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This map can be tricky to navigate at lower levels. The main area (where you fight Nere in the campaign) is very open and it's easy to get nuked to death if you stand and fight there. The enclosed area with the ladder is better because it has some cover, but it's littered with spawn points, so you'll be dealing with enemies appearing on top of you constantly. However, once your party has enough movement and range to reach the upper walkways/overlooks before the fight gets underway, it becomes a shooting gallery :)

Potato and Tomato builds:

Trials of Tav v1.10.1
- Bias: balanced
- Enemy scaling: 30
- Challenge mode: off
- Honour mode

Full mod list:
Community Library v2.2.8.5
Custom Companions v2.1.1.2
Wet Nerf v1.0.0
Combat Extender AI v1.1.4
Rebalance - Nerfs v1.0.2
Rebalance - Level 6 Spells v1.0.6
Rebalance - Level 5 Spells v1.0.2
Rebalance - Level 4 Spells v1.1.0
Rebalance - Level 3 Spells v1.1.0
Rebalance - Level 2 Spells v1.1.1
Rebalance - Level 1 Spells v1.0.10
Rebalance - Cantrips v1.0.9
Rebalance - Feats v1.0.3
5e Spells v2.1.0.6
Tasha's Fighting Styles v1.0.1.2
Reckless Attack 5e v1.0.1
Dr. Kekyll's Grappling Framework v1.2.0.5
Expansion (w/ Bladesinger) v1.1.0.3
Trials of Tav - a roguelike mode v1.10.1
Compatibility Framework v2.6.3.12

2StatusRowsonSidebar v1.3.0
CPCCE v1.2.0
DynamicSidebarUW v1.2.9
ImprovedUI v3.21.0
ModFixer v0.0.0