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Aiden D

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About this mod

This mod replaces Arkham Origins Penguin with Arkham City Penguin. There is an optional file for Cold, Cold Heart.

Permissions and credits
This mod was pretty fun to make, especially in the WIP process for the facial anims haha. I had to do a slightly strange method for the mesh to work since the head mesh for Penguin makes the textures go NULL, but Pengling Penguin came out really good in the end.
The features are:
  • Working FaceFX (Can look clunky sometimes though)
  • Working Coat Physics
  • Cold, Cold Heart variant (Isn't in a DLC folder due to Cold, Cold Heart already being a DLC) 
  • Replaces the Character Trophy
  • An accurate amount of Penwing Oswald Cobblepot for you to enjoy

1. First, you will need to download TFC Installer off of Nexus.

2. Set Arkham Origins as your Game Folder, it should look something like this:
YOURDRIVE:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Batman Arkham Origins

3. Extract the Zip file that comes with my mod, and open TFC Installer. Click on "Texture Pack / Game patch", and direct it to the extracted mod folder.

4. Click "Update Batman: Arkham Origins", and wait for it to load. Then you can launch the game and check the mod out!