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Sailor Cat

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About this mod

Adds over 50 undead options to the Animate Dead spell. Brought to you by the wizard behind Valkrana's Spellbook.

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Adds over 50 undead creatures to the Animate Dead spell!—most of which are custom, all of which are skeletons.

Rattle on over to Valkrana's Skeleton Emporium for only the rarest skeletons! Come see our mercury-gilded skeletons, skeletons from a geyser, jumping skeletons, skeletons with machine guns, moss-covered skeletons, and even four-armed skeletons! Wow! Visit Today!
[Ad paid for by the multiverse's most awkward necromancer, Valkrana.]

This mod does what it says on the box. If bone meal is, as they say, the spice of life, then your life is about to be heaped with way too much cinnamon and turmeric. The Emporium adds skeletons from and requires Valkrana's Skeleton Crew. If you don't want the functionality of that mod, use the Feat version and don't take the feat.

  • General color-coding legend: orange is melee, blue is ranged, purple is caster.
  • Several skeletons were moved to slots of 4th level or higher for the sake of something resembling balance.
  • Supports upcasting for spell slots up to 9th level.
  • The new spells don't have summon stack limits.
  • Over half of the skeletons are custom, which are at or near basic skeleton power level; some were given minimal class progressions (labeled archetypes) as 4th-level upcasts; the remainder were pulled directly from preexisting creatures.
  • Now applies to Animate Dead++'s warlock version of the spell, though due to the necessary implementation, color coding doesn't apply to higher level creatures.

Load Order.
1. After Valkrana's Skeleton Crew.
2. After Animate Dead++ and other mods that make changes to the spell.

The Works.
VSE does not require Script Extender. However, if you have SE installed and happen to want to reanimate every skeleton from this mod's parent Skeleton Crew library all at once, you can open SE console, press enter, and type !vse_spawnall. There's a short delay between each skeleton to lighten the load on the game, so sit and wait until the console tells you it's done. Use the !vse_spawnall command at your own risk: might lock up or crash your game.

Valkrana's Spellbook — 13 new signature necromancy spells, plus more undead options.
Valkrana's Skeleton Crew — Get your very own random skeletal pal at the start of combat.
Valkrana's Limited Edition Bone — Fantastic necromancer item! Highly-reviewed by those inured to undeath!
Valkrana's Skeleton Emporium — Over 50 new Animate Dead creatures.
Valkrana's Skeletal Challenge — Difficulty mod that adds random undead enemies.
Valkrana's Undead Encounters — Adds undead map encounters across all acts.
Command Undead — School of Necromancy subclass capstone.
Control Undead Complete — Full implementation of the Oathbreaker ability.
Valkrana Companion NPC — [BG2] Add Valkrana to your Baldur's Gate 2 party!