About this mod
A hybrid of the Origins Dark Knight, and the "The Dark Knight" 2008 movie batsuit.
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
- Donations
A reskin of the Origins Dark Knight batsuit.
This skin will load over the Origins Dark Knight suit.
This skin is compatible with my "No Suit Damage" mod, so you can have that loaded in your texmod list as well as one of these variations.
These skins have been released on the "Arkham Origins Community" and "Batman Arkham
Games" modding forums via my alternate alias of Omega1.
Texmod download link - http://www.mediafire.com/download/ple61b9jefa5srm/texmod.rar
- Texmod is required to load the TPF file.
- Texmod does not work with dx11 features enabled. You will need to disable this feature as outlined by Sam_Wayne93:
"Go to your Batman Arkham Origins Folder
Batman Arkham OriginsSinglePlayerBMGame
open the file BmEngine.ini and find the line 'AllowD3D11=True' and replace it with 'False', then save"
I recommend making a backup of any files you change just in case.
- STEAM USERS may encounter some issues getting Texmod to load correctly.
I have to follow the following process to engage both loading and
logging capabilities.
#1 - You will quite possibly need to go to your Batman Arkham Origins Folder in steamapps, Batman Arkham
OriginsSinglePlayerBinariesWin32 folder.
#2 - IMPORTANT - Make a backup of your BatmanOrigins.exe just for safety.
#3 - Next, you will need to rename the BatmanOrigins.exe to something like
BatmanOriginsOriginal (doesn't matter what you call it really).
#4 - Rename the Texmod.exe to BatmanOrigins.exe and place it in the Binaries/Win32 folder with the other .exe
#5 - When you start the game through steam as normal, TEXMOD should pop-up
at this point. Set the Target Application as your newly titled ".exe"
(in my case BatmanOriginsOriginal.exe), load a TPF mod by clicking the
red "X" and browsing for the file you want, and enjoy.
If you would like to use my work in your own projects then by all means do so, however a little credit would be nice!