporary spell container in the same place as the Dragon flight spell, which you can use once per turn to switch constellation. Outside of combat you can switch form freely without spending additional Wild Shape charges as long as the Starry Form buff remains, but in combat you can only do so once per turn.

At 14th level, while in your Starry Form, you become partially incorporeal, giving you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
*Requires a mod that allows levelling past 12.*
Works as in 5e. Applies an additional visual effect to your character whenever you're in Starry Form.

Start BG3 Mod Manager and press the "Open Mods Folder" button on the top bar, or press Windows + R and type %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods\.
Open "CircleofStars.zip" and place "CircleofStars.pak" in the Mods folder.
Refresh the mod list in BG3 Mod Manager by pressing F5, and move the mod from inactive mods to active mods in the mod manager window. If you encounter any issues, try placing it further down in the load order. Make sure you use the "Public" profile.
Click "Save Load Order to File" in the top bar and launch the game.

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Swarmkeeper FOR RANGERS
-> Circle of Stars FOR DRUIDS <-
Circle of Wildfire FOR DRUIDS
Chronurgy Magic FOR WIZARDS
Circle of Stormchasers FOR DRUIDS
College of Spirits FOR BARDS
Oath of the Bleak Walkers FOR PALADINS
Oath of Redemption FOR PALADINS
Circle of the Shepherd FOR DRUIDS
Circle of the Blighted FOR DRUIDS
Inquisition Domain FOR CLERICS
The First Vampire FOR WARLOCKS
Clockwork Soul FOR SORCERERS
Wretched Bloodline FOR SORCERERS
Circle of Spores Enhanced
Resurrect NPCs
Non-Lethal Ranged Attacks and Spells