There are already a lot of new game plus ready saves on the nexus. This one, however, has 100% everything in story mode, except the proximity detonation upgrade. The dark knight systems are all completed, including the worst nightmare system, which really was a nightmare.
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I never liked the proximity detonation upgrade in Arkham Asylum. It always messed up my set ups in stealth. I don't want the game to decide when to detonate my explosive gel, I decide. So if it bothers you as well and you also want a save where you don't have to complete the extremely poorly implemented worst nightmare system then this is the save for you.
Be warned, this playthrough was on hard difficulty so new game plus will be on nightmare (or whatever the arkham origins equivalent is called).
To install just open the game and create a new save in the first slot, you don't need to enter the game, just having the save in the menu is fine. Then, whilst on the menu screen with the story, online, graphics options etc tab out of the game and open the save file folder. This is usually located in steam/userdata/userid(long number)/209000 if you have the steam version. Replace the file with the same name as mine with my file. Then go back to your game and exit to the save selector menu and you should find my save installed. If this doesn't work or if you encounter issues with the save file it could be because I was playing with the Arkham Origins community patch by Wastelander121. Try installing that if it doesn't work.