Golden effects for Nun Bayonetta
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About this mod
Changes all of the effects for the Nun outfit to be golden, with some extra "holy" details
(Update edit:) Adds new Bayonetta 2 style effects in addition to base effect edits.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This also includes some extra details in having - Angel double jump wings, lush flowers following when running, a lumen symbol when summoning pulleys butterflys or using the infernal communicator, and some other things that I'm probably forgetting.
This mod has been a wip for awhile now, and was put off due to heavy workloads in school, it doesn't seem like things will clear up any time soon so rather than have this rot in my computer for months on end I'm just gonna give the almost final result now.
There are a few things I'd like to touch up on, but all are just minor things that are easy to ignore like some moves having a touch of red in them still and what not.
If any modders likes the look of these effects and wants to use them for their own creations, by just straight up copying the .eff files from this or by changing them to suit your needs, go right on ahead, these effects were a pain in the ass to change and if I can save you the trouble then I am happy to share.
I will probably come back to this eventually and update it, but for now I will leave you with this ^^
(Update edit:)
- I've learned a whole lot about the effects system in this game since I first made this mod, and the WHOLE THING has been completely revamped. this is a whole new mod at this point as basically none of the original files remain completely the same.
- Things that have changed:
- Every attack is now far more orange than sheer yellow, more accurate to the Lumen sage effects in Bayonetta 2, I was unable to get this effect the first time around due to an abundance of red streaks always appearing every time I had anything that wasn't overwhelmingly yellow. This is because there was a few values that I had overlooked the first time as I only really knew how to alter the RGBA values.
- New textures have been added, Last time I was only able to change the textures that appeared in the pl0000.eff/TEX file, but not the ones in core.eff/TEX as core is linked to the whole game and not just the outfit, but now I've found out I just have to copy paste the core TEX files into the pl TEX files to be able to edit them in isolation.
- Brand new effects have been created to mimic Bayonetta 2, such as the symbols beneath the players feet when walking, landing on the ground, and the Lumen Double Jump (This does mean that the wings are now gone) (Also shout out to Creative Handle for helping me figure out how to add in more effects into one effect file!)
- And other effects have been slightly altered to again make the more accurate to the B2 experience or just to look better.
I am still going to update this later as it isn't actually complete yet, there's still a lot of work left to do, but I'm going to be losing access to my computer for a fair amount of time pretty soon due to my family moving across the country so I'm just gonna post this now.
That said any feedback is highly encouraged and I would love to hear any ideas you may have in regards to what I can do to make the effects better / more B2 accurate.
I hope you guys enjoy this!
Oh also all files are still free to use for your own mods, asking isnt required but I would love it if you could show me the result of your work!
(Install Info:)
To install go to the Bayonetta directory, in the data folder, then plunk this file into the pl folder, if you dont have a pl folder then just create a folder named "pl" and use that.