About this mod
Unsatisfied that default durge never felt deadly enough like they supposed to be according to testimonies? This mod is for you! Take Enigma origin for upcoming patch 7 evil ending! Or take deadly Custom Reborn Race!
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"be in Literally or Figuratively" - Author
- New Race (Deathborn) with 2 Subraces (Deathtouched and Deathbringer), using Tiefling body. Deathbringer is HEAVY DURGE themed race. more Deathtouched content coming soon (it can still played but itll only have default Deathborn passives and spells). content :
- Adds some npc hairs
- Race tags
- Intimidation tags (this adds Sorcerer/Barbarian tags for unique Intimidation Dialogues options)
- +2 cantrip of your choice, +1 Fighting style of your choice
- Custom Spells
- New Custom Dark Urge Origin called ENIGMA (this is for you guys that wants to experience Deathbringer abilities using other race) content :
- Deathbringer abilities + Bloodpact Weapon
- Tav backgrounds!
- Toggled Dark Urge Playtrough + Haunted one Background! (toggle off if you want run as Tav origin.
- Good and Bad Dark Urge exclusives! you can get this after you kill orin. this exclusives applied for Enigma Origin, or Deathbringer subrace (that took Darkurge/Enigma origin (toggled on dark urge passive), you wont get those if you take Tav origin).

Other than what i described above, there is some status/passives that also add :
- When your DB drops below 30% HP, they automatically get the Mortal Survival Instinct for 1 turn. This boosts their AC to 10 and makes attackers have disadvantage when they try to hit. If your DB still has the Whisper of the Murderer (below level 12), they will become an unstoppable mad killer for 1 turn, giving them a chance to fight back before dying, helping with AI issues.
- When the Whisper of the Murderer triggers below 30% HP, a Wisdom or Intelligence saving throw (DC 18) is needed instead of automatically going into madness. After going mad, your DB gets Brief Clarity for 1 turn, which acts as a cooldown before the next saving throw.
- Also, actions like Help, Revivify spell, Scroll of Revivify, and Scroll of True Resurrection now trigger a 2-turn cooldown, stopping automatic madness from these effects. This prevents your DB from waking up and going straight into madness, though it was funny before!
"It never been the same with another, All the other victims who comes here just meekly obey. You thrashed, you fought, you were indomitable" - on Murderer Vengeance and Lethal Insight
"You deceive with these mindless flayings, and our temple, no my temple, decays because of it."
- on alot of gruesome state of the corpses due to necrotic spells.
"Lord does not care for beauty, He only cares about death. Death in numbers. Death in droves. - on Dance of Death and Necro'ed trail of corpses"
"Killing is just another vital function of your existence. Such is the Urge" - on Whisper of Murderer
"You're back! do you remember me? you were the one who introduce me to flesh! half elf sweet flesh!" - on Devour
"Oh YES, You were so VERY scary" - after witnessing dance of death, reaper madness, and felt the dreadful presence.
"yes, we can see how someone definitely play storm sorcerer with a bloody dagger"
- on Bloodpact weapon and armory
- Dance of Death is meant to let you attack, kill, and move non-stop in one turn—kind of like a killing spree, similar to the Flash. But sometimes, after your first kill, you’ll get two extra actions during Dance of Death. However, after that, other kills might not give you any extra actions. This can happen if you **** extra damage (like with the Cull the Weak passive) or if you land a critical hit.
- OH NO! Why isn’t the Origin Icon like shown in the image? Well, the image is just for show. Unfortunately, in the game, it either shows Tav's face or you can’t choose the race you want. If anyone knows how to add the Origin Icon without using global files, please let me know!
- OH NO! WHERE IS MY DRAGON? Your dragon can only be summoned at the end (Highhall - Netherbrain fight)
- Deathbringer Not recommended for honor run obviously (in my custom run that guy decide to be mad during grymforge fight, so also watch out for that fight), i wont be held accountable if they obliterate at your whole team with fireball, and then dies because of AI stupidity. but if you have solution to modify AI to priority the nearest enemy rather than triggering an opportunity attacks, let me know!
Bg3 Mod manager (I never use vortex, so i cant help if you encounter installing problems on vortex)
Trips, for providing a good noob friendly template for starting out!
Everyone that decide to write a tutorial in community library in github, it helps alot!
Shinyhobo for Multitools!
LaughingLeader for bg3 mod managers!
Larian studios discord forum that helps me alot in this my coding mess
Paramonov95 for Gnoll Chief ring, and teddygrams25 for better dark urge mod that massively inspired me to make me to make this mod, especially 'Dance of Death" action.
ame4kitty for deathbringer potion that inspire me to add Deathbringer Assault to be added into the MOD, also InzzGreyer for Sarevok set too! and for biggest help in applying sarevok's deathbringer assault animation to work across all bodies!
Archer/ghouls0rules for providing Racetag Resources, I used it for Reborn origin and intimidation skill selectors.
- If i have a time i want to make custom scar, mimicking how bhaal got killed : a stab from the back all the way out from the chest
- Nightmares! = in developments
- fixing bugs bugs and bugs