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About this mod

The Funniest mod for Blade and sorcery
Adds 1000 new Lines to the game insane funny and outrageous.

Permissions and credits
Jack The Fallouts Comedy Voice pack.

this mod now has over 1000 lines of new voices,  all recorded by one person this includes the male and female characters there are some random things and hilarious voice lines you would never expect to hear.

Don't Believe me hear it from some of the most famous people across the multiverse

earth-C3F2 -  Johanna Depp "one of the most Awe inspiring mods available 
for the worlds most popular game I recommend playing on mushrooms" 

Earth-W1899 - Billy The kid "almoost leek reel loaf" 

Earth-565  - Post Malone "Dude this is incredible bro,  I have not laughed this much since yesterday when 
Kermit the frog Died in a housefire" 

Just amazing - Female Johnny Depp a wild west that has VR and not proper school, 
post Malone with no tattoos and muppets are alive,  well not Kermit anymore. 

The Hidden Lore of CVP2 is here Watch the video Featuring Kevin

some of the voice lines are. 
"Seth Rogan the man the myth the pit"
"Look at your own face"
"Guess who’s dead? Dead again"
"lick my sweat"
"You Must be that Stripper I ordered I want a Refund"
"I don't want to Die a Virgin" 
"HA! I GOT HIM!... No wait that's my body never mind"
"I had Sexual relations with a centaur,  Find Numbtits and tell him I love him"
"The human brain remains alive for 12 seconds, enough for me to tell you I enjoyed your mom last night"

There are also multiple cameos from creators and people you may know.

How to install it?
Go into the streaming assets folder in the Blade and Sorcery install location, 
move this mod into the mod folder,  extract it, and enjoy your mod.  

if your having issues with Getting it working try reloading your game. 

Like what you see you can support me here 
YouTube  Twitter  Discord 

Remember this mod has a lot of, 
dark humour some might find offensive 
so no complaining as I warned you.