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File credits
Hidden blade by 3Df3ver: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/assassins-creed-hidden-blade-edward-kenway-12da79d86a724029a2038428ddf9fb34 Shield by Zoey: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/round-iron-shield-8204132a58564f09887bac39d0b7e8ab Grapple by Aegis_Wolf: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/custom-halo-infinite-grappling-hook-1b055ccb97834a1ebf4c246070a0c224 Flamethrower by sergusster: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/inquisitor-5000-b9521382ba464ce284f8dc6da41773d0 Phantom Blade by petas: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/phantom-blade-from-assassins-creed-unity-1883062cf59e488c833244eeb1e36c3e
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Version 1.4.1
fixed spell swapping not disabling the gadgets
fixed left phantom blade animating in right hand
Version 1.4.0
added underarm gadget phantom blade
Version 1.3.2
disabled telekinesis while a gadget is primed
added mod option to disable priming sfx
Version 1.3.1
disabled priming of gadget if hand has spell selected
Version 1.3.0
updated to 1.0.4
mod options now save across sessions
Version 1.2.8
fixed a regression from last fix that prevents owning a merged gadget
Version 1.2.7
fixed an issue that spawned the hidden blades in the store as player owned preventing you from buying them
Version 1.2.6
fixed an issue causing the primed state to be stuck
potential fix for the "speed glitch"
Version 1.2.5
fixed an issue with expanding shield breaking your hand
Version 1.2.4
added audio and visual cues for priming hidden blade, grapple and shield
changed hidden blade sfx
fixed left hand grapple aim help listening for right hand grip
Version 1.2.3
changed over- and underarm back to Wrist layer (can only wear one at a time) so you can wear gloves
added merge functionality to equip two items on the same slot
fixed an issue that allowed you to prime a gadget whilst grabbing
fixed an issue that would cause the inventory ball to fall to the ground
improved the items stats and descriptions
Version 1.2.2
fixed expanding shield left not being in the correct category
added visual and audio cue for priming flamethrower
Version 1.2.1
changed control scheme yet again (sorry) to single vs double trigger
flamethrower can now be turned on/off whilst holding
added mod options to swap inputs, show aim help and grapple reel speed
added separate item book category
Version 1.2.0
added a flamethrower (overarm)
Version 1.1.0
added distinction between under and over arm gadgets including different activation inputs
you can now wear over- and underarm gadgets on the same hand at the same time
fixed an issue allowing you to grab the tether hook before it was shot
fixed an issue where some armour would disable the gadgets (overlapping layers)
Version 1.0.4
added aim trajectory for grapple
Version 1.0.3
fixed hidden blade penetration depth
Version 1.0.2
fixed an issue where when un-grab was prevented, a second gadget could be summoned
fixed an issue with Armour Swap and hidden blade, shield interaction
Version 1.0.1
fixed grapple alt-use interaction opening the spell wheel on touch controllers
changed grapple no longer requires jumping to lift you off the ground
This mod adds a few wrist-mounted gadgets in the form of armour pieces. Once the armour piece is equipped, you can activate the gadget by first holding trigger double press (underarm) or trigger single press (overarm) and then pressing grip. Letting go of grip will deactivate the gadget. Whilst a spell is loaded in a hand, that hand cannot prime any gadgets. All gadgets occupy the Wrist layer which means you can equip only one gadget at a time. If you want to equip multiple, you will first have to combine them by putting an overarm gadget onto an underarm gadget.
You can swap the controls in the mod settings. NOTE: There is a bug with mod option linkers that prevents them from saving across sessions. You will have to change the settings every time you restart the game. fixed with the latest game patch 1.0.4 This mod was heavily inspired by Tools of the Trade and was created without any scripting (partly as a challenge and partly to ensure Nomad support for when 1.0 drops for Nomad).
Hidden blade (underarm) On activation a blade will unfold from your wrist. Appears in the Shop at T2 on the weapon rack.
Expanding shield (overarm) On activation a shield will deploy on your wrist. Appears in the Shop at T2 on the shield rack.
Grapple (overarm) On activation a grappling hook will be launched in the direction of your hand and if it connects to an object allows you to pull it towards you or you to it. If you keep holding trigger you can press alt-use to fire a second hook to tether two objects together. Once letting go of trigger you can use trigger or alt-use to retract or extend the grapple/tether. Tethering two static objects together (like the environment) will create a zip line between the points. The zip line can be destroyed by damaging it with a weapon. The tether can be destroyed by grabbing one of the hooks and holding alt-use for 1 second. Appears in the Shop at T1 in the weapon rack.
Flamethrower (overarm): On activation a flame will blast from your wrist. Letting go of trigger will stop the flamethrower and can be reactivated by pressing trigger again. Appears in the Shop at T3 on the weapon rack.
Phantom Blade (underarm): On activation a blade will unfold from your wrist as well as a crossbow. You can load a phantom bolt into it and shoot by pressing trigger. Appears in the Shop at T3 on the weapon rack.