- Refine results Found 8 results. 57 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
With this mod loader you will be able to have more than 500 missions. You are able to load only a part of your mod collection which needs less than 500 missions. So the mission limit is still active, but you can easily switch between your mods. Already Working Features: enabling/disabling mods function to reme
- 1.8MB
- 678
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With this mod loader you will be able to have more than 500 missions. You are able to load only a part of your mod collection which needs less than 500 missions. So the mission limit is still active, but you can easily switch between your mods. Already Working Features: enabling/disabling mods function to reme
Battlefront 2 Hardcore Mode (Difficulty Mod)
This is simple and fun mod I made for a request, it's basically an edit of the vanilla sides. You get killed after 1 or 2 shots and headshots will kill you instantly. It's a more immersive way to play BF2 making the experience similar to a real battlefield where one would take cover and avoid risks in order to stay alive..
- 251.6MB
- 63
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Battlefront 2 Hardcore Mode (Difficulty Mod)
This is simple and fun mod I made for a request, it's basically an edit of the vanilla sides. You get killed after 1 or 2 shots and headshots will kill you instantly. It's a more immersive way to play BF2 making the experience similar to a real battlefield where one would take cover and avoid risks in order to stay alive..
Star wars battlefront mod tools installer
i didnt make this, this is a reupload.
Adds 5 prequel game missions. To play load all 'BFP Missions' from Instant Action:Naboo Theed Day, Tatooine Capture the Bounties, Kashyyyk Wookies VS Mandalorians, Acklay VS Jedi, and Geonosis Space.• Redone Gungans, Naboo, Civilian, Wookie, Mando, Jedi, and Geonosians.• New weapons and models.• Full 1st person
- 181.8MB
- 14
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Adds 5 prequel game missions. To play load all 'BFP Missions' from Instant Action:Naboo Theed Day, Tatooine Capture the Bounties, Kashyyyk Wookies VS Mandalorians, Acklay VS Jedi, and Geonosis Space.• Redone Gungans, Naboo, Civilian, Wookie, Mando, Jedi, and Geonosians.• New weapons and models.• Full 1st person
Reshade to make SWBF2 Look more vibrant and Modern
halo's cinematic reshade preset
just a quick reshade preset made to make the game a bit more cinematic and bright
- 5KB
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halo's cinematic reshade preset
just a quick reshade preset made to make the game a bit more cinematic and bright
A collection of popular background themes for the Star Wars Battlefront II main menu.
No point in downloading yet - this is just an example/test