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BattleTech mod (using BTML) that makes mechs, that have been assembled by parts, spawn in the mechbay completly broken.

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BattleTech mod (using BTML) that makes mechs, that have been assembled by parts, spawn in the mechbay completly broken.


This mod is balanced, and build to be used as part of RogueTech, they are included there. They all work outside of the pack, but for best experience, i recommend them to be used with the pack.

  • Assembled mechs from parts appear in your mechbay broken.
  • This makes it more realistic, because you have to spent time and money to actually bring them to the field.

- HeadRepaired - bool - default false - Head has a 100% chance to appear in mechbay already repaired.
- LeftArmRepaired - bool - default false - Left arm has a 100% chance to appear in mechbay already repaired.
- RightArmRepaired - bool - default false - Right arm has a 100% chance to appear in mechbay already repaired.
- CentralTorsoRepaired - bool - default false - Center torso has a 100% chance to appear in mechbay already repaired.
- LeftTorsoRepaired - bool - default false - Left torso has a 100% chance to appear in mechbay already repaired.
- RightTorsoRepaired - bool - default false - Right torso has a 100% chance to appear in mechbay already repaired.
- LeftLegRepaired - bool - default false - Left leg has a 100% chance to appear in mechbay already repaired.
- RightLegRepaired - bool - default false - Right leg has a 100% chance to appear in mechbay already repaired.
- RepairMechLimbs - bool - default false - Activate random repair chance for limps not set to true above.
- RepairMechLimbsChance - float - default 0.75 - The chance for each limp to be repaired.
- RandomStructureOnRepairedLimbs - bool - default false - Will make repaired limps spawn with a random number of sctructure points left.
- RepairMechComponents - bool - default false - Toggles if the mech spawns with or without it's component(weapons and so on) repaired or destroyed.
- RepairComponentsFunctionalThreshold - float - default 0.25 - Chance any repaired componant has to be completely repaired when RepairMechComponents is set to true.
- RepairComponentsNonFunctionalThreshold - float - default 0.5 - Chance any repaired componant has to be broken(but repairable) when - RepairMechComponents is set to true.
- AssembleVariants - bool - default true - Mechs of the same base model will now be assembled when the max partcount is reached, the actual mech that gets assembled is chance based with more parts = higher chance.
- AssembleMostParts - bool - default true - Variants will be assembled as the mech with the most parts instead of the chance based system.
- VariantExceptions - List<string> - default [] - List of mechids that will behave like vanilla and not be used for variant assembly. example ["mechdef_atlas_AS7-D","mechdef_awesome_AWS-8Q"]
- UseWeightThresholds - bool - default false - activate Different number of parts for different tonnage needed to assemble
- WeightThresholds - List<int> - default [ 0, 0, 40, 45, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80, 85, 95, 95 ] - If using weight thresholds this determines the number of parts needed for each weight. Each entry is one part. for example here: 0-39 = 2; 40-44 = 3; 95-100 = 12

Every component that is neither Functional nor NonFunctional will be destroyed even so you set RepairMechComponents to true.

  • After installing BTML, put everything into \BATTLETECH\Mods\ folder.
  • If you want different settings set it in the settings.json.
  • Start the game.