Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a critically acclaimed RPG that immerses you in an epic adventure taking place in the Holy Roman Empire. Featuring a realistic medieval setting KCD offers hours upon hours of content, several DLCs, as well as modding tools provided by the developers Warhorse Studios.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance along with Aztez is now available for free on the Epic Games store. If you are in need for an epic, moddable RPG, then make sure to grab it before 20th February.

While a 100% discount is very hard to beat, note that KCD is also available on both GOG and Steam
Once you got your hands on a copy of KCD, make sure to check out the vast catalogue of mods available on our site, or maybe even check out the modding tools and get creative yourself. If the latter sounds appealing to you, make sure to check out our KCD modding documentation.
Example mod list for realistic graphics in Kingdom Come: Deliverance:
Ambient Occlusion Fix
Kingdom Come More Puddles
HD Wood Logs WIP
All the pretty horses reloaded
Pixelated edges Be-Gone
Comments locked
A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingSeriously, remove this from front pages. no reason to have a free game offer from 4 months ago on a front page.
Ridiculousness like this make me look forward to the next K-T Boundary event.
ps: If someone misses this or wants the game DRM free and cheaper (when not free) GOG has it on sale $14.99 of their $29.99 "DRM FREE as games should be" normal price.
And what, pray tell, is the "catch"?
Explain without donning a Foil Hat.
Second one it's well letting everyone know where they can get it with no DRM.
Keep throwing the fish line eventually someone will get the bait and keep you entertained. Enjoy your sunday
Ah, well, keep casting lines, maybe you'll get someone else to bite, but I'm done, as I'm not wasting my time with somebody who makes assertions without anything to back it up. Bye.
Tencent ALSO have some part of Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft, Paradox Interactive,, Riot Games, Platinum Games and few others that work for PC/console platforms. I'm 10000000000% sure and can bet a life of myself that you and many others stupid people like you, whos complain about that, have played games from those companies and have an account in and Uplay.
The truth is- EVERYONE collecting information about you in net, welcome to the 21st century. The Search engine that you use to serfing net is collecting data about you(Google, Yahoo, Yandex, etc). a STEAM has always collect data, even your PC specs, since he became a multi-sale platform for other publishers. A is owned by one of the most greed company of the gamedev- Activision, and trust me, they're collecting all info about everyone even beyond of their launcher. In fact, there exist a companies that offering a collecting data about specific groups of people, potential customers, they are collecting/buying/re-selling data about market and provides an analyzes of anything, providing a better information what to sell and how to sell it. Thats how WORKS MARKETING in 21st century.
And so what a problem? it's like, idk : "Oh NoOoOoOo a China collecting information about me, WhEn ThEy StArT WaR AnD InVaDe My CoUnTrY ThEy GoNnA kNow EvErYtHiNg AbOuT My GaMiNg InTeReStS and WheRe i'm LivInG and My CrEdIt CaRd, It'S goNnA bE lEaKeD"
Like Steam had no data leaks about personal info of users, he HAD, and not only login and passwords of users database, but also personal ifo aka credit cards.
i also never had any problem with epic, and the game is/was free so i don't see any problem
got the hd packs(free) installed mods(manual) tweaked the user file and i'm a happy player
you don't like epic fine, just don't cry about it, you like/dislike steam fine, you like/dislike gog fine to, i don't care, free is free no strings attached :P
I still see a price tag of $11.99 (I'm from South East Asia)
Man, I wish I had known about the free game thing a long time ago.
In fact, KCD was first offered for free on GOG months ago, but that flew under the radar. In the last few days I've seen several other sites pushing this exact same deal.
Thanks, but no thanks. I will never use a service that resorts to the sleezy tactics Epic has employed. Not to mention their close ties to Tencent.
Any and all suggestions more then welcomed.
I tested a handful before posting that and they all appeared to work.
I try to use: "Unlimited Savings", "Durability Fix"; Lockpicking overhaul" and "Aiming Dot"
Bow Dot Reticle -
This is not a "mod" it's a simple config file. If you double click the mod in Vortex and set the "modtype" to "dinput" it will install correctly.
Unlimited Saving -
Installs fine.
Durable weapons and armors -
Installs fine.
Lockpicking Overhaul -
Installs fine.
Edit: I misread a couple of file names before, so I've updated my post.
repacking the mods solves the problem!
all mods and the Bow Dot config file are working fine