About this mod
This mod adds yuan-ti purebloods as a playable race.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
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- Changelogs
- Donations
I'd love to see your characters, by the way, so please share your screenshots!
Character Creation:
- Reptilian eyes (base game, no external mods required)
- Face and body scales (colours controlled by horns, also includes additional shades of green options)
- All four base game body types available
- You know the poison spray cantrip.
- Magic Resistance – You have advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects.
- Poison Resilience – You have Advantage on Saving Throws you make to avoid or end the poisoned condition on yourself. You also have Resistance to Poison damage.
- Superior Darkvision – Can see in the dark up to 24m.
- Kylin's Heads Patch – Compatibility patch for Kylin's Heads
- Silver's Hairs Patch – Compatibility patch for Silver's Hair Packs 1 and 2
- Tepkunset's Hair Collection (Base compatible)
- Silver's Hair Pack (Patch under optional files here required)
- Silver's Hair Pack 2 (Patch under optional files here required)
- Kylin's Heads (Patch under optional files here required)
"Is this mod compatible with Unique Tav?"
- No.
“How will NPCs react to my character?”
- Your character will be treated as a rare sight, and not Baldurian.
“Can you change something for me?”
- Unless it's a bug, the answer is no. I'm happy with this mod the way it is.
- This mod's original credit/idea goes to neonbutchery, I just adopted it with permission.
- Special thanks to the folks in the Down by the River Discord Server’s modding group for helping me out with advice, and abundance of resources!
PS: If you're looking for some character inspiration, feel free to check out my homebrew lore for yuan-ti!