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About this mod

Gives Wyll a new set of earrings, complete with enchantments to make the Blade of Frontiers that much safer. **Example images contain some spoilers for his story!**

Permissions and credits
Made for Patch 6 - Hotfix 24, working with Patch 7

Have you ever seen that post about how "some men are men with earrings without earrings?" I personally feel like that's Wyll. Like, have you seen those dagger earrings in the character creator? They were made for him!!

...And so was this mod! Provides a miniature set of blades for the Blade, complete with enchantments to keep him that much safer.

[Spoilers for his story ahead!]

Includes the same stats and bonuses as his Infernal Robes, with a little bit extra. Specifically, the earrings also offer him a slight extra boost to armor class, and gives him the Protection From Evil and Good spell, to keep him safe from You Know Who.

Get outta here, Mizora—he doesn't need you!

(I picked Protection From Evil and Good because I felt it was fitting symbolically... He really needs to be protected and looked out for, too, and I wanted to give him something to represent that. If I think too much about how much he's missing that in his story at the moment, I'll cry, but thankfully I can do this for him, at least.)

[End spoilers]

If you'd rather not have so many equipment bonuses, though, I've now added a version without them—he still deserves a nice set of earrings, even without all the extra perks!

The mod comes with eight versions of the earrings (all of which are dyeable!):

- Three with just the earrings, for the headgear, cloak, and underwear slots.
- Three with the earrings and a circlet (the model is from the Diadem of Arcane Synergy), again for the headgear, cloak, and underwear slots.
- Two made for the underwear slot, both with and without the circlet, that also add underwear—for those who want to use the earrings in that slot, but don't want him going commando.

Using the versions for the underwear slot will let them show up with his camp clothes, by the way!! Because we must accessorize, even at night.

The earrings can technically be used for other characters using Body Type 2, but are really only designed for Wyll. Only has visuals for Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Drow, and Tieflings using Body Type 2.

I also want to take a moment to give credit where credit is due for the inspiration re: the circlet—the More Mage Gear mod!! The Diadem of Arcane Synergy is one of my favorite looks for him, and the perks you get with the version from More Mage Gear are real nice. I've had the one from More Mage Gear equipped on him for a long time, and I didn't want to lose the look with the earrings, so I grabbed the Diadem of Arcane Synergy model from the game as well. I did, however, realize later I could put versions of the earrings in the cloak and underwear slots too, and can now use it in tandem with any headgear 😅 I've still included the versions with it, though, for anyone who Really wants to accessorize for him. I fully approve of anyone making him the fashion icon he deserves to be (or wants to give him just, a ridiculous amount of bonus equipment features).

Other credits:

I used AnteMaxx's Sample Equipment Mod to help make this - thank you so much!!

I also used the following mods in the preview images:

Prince of the Gate by neonbutchery (I really love this hairstyle for him omg...)
Wyll's Devil Form by lumad11 (One of my favorites for him too, the ears are Soo cute...)
Citizen Outfits as Camp Clothes by Cerberry (The red suit coat from this mod is Genuinely perfect for him)

The earrings are compatible with both these mods, and will fit the model for Wyll's Devil Form! They also fit both his models from the vanilla game. They're likely compatible with other visual changes for him, too; they're standalone equipment items, and don't touch any of his files.

The mod now comes in two versions:

ISF Version:

Ships the earrings to your camp chest via the AV Item Shipment Framework; requires ISF and its requirements to get the earrings!

Tutorial Chest Version:

Requires the Tutorial Chest Summoning mod to get the earrings outside of the tutorial level, but it's technically optional; you can still get the earrings in the tutorial chest on the Nautiloid!

Known issue(s):

The versions for the cloak slot will shrink stowed weapons slightly. I don't think I can do much about that, because the game does that to make room for the cloak. This mod just doesn't come with one, so it looks a little odd when equipping. Doesn't affect weapons when they're using them, thankfully, just when they're on their backs.

Everything else seems to be in working order; it's just that one little thing, and it's not too noticeable.

Install via BG3 Mod Manager.

Future plans:

I gave him a little jewelry box to keep the earrings in, which can be found in the Tutorial Chest. It uses the model for the music box, and I realized while grabbing it that I could add sounds that trigger when using items in the game! I'd like to take advantage of that, and give him a little music box theme when you open it. The original music box song is waaaaay too long, though, and since the jewelry box is a chest, and not actually a music box, you can't interact with it to turn the song off anymore.

Instead, I made a unique music box theme for him, editing a section of the song that plays in his Act 2 romance scene. (It's only a small section, making it a much more reasonable length for this kind of thing.) The only issue is, I can't actually get it to play 😅

I really want to get it working sometime—the concept is just too cute for me to let it go!! But it will require making new a soundbank file, because I don't actually want to override any existing audio for it. Aaaaaand I haven't figured out how to make a working one yet. I've been learning how to use Wwise (which is what Larian uses for the soundbanks in the game), but I'm not sure what the configuration I need to get it working is yet.

If anyone knows what you need to do to make new, working soundbank files, please let me know!!!

I also didn't really want to make this gender locked, but since custom characters can already get the same earrings in the character creator, and I really wanted this mod to focus on Wyll, I may just keep it the way it is. I'm trying to decide if I'd like to make them work for other companions or not. If I have time, I may end up doing so!! But, again, I did want this to focus on Wyll. So we'll see!

I may end up making other sets of earrings for him in the future, too, and not just the dagger ones. It'd be nice to have a variety!! But again, we'll see...

As always, let me know if you run into any issues, and enjoy!

(By the way, if you like my work, tips are welcome!! You can do so through my ko-fi here:

It's the same ko-fi I use for my art, but I'll never paywall my mods. Thanks for taking a look, if you do!!)