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About this mod

This mod adds a few wrist-mounted gadgets including a hidden blade, expanding shield, grapple, flamethrower and the phantom blade.

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PCVR version | Nomad version

Assassin's Arsenal

This mod adds a few wrist-mounted gadgets in the form of armour pieces. Once the armour piece is equipped, you can activate the gadget by first holding trigger double press (underarm) or trigger single press (overarm) and then pressing grip. Letting go of grip will deactivate the gadget. Whilst a spell is loaded in a hand, that hand cannot prime any gadgets. All gadgets occupy the Wrist layer which means you can equip only one gadget at a time. If you want to equip multiple, you will first have to combine them by putting an overarm gadget onto an underarm gadget.

You can swap the controls in the mod settings. NOTE: There is a bug with mod option linkers that prevents them from saving across sessions. You will have to change the settings every time you restart the game. fixed with the latest game patch 1.0.4
This mod was heavily inspired by Tools of the Trade and was created without any scripting (partly as a challenge and partly to ensure Nomad support for when 1.0 drops for Nomad).

Hidden blade (underarm)
On activation a blade will unfold from your wrist.
Appears in the Shop at T2 on the weapon rack.

Expanding shield (overarm)
On activation a shield will deploy on your wrist.
Appears in the Shop at T2 on the shield rack.

Grapple (overarm)
On activation a grappling hook will be launched in the direction of your hand and if it connects to an object allows you to pull it towards you or you to it. If you keep holding trigger you can press alt-use to fire a second hook to tether two objects together. Once letting go of trigger you can use trigger or alt-use to retract or extend the grapple/tether. Tethering two static objects together (like the environment) will create a zip line between the points. The zip line can be destroyed by damaging it with a weapon. The tether can be destroyed by grabbing one of the hooks and holding alt-use for 1 second.
Appears in the Shop at T1 in the weapon rack.



Flamethrower (overarm):
On activation a flame will blast from your wrist. Letting go of trigger will stop the flamethrower and can be reactivated by pressing trigger again.
Appears in the Shop at T3 on the weapon rack.

Phantom Blade (underarm):
On activation a blade will unfold from your wrist as well as a crossbow. You can load a phantom bolt into it and shoot by pressing trigger.
Appears in the Shop at T3 on the weapon rack.