About this mod
Implementation of Zeal Domain from Plane Shift: Amonkhet
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- French
- Changelogs
Jevanoff and I have implemented these domains for Baldur's Gate 3:
- Ambition Domain: Here
- Solidarity Domain: Here
- Strength Domain: Here
- Zeal Domain: You are here!
Compatibility Framework is supported natively
Merged progression is supported natively
This subclass has progression to level 20. You don't need a mod to increase the level cap, you just won't get the level 13-20 features
Subclass Features:
- Implementation notes:
- Rules as written
- Progression:
- Level 1: Learn Searing Smite & Thunderous Smite
- Level 3: Learn Magic Weapon & Shatter
- Level 5: Learn Haste & Fireball
- Level 7: Learn Fire Shield: Warm & Freedom of Movement
- Level 9: Learn Destructive Wave & Flame Strike
- Implementation notes:
- Rules as written
- Implementation notes:
- Rules as written
- Since this is a copy of War Domain's War Priest feature, I've just copied it from War Domain
- Progression:
- Level 1: Gain Priest of Zeal & Priest of Zeal Charges equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1)
- Implementation notes:
- Rules as written
- Since this is a slight alteration of Tempest Domain's Destructive Wrath feature, I've just mostly used what was already there
- Progression:
- Level 2: Gain Consuming Fervor
- Implementation notes:
- Rules as written
- Since this is a slight alteration of Tempest Domain's Thunderbolt Strike feature, I've just mostly used what was already there
- Now has a toggle to turn it off, as demonstrated in Tempest Cleric - Thunderbolt Strike Toggle
- Progression:
- Level 6: Gain Resounding Strike
- Implementation notes:
- Rules as written
- Fixes base game bug allowing Divine Strike to be used multiple times per turn
- Fixes base game incorrect icons
- Extra damage is magical
- Extra damage increases at level 14
- Progression:
- Level 8: Gain Divine Strike: Weapon
- Level 14: Divine Strike: Weapon damage increases
- Implementation notes:
- I had to alter this one a bit to fit the constraints of BG3, but I've done my best to keep it as close to the spirit of the rules as I can
- Once per long rest, when an enemy's attack takes you to 0 hit points, the attacker will take 5d10 Fire damage & 5d10 Thunder damage
- This is a passive that can be toggled off
- Progression:
- Level 17: Gain Blaze of Glory