About this mod
Recolors the Robin skin to the Red, Green, and Yellow traditional style of the comics and tv show.
This mod removes falling snow.
Robin "R" insignia by TheEspio001
EDIT: Add the following line to your mesh code to remove Executioner Gloves -
set RAddContentPlayerCharacterMesh bUseShockGloves false
Use Texmod to load
- Permissions and credits
To change this use a TFP extractor to open the file, remove the BATMANORIGINSOLD.EXE_0x0BEF66A9 file and rebuild the mod and the snow will reappear.
Recolors suit to the traditional colors from the comics and tv show.
Requires Mesh Swapping to use since Online play no longer exists.
Mesh Codes:
set RAddContentPlayerCharacterMesh MainMesh SkeletalMesh'Robin_OZ.Mesh.Robin_Head'
set RAddContentPlayerCharacterMesh BodyMesh SkeletalMesh'Robin_OZ.Mesh.Robin_Body'
set RAddContentPlayerCharacterMesh CapeMesh SkeletalMesh'Robin_OZ.Mesh.Robin_Cape'
set RAddContentPlayerCharacterMesh HairMesh SkeletalMesh'Robin_OZ.Mesh.Robin_Hair'
set RAddContentPlayerCharacterMesh DisableHeadDepthBias True
set RAddContentPlayerCharacterMesh CapeMeshDepthBias 1.000000
set RAddContentPlayerCharacterMesh bUseShockGloves false
Quick overview of how to use mesh swapping:
In your "Batman Arkham Origins\SinglePlayer\DLC\257070" folder, open the BmInput.ini file with Windows Notepad. (If no folder exists, create one - If no .ini file exists, create one of those as well)
In the ini file, using notepad, copy and paste: .Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="exec Console.txt")
Save and close. (Make sure to include the . before Bindings)
Now, create a text file using Windows Notepad and title it, "Console."
In that file copy and paste the mesh codes as seen above.
Save this file to your "Batman Arkham Origins\SinglePlayer\Binaries" folder.
Open Arkham Origins game with Texmod including this mod.
Go to Trophy Room and click on Robin Trophy (If you don't have the Robin Trohpy, you'll probably need a 100% Save game.)
Once open, click your F12 button a bunch of times. Exit Trophy Room.
Proceed to open the main story. As the Game is loading, press the F12 button repeatedly until the game starts. If Robin appears in place of Batman then you've successfully swapped meshes. If not, try again.
If you're still having trouble with this, Please see either Mr JAG's or Caplag's Youtube pages for video tutorials on Mesh Swapping.