About this mod
Replaces a few items by Wyll's bed in the Elfsong Tavern camp with ones he had in other camps, including his original abacus.
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Hi!! This was actually made before the Baldur's Gate 3 July Modathon started, but I hadn't finished the mod page or uploaded the file yet 😅 I uh...procrastinated on releasing this, a bit! Or a lot.. Turns out I'm releasing it right in time to participate in the Modathon, though??
So, here we go! Wyll's Elfsong Camp Tweaks, mainly made to bring back Wyll's original abacus from other camps, but also tweaks a couple other items he has, too.
One of the details I love dearly about Wyll is his original abacus, actually! Like, the giant gold-plated one he’s got in his camp throughout the game. Except for the Elfsong Tavern! Which has always made me sad, honestly. He's lugging the equivalent of a giant gold-plated graphing calculator through the woods the whole game, and then he finally gets a permanent place to sleep and it's gone?? He clearly loved that thing, what happened to it?!? (I am, however, obsessed with the fact he has another, different abacus in the Elfsong. He just refuses to be without an abacus apparently and I love that about him like, for real...)
This mod gives him his original abacus back, though! Now he has two 💗 It also gives him a couple other items (specifically, a stack of books and a music box, the latter of which I sadly haven't figured out how to make interactable yet, while also preventing you from just...taking it 😅 That's his music box, let him keep it!!! I'd like to figure out how to make it interactable in the future, though.)
These items replace a couple ones he already had by his bed in the Elfsong, which, uh, it's just replacing a crate and a burlap sack. You probably won't miss them. You can find a comparison to see what I replaced in the mod page images!
This mod will likely conflict with anything else editing Wyll's Elfsong camp scenery, which can be found in this file:
This mod doesn't edit any other aspect of his Elfsong camp, any aspects of his other camp setups, or any other files, though! There's multiple files that are part of each camp setup; this only edits his Scenery file. Anything that doesn't edit that file should be compatible.
Mod load order probably won't matter, but let me know if you run into any issues!
Install via BG3 Mod Manager, and enjoy!
(By the way, I just released a game of my own! If you like my work and would like to support me, you can check it out on itch.io here:
It'd mean a lot if you gave it a look!!! 💗🌼
You can also support me on ko-fi here!: https://ko-fi.com/herotune
It's the same ko-fi I use for my art, but I'll never paywall my mods. Thanks for taking a look, if you do!!)
Mods used in previews:
- Terpsichore - Wyll Edits
- Wyll's Devil Form
- More Camp Idles for Wyll and Astarion
- Native Camera Tweaks
Modathon achievements for this mod 🌟!!!: